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Max left a mysterious hole in me. I didn't know how I am I going to manage without him. Is it laughter with happiness or sadness?

The truth be told, Max left tremendous damage to my soul. Soul torture, this is!

Despite all of this, some things might be helpful to me.

After successfully advance at his job, they offered my father a new position in Neverland. Moving from this country to Neverland on the flight would not be easy for me. I believed my father did not afford to book a flight, even though he afforded it this time around. I still think it's a waste of money and job shenanigans.

So the only solution was to move out with my whole family and leave with them. My mother has been longing to be in Neverland for a very long time.

March was the month we moved out. They hired a truck that was going to carry only heavy furniture and appliances; the car would transport the rest.

We emptied the house of everything inside. We left the house naked. The whole family was in the family car except me. I was so attached to the house emotionally that I found it hard for me to leave. I paced up into the house with tears rolling down my face. My feet led me to the room I spend time in. My room. Where the fantasies existed in my presence. I lived here, and the room lived in me. I guess I had to wave goodbye.

I now went back to the car. Everyone's face was in shock, especially my brother.

Now I have to sit next to him. Why the torture? After mourning my room. Really! It's not like I hate them, but sometimes he gets to me badly and does that on purpose. It's like it satisfies his soul. Devil soul!!!

" What did you say to me, devil what?" He lamented.

I had a bitter conversation with my boyfriend exchanging very unpleasant words in front of my parents.

" What, me? No. When did I say? Boy, you must be daydreaming"

" Ohh, now I am daydreaming Don't you say that duffles? You are so dull and and and and ugly? Your head is so heavy and I can't even stand it."

" Ohh yeah, you know what you are the most annoying brother in the whole world and I can't even stand you. DAMMY!!"

" Who did you just call dummy."

" Know you heard me. I don't have to repeat myself."

" Ok, stop it for once please, please? Can we have a peaceful ride? Some of us are trying to process things over here!" That's my mom stopping our fight. I thank God she did because I was about to punch somebody in the face.

After that fight, silence jumped into the car as my brother and I sat sideways. Everyone is staring out the window. Neither of my parents started a conversation, not until my parents started one which was only between themselves. All I did was listen. I did not want to care what my brother did. He is such a bully. Boys! I regret the fact that I came second. I should have been the one who is the oldest and him be the last born. He keeps on singing and playing on top of my head without even showing some respect for me. It also annoys me when he is around his friends. The boy can't keep his friends company and expect me to do it for him. I used to agree when I was little but now I only negotiate if it involves cash. Also, it's optional. It depends if I want to or don't and the amount of money involved


Trying to understand the inner thoughts of that boy can sometimes be impossible for me. Almost everything he does is difficult for him to understand. Now I am forced to share my childhood with someone like this? This is so unfair. I find it incredibly irritating when my father repeatedly talks about him as if he is the king of the house. Right now my mood is up to enjoy the road in silence because of being such a chatterbox. He would not be in this position if he learned to shut up. He bored me. The boy spoiled my mood. The ride was boring and I had to watch squeals in the woods. There are brothers among us! Anyway, I ended up finding a way of enjoying the ride. Nature is amazing with its beauty. Something I saw before.

Dark spots and shades are created by the raindrops landing on the leaves. Something I adored for a long time. Dank tall trees with their beautiful rainy scent. It spoke words of encouragement to me. The knowledge that everything will be found is reassuring, so I shouldn't worry about what I cannot control.

Not to forget that Neverland was pretty far from this country. Immediately when we arrived at the airport, we are going to leave the family car there and only take light luggage with us.

My flight first was pretty amazing I won't lie. It's an adventure! It's like sailing a ship in an ocean with huge tides. The reason why I am saying that is because the moment the airplane went down, I felt my hair running away from my head. My veins drained blood from my heart. My first thought was that the plane would crash, but it turned out to be a fun ride.

I loved the experience. It was the best thing ever. More like riding a roller coaster. The plane lent and we were off to go outside to get our luggage.

The weather was certainly angry at humanity. Frenzy chills made my toes hard but I had to carry on with the pain. Pacing up to the Neverland airport so that we can get comfort from the room inside with its heat. Hopefully, we arrived on time at the airport before we froze into mere ice. The place was really warm. Warm enough to sabotage the weather.

