

Thanks for stopping by, please allow me 💗to introduce myself. Annie's fortune teller 💗is me. Of course, I must be! She is a girl 💗who grew up in America, accustomed to 💗the nice life and long summers, and 💗💗somehow wound up in Neverland. ^_^Her 💗existence is not called into question in 💗💗her life. Her life is like a battle between 💗several realms. Only one has a chance of 💗winning: swords cruelly slashing flesh and 💗destroying bones, and the Knights of the 💗Round Table in their highest hopes and 💗might halt what's happening. One 💗💗thing is certain. (^_-)Unless you have a d💗istinguisher, you will probably never be 💗able to stop the lighted fire from 💗💗💗triggering. Nature never fails to warn us of 💗 impending danger. It's a natural calamity 💗if it doesn't. That is what they claim. But how?
