

Do you think I'm a bad person? I'm starting to worry that I might be like my brother and not be true to myself. Please, no offense.

"I'm super bored! My eyes hurt from looking at my phone all day. Life can be pretty scary, but it can also be boring. I wish life was easy!"

Stupid brother: "What's wrong with you? Are you crazy? Talking alone again?"

"Go away! What do you want in my room?"

"Nothing, just checking on my little sister!" He says again, sometimes I envy him.

Doesn't he have anything to do? And today, what makes him check on me this late at night? I wish he would know how my stomach is crumbling.

" Kids, come, and let's eat some dinner." Said mom had already prepaid the food. Am was so hungry.

"Sure, I'll wait for you to finish sitting on my favorite seat, Desmond," I grumbled as he blocked my way out, pretending that Mom had called him first.

Tapping of toes from the rooms and to the dinner table. Foreheads wrinkle as cheeks looked round.

"Are you both fighting again?" Asked mom.

" Mom, Desmond always sits on my favorite sit every day and I don't like it."

" Desmond, why are you acting like a child while you are the older one here? "Just let your sister sit," Mom urged.

I felt relieved when I heard my mother saying that. When I took a glance at my brother's face, his forehead showed a few wrinkles, and his cheeks were bigger than I expected. I enjoy watching when he is in terror. To make him angrier, I went to my sit,( the one he was sitting on.) and whiffed it to check if it has any terrible odor. After that odor check, I sat comfortably on my sit and ate dinner. That day my brother never voiced a word to me. I guess it was his first time seeing my mother defending me since she always defends him. Now it's time to rub it gets rubbed on his face. On the table, his sit was parallel to mine, so I could see him face to face hence he was gazing at me.

Silence stepped into the dinner table as Mom was the only one who wore a smile on her face. Neither of us was on that page. Desmond's face was full of anger while mine was full of pride. When he saw my face lightning up, that's when he started fighting with the food and the plate. You could only hear the sound of the clashing between the fork and the plate. Very noisy and disturbing. My mother couldn't take the torture anymore. She began to lose it.

" Desmond, if you didn't want the food, you could have just said so. Please go to your room, as your facial expression is beginning to bother me. It appears as though you have a talent for making me upset." Said mom.

A minute ago, her feet were pointing at Desmond's room. But recently she sat down trying to cool down because her head was boiling out of anger. It's clear now that she faked smiles so that we could believe that she was fine. I thought that had a bad day, that's why she is boiling out of anger. It seems like it has been a long time since her anger stepped into her heart.

On that particular night, Desmond managed to steal all the joy from my mother's heart, leaving us with nothing but a deep sense of sorrow. I hold him responsible for all of it, especially since this is not the first time he has caused trouble. Despite my mother's warnings, he continues to act in a way that brings pain and hardship to our family.

As a result, to avoid any potential trouble (I'm not entirely sure what I've gotten myself into), I made sure to serve everything on the dinner table and take care of the dishes afterward. Despite my mother's gaze, she remained silent and eventually retired to her room for a well-deserved nap.
