
ᗰᗩ᙭ IՏ ᑕOᗰIᑎᘜ TO ᗩᑎ ᗴᑎᗪ

During my childhood; I used to believe that my father was my husband. Getting so jealous when my mother kissed my dad. You know I used to be a daddy's little girl? I wish I could talk to him about boys, but fear always prevents me from doing so. In addition, he seems to be busier than ever these days.

It is now impossible for me to have a crush on Max, for it gets me uncomfortable, especially after arriving late in class. Voices in my mind kept me wondering what he is saying about me.

I found myself seated in class, patiently awaiting the arrival of my next lesson. Honestly, it felt like I was in a classroom of thirty students as a lone student. There was no one present in the classroom there was no one present in the classroom, no one was present. There was a feeling of being watched or spied on every time I was naked. All I did was scratch my thighs. My pink stockings were killing me. I had my denim dress on, a further body warmer, and a black bottleneck, for it was freezing. It felt frosty since I was the only one sitting in the classroom.

After ten minutes, a cacophony of voices and the scurrying of squirrels invaded my ears as a boisterous group barged through the door. Their raucous laughter echoed throughout the room, though I couldn't help but feel out of place and left out of the joviality.

But telling the truth, I was missing out.

To survive embarrassment, I had to put a serious face on so that no one could play on my head like they used to.

Since my mood was already down, I didn't concentrate on the class. All I wanted was to see everything over. Indeed, the night was over, and cold air touched my face as I drifted off to sleep. There was no time to waste; I put all my stuff in. Under my desk, I would store the useless ones and use them at home. In doing, there aroused a clash of voices as if they were to pick on an ideal fight.

When I turned over to look for who this lunatic was, I found Max in the squad. Seriously! Like, I would be shaken by now out of deadly nerves and become another embarrassment in front of the students.

Max's face; was devious as it was. Thus, his voice was at the top of the argument because it seemed like he was winning. Franklin wanted to pick a fight. The way looked angry made his plan to kill Max maybe. You know I somehow thought that Max is better than that. I get underestimated and bullied almost every day but I don't find myself having to fight with anyone. I don't have the energy to argue or fight. Not because I am weak or something. I get exhausted easily. Having to raise my voice.......

When I thought that this will be over, they both paced to the outside. Things started to get serious at that point.

Their friendship perished at that instant yet build for so many years. They became the center of attention as

Insults and stones were thrown at each other. I expect the other students ( the closer ones) to stop the fight: a massive crowd of pals heating up with laughter. Phones capturing photos and videos for it seemed like a funny TikTok joke to them. Is it possible for a group of students to be full of stupidity? Is no one sensible enough to stop the fight? I find this ridiculous!

Ok, the fight still went on, with everyone cheering and watching.

For God's sake, there is a huge tree beside them. Anyone could get super hurt at this point. Am I the only person who sees the danger in this sport? I mean! It's an open space:no fences, nothing. The most scary part is that it's just beside the road. It is quite a long distance but not far enough to need a ride.

I just don't get the reason why they picked up a fight when the teachers are at a meeting as long as this one.

" Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight." Going outside the school campus.

Now the fight becomes super physical. Punches and kicks were the fight's say. What was dangerous was that they went closer to the road. Despite my expectations, no one helped! They went on cheering. Guess what?! The fight continued.

Out of anger, Franklin pushed Max into the road. There came a steady car that collided with Max's head. The car lowered the speed as the owner packed it right there to take Max to the hospital. Two people accompanied them there including me.

When were arrived, nerves cracked and hopes to rise. After 20 minutes, the doctor appeared. Through the look on his face, I could see disappointment and hopelessness.

" I am sorry to say this but Maxwell Jace is gone."