Quite beautiful, I didn't believe that this place is an airport. Do you know? What I had in mind about the airport. Very strange. I thought we were going to have a place where there we only planes and pilots in the area. A massive shack where passengers we dropped off and leave immediately. I never thought of such a beautiful place. It feels warm and homely. If I wasn't going with my parents I would have stayed here. Ohh, there is one part I forgot. The time we went to the security before we passed through. There we were on a queer to check our passports and tickets. After that, we were subjected to a security check: our pockets were searched for weapons. There are weapons such as guns, knives, scissors, and so on. We all passed through.

Dad got us a taxi to the place of destination. Nobody knew the directions except my father. Despite all our hopes being placed in his hands, he was too optimistic. Dad didn't remember all directions but luckily the taxi driver knew where we were going. As soon as he heard that, he smiled massively. The smile was one of happiness and one of relief. I didn't trust the taxi driver. Anyone wouldn't expect me to trust a stranger from nowhere! I have a brain and most of the time I use it. Putting that suspicious face got me wondering what the man is up to. I folded my hands to show that I don't entertain whatever he is doing, he should just drop the act. I am not that stupid like anyone else in this car. Well, it turns out that I was wrong even though I am not verifying my mistake. He got us safely to our new home. My parents were filled with gratitude as they even gave the taxi driver an extra dollar.

First, we ordered hot chocolate since everyone was empty-bellied. That's what I did and everyone decided to follow my lead.

I told them I was the boss of this family, now look they imitate everything I do. So it also turns out that the taxi driver is good-hearted. He helped us to get the luggage into the house. As we were busy putting everything into the living room, the truck arrived with all the furniture and appliances. I wonder how in the world did that pass through the country. Did that also take a flight over here or a ship? It sounded strange because I don't think the heavy load fits into an airplane. It would just simply crush. Maybe they shipped everything here! Anywho, let me not care how did the furniture get here? I should be grateful that it's here. Shockingly, my mother instructed us that we should go and check our rooms before grabbing ourselves some lunch. We did and mine? Dazzling! It's like it was prepared especially for me. Not to disagree but it was vintage and also girly and guess what? I loved it. Spacious just the way love it. It all resembled me, my dreams, and ambitious plans for my future. The library spoke more sense to me than everything in the room.

A wooden bed cord underneath there were drawings of putting clothes in it. And oh, my favorite put about the room? Was the curtain above the bed that surrounded it like a tent? That would be good for my sleep. Maybe it will even keep the place warmer. Will the room be cold for everything in here looks like it's made out of wood? We will see today as for now, it's kinda warm but not too much. I adored my room for ministers for I have never seen something like it. When my soul got satisfied, I went down to check on my family downstairs. Busy as bees and it looked as if I didn't do anything since I arrived at this place. My mother caught a glimpse of me and blew smoke at me with orders like come and help us, this box of there. It was killing me. Some of the canoes were heavy and my back cried for help since it couldn't bare the pain anymore. I prayed that this should end soon, I couldn't survive. The minute I lost hope and thought that this was forever, that when we got done. I needed to take a nap immediately. I didn't take it because people in this house believe I am lazy. They won't understand my pain even if I try to make them understand.

I didn't take it, we went to the closest restaurant to grab some lunch. Ohh! I had enough with the restaurant. Despite my promise not to cook, A miracle went wrong. Anyway, perhaps I'll be able to find something better to fill my stomach.

Smiles we see on their faces. Some people are relieved because they don't have to cook. Can you believe it? I bubbled an attitude that forced me to be in silence and fold my hands. As soon as we stepped out of the car and arrived at the nearby restaurant, we began to eat. Yes, I ordered something to eat well, I ordered some fries and a piece of steak. It turns out that they are not that bad. Fantastic, just like homemade food. I ate a much. That's the only thing I did on the table. I watched my family giggling and sometimes roaring in laughter and embarrassing me. I was quiet and digging in my food and then when we got home, I straight said goodbye not because I didn't want to but because I forgot to and I was so tired. My bedroom was exactly like this when I arrived. I also thought I would have trouble sleeping in a new room, but I slept like a baby, it wasn't it weird at all.
