
ᑕᕼᗴᗩT ᑕOᗪᗴ


💗"Mmm, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh hmmm.💗

💗It's 2 am and I can't sleep, am all alone.💗

💗I keep on making up excuses when you've💗 gone

💗oh, it's been too many nights, you're on a💗 roll

💗Don't rush your words, just take it nice💗 and slow

💗And what gainsay is probably on some💗 other bullshit

💗What you've been doing is probably💗 something I can't cool with

💗Oh, I know you're probably creepin' on💗 the low

💗I really can't say cause I don't know oh,💗 no

How could you be so?

how do you sleep oh?

Where do you leave, OH?

You learned the cheat code

I'm on the seat floor

oh, silly me, ohh

You learned the cheat code

I'm wondering why

Why are you staying out so late

Too much for me to complete

Still, I have been wondering why

Why you gotta test my patience

I wanna be on the same page

But you need to get your story straight





The buzz on my phone forced me to stop but luckily I have finished singing. That brought so much ease to my heart. Trying to heal from tremendous things people do to us. Duvet pink and pillows ombres of purple, blue, yellow, and pink, wet little dropping on the duvet as I wiped my face off. Sun directly shines into my focal point. Ok, I opened the curtains as the windows were naked, the rays flashed into my eyes reminding me that it was during the day, and why in the hell am I still in bed during this very hour? Nervous breakdown. I needed to rest.

The problem with this room is that the minute it gets warm you won't want to go out of it. But you know, it's a lazy Sunday. On my green bum short and white T-shirt. Situated on my bed for the whole day, thinking about the same person that gave me heartbreak. This time around with his better version. Popping the big in front of me, maybe succeeding in being his catch. Living in a house, starting a family, and living the best life. I think... I think I miss him. But for what reason, he is not into me anymore. Man desperation. That is what I call this situation. There is nothing fun about this it's like it's all meant to make me suffer.

This is when I need friends the most, love is just not my thing. How can I be so addicted to one person? Always... You know what? Nevermind. I would say I turned out to be what we call a love fool. No matter how many times he screwed up I always find it in my heart to forgive him. I guess my love for him is unconditional. Will he ever appreciate me for once?

I got tired of crying over a dummy so I got myself to work although with a broken heart. My chest felt so heavy as if the rock were the base of it. Also, I am left to question my humanity. How do I exist? Does it mean I was created to suffer?

Visually, I was left in a world of survival mode, curious about what bad is going to occur to me. Started to feel inhuman like maybe alien( if they truly exist).

Thoughts like temper with my day. Holding my handbag and stepping into my office with a heavy head? I hardly smiled those days. On the Barker's dozen day, it was. My birthday! For me, it felt like a death day. Getting weaker and weaker on the inside. The knife called pain cutting my flesh until I was left pale. Every 24 hours was me. Watching the events all day long.

Since I believe I am strong enough, I put on a pretend face to scare the demons in me although they were not threatened. He doesn't have to see the pain in my eyes.

As I kept wondering, speak of the devil and he arrived. I expected him to come with his new girlfriend but she was nowhere to be found, I sighed. The colleague kept on asking him a series of questions as their face was ghosted. Belly was so worried as her shoes kept on clicking, how arousing! What the hell is happening? Maybe the mistaken couple had trouble in paradise. What if he came back to me, where he belongs?

I went close to the window so I could get a clear picture.

" Have you seen Partia anywhere? I haven't seen her this morning. We have to do a lot of work and I can't do it all alone. You come with her more often this day. Where is she? Tell, stop stirring. The boss will scold me and I might lose my job. I mean, her father is rich so he will diametrically find her a job, come on, tell me. Why so silent" Belly lamented.

" I know you're stressed about your friend, but she's fine," Johnson answered.

," Ok. I get it! Ok? Where is she? You know what, just answer my question, where is Patria?" Asked Belly with curiosity.

" Ok, don't get angry but your friend has left the country."

" What! Argh?" Sighed Belly as she left the scene."

I wonder what the hell is going on. But whatever it is, I like it. They both deserve the worst after what they did to me. I spent so many sleepless nights because of their shenanigans. Hmmm! Look at him, she left him like a desperate strange.

Nobody gets on destroying me and my reputation and thinks nothing will ever happen to them. wait, is that the boss? I have to get back to work. I rushed to my chair before he sees me. Inscribing something unknown into the business and my mind. Did he see me? He came on a race to my office as if I did something wrong. ( Of course I did something wrong, wait did he notice?) He entered my office and found me typing on my computer. I thought that he would ask what am I typing which was a question I didn't have an answer to.

" Morning Ms. Annie"

" Morning Sir, what a pleasant surprise." And then there I was with my legs crossed and putting on a clown smile. Ohh I am such a fool.

