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My brother's incident piqued my interest. When am I going to find a boyfriend? That will undoubtedly help. I'll be in this house as well; my brother has a girlfriend, my mother has a date who is my father, and my dad has a girlfriend who is my mother. So what's stopping me now that everyone in this house is having fun and having company?

Honestly, my last relationship was a disaster and it's something I'd rather not discuss... ugh.

Ok, you caught me😔 I lied. I need to talk about this because I am 100% sure that if I don't talk about it I won't heal from it, a scratch will grow into a wound and a wound into a scar.

Ok here it goes: I fell in with this guy I met in High School. First, he was my crush. Irresistible! Every single time we were in the same environment at school I couldn't feel comfortable; I would start rehearsing lines for everything I would say to him. I had to be meticulous so that I can respond when he talks to me.

He had that unique sexy sensation. When he passed next to me I was only left with his perfume. That thing moved into my nostrils very quickly.

It left me with goosebumps. And every time I would think of him, I would just wet my panty. Those were the restless moments.

After a while, this guy called Max approached me and said he wants to have a conversation with me. I don't know what he was going to talk to me about but I was confident that I am the one he has chosen. Holy cupcakes! I had worn a lottery ticket this time around.

So, that's when I started imagining myself getting married to him; sharing his last name, and having kids with him. Went on several dates, and he tasted my lips. Kept wondering if he gives warm hugs. Does he treat women right? My imagination was juggled with questions.

Ok to set the record straight, the meet-up was supposed to be on Saturday when the clock struck 3. I guess it's a date. Ok, honestly speaking, I didn't tell anyone about this. What if they would try something to take my man? You will never know these girls nowadays, sometimes they like to act pathetic. I am not going to tell anyone anything after today nor ask my arrogant questions brother for relationship advice. This is on me, only me. It's the secret between me and him if only he will choose to make it one. From my point of view, he looked talkative.

I got myself super ready for the day; open my closet, and took out my valuable pink dress. The same dress I knew that no man can resist. In the same way, Max has no choice but to admire this little one.

Trust me when I say that I took a one-hour shower. I made sure that every single part of me has a fragrance. I found myself very lucky cause my skin came out to be smooth and clean. When my hand applied the lotion, I took all the time I needed but I also made sure that I am not going to be late for this date. Well, that's what I call it. Can u believe it? What kind of boy wants to have a meet-up on Saturdays? Saturday was meant for dates. This may be my first and last date.

I never had to wear makeup before, but after a very long time ( my cousin's wedding) I had no choice also but put it on. My magic spells had to work right away: abra Kha Debra be mine forever! So exciting. A great couple we will be. My friends are going to be so jealous, I assure you.

What's for my outfit; That pink dress, my pop denim jacket, pink sneakers with sparkles, and the only missing piece? Pink and white hairband with a bow tie. I was a hummingbird humming one of my favorite songs. Right to soothe my heart, so that I could be sweet to generous Max.

Took a glimpse at my beauteous self in the mirror and the best version of me.

Ok, I almost forgot. Putting some mentors for good breathing, and taking some sanitary pads in case I go on my periods. You will never know, these things happen. I have to be perfect and make sure that there is nothing that is going to destroy my precious day.

Not to avoid the fact that I feel activated. Ok no time to exaggerate, I have to leave because I will be late. Took my side bag and left the room. There goes me downstairs going to join everybody for breakfast in the house for they were all in the dining room waiting for the food to be severed.

"Hello, beautiful people!" I greeted them with a huge smile.

I didn't mean to say that to my brother cause he is the ugly around.

For the record, my mother was so surprised cause the last few days I was moody. It's just like her. eyes kept saying "What is wrong with you?" She even held her waist full of surprises, shocked I may say.

" Annie... Annie, what is wrong with you? You look so excited, is something going on? Or maybe it's a party or a date, but let me tell you something young lady; nobody is going to do such things under my roof, okay?"

Ok, she got sassy and suddenly got angry. To be alive, I have to make up a lie or something to also save my butt.

" Don't worry Mother... It's just a study group l have been looking for. Do you know how important that is, I mean they are rare to find?"

"Good, it better be young girl, it better be; Do not forget that I will be watching every single move of yours?"

After taking a step out of my home, I got a taxi which took me to the place of destination.

Immediately after stepping out of the car, I found him standing right next to the grocery store in town amid skyscrapers.

He looked curious as to if we were to talk serious business.

What if he wants to propose to me and he is too shy and modest to tell me about it?

I don't want to lie, my date was good-looking and dazzling. A glance at Max leaning on the wall gave him that great posture as if he were on a photoshoot. He also had his flat cap on, and in his skinny jeans, he had a red and black sketch shirt. He looked sexy and fabulous. He tugged his shirt off and I could see his abs from the vest, he was a meal played in front of me.

He forever looked sexier when he is curious, I wasn't sure what caused the curiosity.

Hair check✅, outfit check✅ and I am ready to go. I guess
