
ᘜᗴTTIᑎᘜ TO KᑎOᗯ ᗰY ᗷᖇOTᕼᗴᖇ


Brothers are the greatest gift, but I like mine, was a curse. This same day we haven't gotten along.

Okay, I have to admit; he is the best boyfriend I've ever had. Sometimes he can irritate as if he were the older brother, not the younger one. Boys?

I appreciate his presence in my life. You know, having a brother in your family gives you that feeling of safety. That protection you always needed.

I remember one day when I was younger, kids from my neighborhood used to bully me. He helped me out. From then, nobody bullied me again.

He became my role model back then. I used to copy everything he did. I did everything he did; he loved painting, so I could take his paintbrush and paint the same picture he painted in my room. Sneaking into his room is exactly what I did.

I will always be angry when my painting doesn't look exactly like his. I wouldn't understand why I used the same paintbrushes and paints. Tears would roll down my cheeks and a feeling of disappointment as I also felt the need to change the situation, yet I didn't know why. The little me doubted herself back then. Every I would do, my brother would always outsmart me. No matter how easy it was. Inquiring about myself, and how am I, not like but until this same day, I never reached that standard.

When I turned 11, my mood changed towards him, for I recently had my period. Mood swings. I would look at him in disgust or feel annoyed. The thick bond between him and I broke and the fact of having to grow. Stages of puberty? I stayed away from him a lot. The time I talked to him during the weekdays, the only thing we would do is to argue and fight. If somebody can stop the fight and wants to know what t wrong. She wouldn't find any useful. We fought for useless things like who said the word yes first, why didn't you great meet this morning?

He wasn't that much of a brother to me. I would say I didn't feel that warmth of having a brother. He was just my sibling to me.

My recent experience, however, cannot be explained. In many ways, he provided me with the support I needed. My motivation and encouragement for becoming a better person came from him. Since my brother is unspeakable, after every serious and important conversation, he would smirk and laugh, when I become too annoyed and just leave the room.

I don't spend that much time with Sam( my brother). He and I only spend time together when a new song is trending, when the hottest tracks are being shared on our phones, and when a new song is trending.

Whenever I found what I wanted, my room was the first place I went.

Not to forget, I think I would enjoy a sister's company more than that of a brother. Honestly, I wish I had a sister, not a brother because I am not much into boys' stuff. The girly side of me is much more prominent in me. Truth be told, I don't like boys. The moment I am in a circle of boys, I get uncomfortable, so I feel the need to congratulate all the girls who can keep up with boys for more than ten hours. I can't do that one.

Speaking of my brother, well if the word annoying was a person, he would be the one to represent. His being a chatterbox has entered him into so much when we were kids. Whenever we did something wrong or stole something. He does things talking too much even about things that don't make sense. And my mother knows whenever he does that, there is something that he is hiding something. Do you know how childish that boy is, it's like he is not the oldest. He is just not responsible enough. All he does is press his phone yet my mother expects me to wash the dishes. So unfair! Crying over that ridiculous responsibility won't help. As I always say.

Ok, I can talk about my brother the whole day since he is hilarious. Not like him being funny or making jokes, the things he does and doesn't want anybody to laugh back. Since I am not scared of him guffaw hilariously. His look responding to that, it's not threatening to me I don't know the rest of the family. He gives out that hostile stare. He expects everyone to stop laughing but I don't. Sometimes my mother hits my arm to make me stop, I only stop when I want. The best part about that, making fun of him afterward. ( When my mother is not around.)

You know what gets me roaring in laughter about him is when he tries to charm girls: well, it's not like he does it in front. Sometimes I sneak behind his back and sometimes I eavesdrop on his conversation. Ohh and he will be like:" What's up girl, can you feel the heat cause guess I am the sun of your life." How ridiculous! If I was that girl I would dump him right away. Guess what the girl did. She hung out the call. And he left in disappointment. Like what did he expect with that terrible impression?

Well, what I don't like about him is that he likes bringing his ill-mannered friend into our house when our parents are not around; People will treat me like a waitress as they order me around. It is common for them to come in with dirty shoes and leave muddy stains on the floor. I wonder what fun he gets from them. All of you could see those boys. Showing up in our house looks like czars of the castle. Acting all bosses as if they own the whole place. I remember what I once did to one of them. He told me to get him some milk, and I did but when I was about to give him, my hand acted stubbornly and forcefully threw it in his face. In a white spray of fluid, the

man's face was covered. Ok, I put the glass on the table and go to my room with no word uttered from my mouth. It serves him right: It is uncomfortable for him when he is around me because I tend to throw my glimpses of terror at him. I don't compromise with boys.

All in all, he is the kind of a person that I would enjoy being with, and sometimes wish he didn't exist.
