
Herb collectors

Li Shentan and Little Liren were both wearing light blue outdoor jackets. It was still quite difficult to find such professional outdoor gear being sold in the strongholds. Mainly because there were very few people who needed them. Only some large garment factories would produce such clothing for the rich in the strongholds to use when they went out into the wilderness.

"When you find the right path, I'll start calling you Big Brother Shentan." Little Liren said stubbornly, "But before that, you're just Li Shentan."

Li Shentan said snappily as he walked, "But does the problem lie with me alone? You could have flown up to the sky to lead the way, but look at what's happening now?"

Logically, the two of them should definitely not have lost their way. After all, Little Liren knew how to fly. No matter how complicated the terrain between the mountains and forest was, it should not confuse someone who could see everything from above.