

Okay, I have no idea why Annie's life is so messed up. She wouldn't have done anything worse if she knew I'm her sister. Probably I'll end up regretting stuff I did. I'm talking about a jungle of clothes! Silly texts from various people whom I seem to not know at all. I can't even put my undies in the right order, When will I be tidy? Maybe when my boyfriend comes back you know? We broke up the last year, with no reason like what, so, ever! Does Annie even have a mother or father perhaps? I don't even have a family, my friends come and go and it's not going at all. Just alone and I need to accept that.

My half-sister makes me think of all these things

Ok, what I know is that Annie is that she may be my half-sister. You can't trust rumors you know. But anyway what I am looking for right now is my family cause I don't have one. And that my friend is not healthy at all. Nobody to count on when the days get dark. My life is dawn Had to trust me.

People always think my life is super perfect because I certainly appear to be wearing fancy clothes, and luxury but they don't even seem to bother nor ask if I have a family.

But anyway, all I know is that Annie is my half-sister. I have to prove that one.

I also heard rumors about my father(even though I haven't seen him for the past 19 years)I had them saying that he was kind of a whore or whatever it's called. Poor me without a family and this is not healthy.

OHH! I will be late for work, Holy samples! and this house is a total mess.

(Crying) " Oh hell no! Only if I didn't get so drunk, I would have been prepared for work