

So many people have captivating eyes. You have a connection just by looking. The way he speaks, the grace in the sound of his voice that is both tactile and gentlemanly. I won't lie, he seemed like a player, but if he played me, I don't think I'd mind so far as I got to interact with him.

As a cause, he is new, the reason he is grabbing a lot of attention from me. I can't help to ignore him. It just keeps on clicking in my mind. Where was he hiding all along? If I knew him back then, I wouldn't be single by now, just me.

He makes my blood keep on boiling. Whenever he approaches my office, I am in a lot of fear about my appearance in his eyes. What if I am dreadful? Would he mind?

Melting is what I do often on this day. My soul keeps on accepting this heat and I don't even know how the hell is it going to bust out of my chest. I want the taste of his tongue to make things pop. That's what my throat is looking for. My heart has created a room for only two to rejoice and make love in paradise. The question is, will that come into reality or it's just one of the impossible things?

Something is so uniquely bountiful about him. Profound in a tender way. What if he just dropped from the sky out of nowhere? Just for me! An angel sent by God to grip the feeling of affection towards Annie. I just can't believe it.

I must say, the sight of him was truly breathtaking! The crystals on his face sparkled brilliantly, drawing my gaze inescapably towards him. His lips, a soft shade of red, were just waiting to be kissed. And as for his hair, well, it was simply magnificent! I couldn't help but be mesmerized by its beauty. All in all, it was a sight I won't be forgetting anytime soon.

The gentleman had a blonde haircut with black edges, which gave him a charming appearance. His nose was slightly upturned, which admittedly made it possible to see his mucus from a distance, though this was not off-putting to me. Despite this minor physical detail, I found him quite attractive. As for the hairstyle itself, I am unsure of its name.

If only I could get my hands on that man, my life will be filled with a male figure and get to close that desperation that everyone saw in my eyes.

The question is:where he gets his eyes into mine? Also, my appearance if I may say. Will he see the delegate wife I would be? I won't give him any reason to complain besides I am unique.

Something is strange,

I feel like I've seen him before... Maybe we crossed paths in our childhood? Or maybe it's just a coincidence that his face reminds me of someone from back then. Either way, I can't shake off this feeling of familiarity.

Anyway, enough about the new charming newbie at work, that time when I was so bored in my office and urgently needed some fresh arrival, my ears caught a voice of a talkative lady talking on the phone. From the tone of her voice, the message sounded very important so I went to eavesdrop since I wanted to put myself on the safe side in case something is about to happen. 1 meter away from the wall I was leaning and still heard every single word. Not even missed one.

Of course, she was talking about Johnson, who else is on the top gossip topics?

I heard her say, Johnson Smith worked in his father's company for full six years. He worked as Management Assistant. His father didn't want him to be the manager due failure to discipline. It looks like he was forced to work there until he decided to look for work somewhere else. These closed doors opened for him just for his occupation.

Wow didn't expect that of him due to his charm

Anyway, go closer Annie this is too interesting.

What my ears also got a grip on was his identity; this is exactly what I wanted.