" Hmmh. I was wondering if there is any important work to be done on the window because I saw you there. What was very surprising is that x I remember you have a lot of work to do due to your delay in your management. Could you explain to me what was happening in the window? I need clarity, please. I have never seen such a thing in this company before. I am shocked."

Oh no! Trouble. What will I say? This man is so heartless and he might expel for this. I have to think of something brilliant.

" Well, I am. Am working on the documents you send me. The documents! Yes. Er... Do you need something else? "

" Nope, and one more thing before I leave, please do everything professionally. I don't want to see something like that ever again. Am I clear? You think I was born yesterday." Sighed the boss slamming the door on his way out.

Holy donuts! That was close. What if I got fired? I won't deny the fact that the man looks tough. Stereotype. Maybe if he could lose then he wouldn't be so sick. I heard that he is battling diabetes. But with that attitude, trust me diabetes will wrestle his ass out.

I wonder how he copes. Putting a dreadful face in front of his employees thinking that they would get along. Oh, what am I saying? Bosses and colleagues never get along, well, from my experience. Maybe there are kind bosses out there, only God knows.

I think I have some gums left in my lower trowel. I have these to chase the stress away. Let me get back to work. Today still am inscribing papers about the company profile. Well, I would say the profile of this company is terrible. No one would want to collaborate with such a company. I wish I could make changes, as a workplace has no room for discussion. Claims the boss. If he wouldn't be so bossy then, things would turn around for the good of everyone including him. Anyway, I will keep on typing this nonsense into my computer.

I worked for hours and hours, but deep inside I longed to know what was happening between Johnson and Patria. Well, what's the use? I am no longer in his life so why care? As if he cares about me. I am a fool.

Through the window displaying the view outside the sun started to become timid and hid with its light making the sky make the sky look luminous. It turns out that it was only Johnson and me in the building. Well, how surprising! It's my first time seeing him working this late. He is one of the people to knock off early in this company. He might be up to something.

In the middle of signs and wonders, there he is putting everything in place, taking his briefcase, switching off the lights, and his black loafers leading the way. I waited for him to knock off first so that I could follow him. On his way out, I leaned back so that he couldn't see me. Of course, he did see me but I doubt that he couldn't recognize clearly who I was talking for his office is pretty from mine. The good thing about that is that I could do everything he does from this view and from where he is standing he can just see a blur of things just to see a figure of a human being sitting on the chair.

Oh, there he is pacing his way out of the office as if he is curious about something really important. Great, the coast is clear. Let me just bounce just like he did. I followed him but with just 2 meters away. He didn't notice me, just like I planned. We rode his car first and I waited for him to leave so I could do the same. I drove to mine and then led me into the driveway. Hold on, I cannot see his car. Does it mean I have lost the drag of him? Now I have to go back because what's happening to the user now? What's the use? Little did I know that there is always light in the silver lining. On the same line, there he was with his car at its highest speed. Two cars were between us. I have to overtake both of them but the problem is that I haven't driven at high speed before. Trying won't hurt besides if I dump into a car that would be his. Out of fright, I hit the accelerator, and the car vibrated in my arms as I went forward at the speed of lightning. howto! I did and I thought I was going to be terrible at it.

We drove along the driveway but I affixed perfect drag on him this time. I am so good at this game. Perfect. I must say it was a long road. Not until we entered the street which was familiar to me. I have been to this place before. Anyways, I had to follow. I need to find out what this man is up to. Let's see if he is good as he claims to be or if he is just putting a pretty face in front of everybody.

Yh I have been here before! The same street, the one with the strange things. Nothing changed from it: the ash-stained windows and dirty walls. Wait does he leave here? Hah! I'm good for nothing dummy. I bet they took his house because he did afford to ensure it.

What he did is that he packed his car next to the trash bin right next to the door and I packed my car in the back of the building. I got off the car and sneaked on my tiptoes and hid behind his car. He rushed into the building and brought two men with him.

" Hurry up, please two more men, she's heavy and I don't want anybody to find out about this, are we clearly" commanded Johnson.

" Yes, boss" they all responded.

Boss? She? What is going on over here I am confused. Let me go further to get a clear picture of all of this.

As I was hiding I felt a human figure beside me and when I looked I saw Johnson's gloomy face stirring at the boot. I quickly when to the side of the car.

" Hurry, what are you looking at? I am not going to take this." As he said so three men hurried and opened the boot to take out a huge package wrapped in black plastic.

" Hmmm! Hmmm!" That was the sound that aroused from the plastic. What if it's a human?

They carried it inside the building. I followed them and when one of them unwrapped the package, it was Patria!!!
