


Oh my goodness, what a delightful surprise! Is he the one behind all of this? I stumbled upon a cozy little room with a twinkling tent in the corner. As I approached, I noticed a heart-shaped box of candy, a pile of fluffy pillows, and even a laptop. What could he be up to? What is he up to?

" Wondering I wasn't present yet? " He is wearing my favorite T-shirt.

It always looks good on him. Got heated. It's time to stop the fire before it gets too hot. As he entered the little tent, he embraced me with his lips on my neck. Feeling his breath hit my skin. I think he is starting the fire. Is he provoking me? When my body felt the sensation, I didn't wait for him to finish, went a kiss directly on his lips. It took us hours for making that. He w

Didn't even watch the movie or eat the candy. I lay on the floor in the morning all alone. He started. I thought forgiving him would change things. He came late from work. Honestly, I thought he was at the bar or something. As formerly, he hooks up with his friends most of the time. The ones I dispute. Whenever I have to talk about them to him, my heart beats faster than before, just waiting for my chest to explode. What if my relationship ends here? The one I most enjoyed. Maybe he went to work early, so let me stop exaggerating. Just calm down Annie, don't overthink it.

Oh, hell no. My head is all in pain. I wonder how in the world am I to go to work. Maybe I should just take a day off. I don't even have too much ok on my plate, let me say nothing.

Oh, my bad! My bad! He asked me on a date I almost forgot. Perhaps he is waiting for me to arrive. That fancy vintage restaurant!!!

Ok, I have to get myself ready. I have to look fabulous, I should be the one to still the attention of the whole restaurant. Imagine if I arrived looking terrible, embarrassing my partner, that would be such a turn-off for the whole day. People are always people in restaurants. Always seeking some topics to gossip about so I don't want to be the topic of the day.

Enough about talking too much which won't help at the moment. Where is that sparkling blue dress of mine? That would be the perfect outfit for the day. Ohh! And the missing piece:my diamond bracelet which matches my skin tone. Pink shoes would match my lipstick and my new purse. With this outfit, Johnson wouldn't take his marbles off me. Starring at me for the whole day is what he would do. So I got myself ready within a split second. Pacing toward my car. Immediately when I got into the car, I drove myself to the place of destination.

Mesmerized by the fancy restaurant, I revied the view so many times that I didn't believe it. This is unique. I have never been to such a place before.

It looks like the surprised king is nowhere to be seen, so let me just book myself a sit in the meantime. I wonder when is he going to arrive

I waited and waited, still, there was no sign of him.

On the road amid couples, I was sitting all alone. Greedy. During the beauty of love expressed in so many. At that moment I stopped and wished it was me. Like, why can't I be adorned in the same way? What's so different about me cause I am a woman too. Maybe he will come around who knows if I am just too in a hurry?

" Hello Madam, can I make you something? It seems you have been waiting for too long, I am sure you must be hungry. Said the waiter giggling as if he was making a joke. To be truthful, it wasn't funny for me, I found it disrespectful.

" No, don't worry about me, I am just waiting for someone, you know... Late dates." I said putting on a joker's smile on my face.

" Come on... You must be hungry, it's way too long." He kept on insisting and that annoyed me the most. What can I say, my stomach is making terrible sounds which caused the attention of people next to me.

" Ok, fine! Can I have a. Delmonico, with a French onion soup and a fresh herb risotto? As for a beverage, I will have a cocktail."

" Which kind of cocktail beverage ?"

" The one of your choice.,"

" Ok, I will be back in about... 20 minutes, enjoy.,"

" Thank you"

He finally stepped away, I can breathe now!!! Thank God. Even though I met him for a few minutes, he is so annoying. What if he has been targeting me the minute I stepped into this place? Anyway, never mind!!!

The main issue is when is Johnson going to arrive.

I kept waiting and waiting until my eyelids decided to close themselves to the tiredness. When the clock struck nine, the waiter should up. He didn't wake me up, I was aroused by the smell of the food and the hunger living in my stomach.

I enjoyed every single piece of food served in front of me. How delicious. At least there is something I enjoyed today.

All of this let to make one decision. For once and for all. Immediately after finishing my food, I am off to go. No more waiting. I have made a fool of myself. It's enough. I mean what is the use of coming to this place anyway if your date is not going to show up?

Does he even know how embarrassed I was? Every table consisted of couples in front me and behind me. I was the only one who was a loner. Can you imagine that? Make people think I just came to destroy their relationships because I seem like a third wheel in that place. I am going to hope need A NAP!!!!
