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My firsdateta was held in the Panock restaurant, so I took my spare shoes, and pumps of course since I was walking a long distance from home to the restaurant.

So I walked on my pumps until I arrived there.

I never walked into the neighborhood for a long time. It's kind of new for me besides, it's boring.

To prove what I am saying, flowers were dull, with no bright petals to amaze your day. There is no connection with nature in the park everything is not this year. The only hope I had was the fresh scent of water, fresh air chills here and there. Truly speaking, I loved chills so much, that I could at least breathe and keep myself calm. I always get surprised when people tell me that the chill weather is cold. I never get cold I enjoy it.

Humming all the way. I can be a catch, I won't date and then I simply don't plan the future with this person, I find it a wait of time.

OK! Cut the crab, I arrived safely at the restaurant. It seemed like he send me to the wrong place I can't see him. He sends me a number of the table where I think we are going to sit. Table #117. I kept myself busy with my phone simply because of boredom.

I was waiting long for this guy now.

When my mind decided to mind its own business. I was heading where I came from.

"Am... Hey!"

"Hey there." he was fine!!! And he seemed shy of course.

" I am so sorry that I arrived this late. I was caught by the traffic along the way."

As he said all of that I got pickled pink all through. I never had a guy apologizing to me before.

I never blushed like that before, hands on my cheeks waiting for that moment to get close to each other. So charming! I never imagined that I could date someone as hot as he is. There is a fire in here! But what seemed surprising is that boys at high school never seem to date me Until this day, I never got an answer to that question. He lightened up the whole mood. I must say he looked romantic.

"Could you come over here?" he said and I was so surprised."

" Ok, why? I mean this table is nice, Nice view they got here!" I said for I was shocked. Where was I going? Into the darkroom I mean, can you imagine, what if am getting myself kidnapped? I was asking myself several questions, I couldn't stop wondering either...

" Come and see this. You haven't seen the best of this day. Trust me!" My nerves went down the ladder, I started to calm down. Think it's we were even. No hard feelings. Although the guy knows this.

I can't lie, I was duty-bond, I had no valid reason.

As my shoes were clicking, my eyes met this round table. Different from the others. It had red rose petals on it. On thcenterre, strawberry dark chocolate on an oval plate and a bottle of champagne. I forgot to tell this guy that I don't drink, but anyway, as it's fine to shoot won't hurt, besides this is my day. Ok, I almost forgot to tell you guys, DiamonChevonon chairs two of them. On the table, there was a message "HAVE WITH ME, BABE!"Had this great affection for him.

Ok, we sat done, I mean I couldn't keep wearing this smile forever, so I started getting emotional. Tears were rolling done my cheeks, no matter how I tried to stop them, they just kept flowing.

" NO. No. What is it now? Did I do something wrong?" He asked with curiosity.

" No, it's nothing! Am just not happy. I never experienced this before. This is new to me. Honestly, I mean..."

"Hey, Hey, Hey, look I would do anything for you. I love you that much." Ok, so after that emotional moment, everything was followed by laughter, blushes, and slim, es and then came that moment when we get closer. I could sense his breathing distance from my lips, and everything was magnetic. and then we kissed, feeling bloom and dandelion falling from the sky. It felt like a dream come true.

Periodically, My eyes opened and caught a girl staring at me with an angry face. Seemed like she was making a death wish on me.