
The Final Devil of the Supernatural hunter highschool

Fifteen years ago, a demon plucked the forbidden fruit and ate it. He is in love with his host, and is willing to abandon his dimension for her. To add insult to injury, he is the one and only, demon king: Orzar His action came at a cause, tearing space and time, creating a gigantic wormhole, connecting our world, to another, to hell. Opening a slaughter field as demons, monsters, spiritual beings. Beings of myth and legend flooded our world. Starting a war between dimensions, millions were dead, and the numbers are still rising. Those occupations that seems like joke and witticism started to become the list line of defense from those beings. Exorcists, priests, taoist hunters stood out, protecting humanity and finally forcing them back to their dimension, temporary. Those who are still left were taught to learn knowledge of such, humanity needed to arm to the teeth to fend off the second invasion, that is happening fast. With Fei being one of them, a what seems like a weakling, but someone with a very complicated and in fact dangerous background...

LReyLei · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs


Fei stood at the bus stop just outside the school entrance, the school only gave the students their class number, room number and students license aside from a schedule of their classes. So basically, they can do anything they wanted for the night. While some gather in packs for a drink at the bar or a sing at the karaoke, Fei had a job interview to keep himself alive. He lean on the iron pole of the bus stop, waiting patiently, zoning out as his eyes stare at the flashes of car light zooming pass him.

"Make way, please"

The familiar voice caused him to jolt a bit. He turn his head towards the side alerted and saw the girl he bumped in at the internet café morning. She walked pass the crowd to find a seat for herself, approaching him at an alarming rate. Fei immediately pull down the hoodie of his jacket, trying to cover his face. He didn't wanted any more problem for today, not before his interview! This is a once in a lifetime chance, he didn't wanted to mess it up! He kept quiet trying to blend in with the rest as she take a seat beside him. He look aside, holding his breath, trying to remove his presence.

Luckily the girl didn't seem to notice her presence though as she took out her smartphone and began using. Just then the bus arrived, without hesitation, he dashed into it, paying his fee and rushed towards the seat at the final row. He let out a deep breath, thinking he just shook her off, but then he saw her entering the shuttle bus too, and is heading towards his way.


Since the bus was quite full at that point, she took the only empty seat. Which very coincidentally is beside him. Fei decided to leave the bus and take the cab or maybe walk with his two legs, but too late. With a hiss the doors were closed as the bus drove off the bus stop. He could felt his brain humming, he take a quick glimpse at her. She is still chatting with her friends using her phone, didn't even realising him. Upon seeing this, Fei felt a bit more comfortable. Trying to calm himself down, he took his wireless earphone from his duffle bag and place it in his ears. He searched through his library before pressing onto his all-time favourite, Linkin Park's "Heavy".

The music blasted through the speakers installed within the earphone. Lyrics that fit himself so much, tones that sang out his pain. He turned his head towards the window beside him, seeing the scenery flashes in front of his eyes. He couldn't stop but to feel a sourish sensation as the lyrics filled his mind. It was like staring right into a mirror, seeing himself the exactly the way others do.

"I'm holding on~

Why is everything so heavy?

Holding on~

So much more than I can carry

I keep dragging around what's bringing me down

If I just let go, I'll be set free

Holding on~

Why is everything so heavy?"

Fei closed his eyes and sighed, yeah, everything is so heavy. He take a quick glimpse at the electronic board at the front of the bus, ten minutes before arrival. He took out his phone and scroll down his playlist to choose his next music, but then he accidentally saw something.


Is this


Standing beside the girl was a middle age man, fat, wearing a out of date shirt with sauce stains on it. He is bald, with a disgusting expression on his face as he reached his hand out and grabbed her chest, rubbing onto it. The girl glared at her, but he didn't stop, instead he squeeze out a sickening smile, waving the phone in his hand, telling him that he was capturing everything. Upon seeing this she closed his eyes, gritting her teeth to bear the insults. The revolting smile on his face widens, showing his yellow brown teeth, his actions grew bigger, until he reached his hands to touch her private parts.

Fei sweated, turning his head back, trying to act like he saw nothing. He decided not to care about all of these, but through the reflection of the window, he saw the pleading eyes of the girl, staring at him, tears flashing within it. Her mouth moved, putting up four words: Help. Right at that moment, all the bad memories from the past started to play in his mind. Isn't this the exact same scene, when his uncle rapped him, just because of his tolerance, just because he was nothing except a mere a coward. This causes a fume to be lit in his heart, all those years of suffering gushed into his mind. And now he is just going to sit there and saw another girl falling into the same path as his'?



"Next stop, Ueno Ameyokocho. Next stop, Ueno Ameyokocho"

Just then the bus came to a halt, the door opened with a hiss. The girl immediately stood up to get the hell out of it, but the man pushed him bag, grabbing her shoulder and pinned her back down on his seat. This time, without hesitating and with a sudden gush of courage, he grabbed her hand and push the molester away. He pushed through the crowd and dash out from the bus with her, ignoring the complaints of the passengers. The two ran for a quite a moment, passing lane after lane and road after road before stopping at an alley for air. The moment he got a chance, he let go of her hand.

"What the hell have I done!" Fei scratched his head hard, somehow feeling regretful and embarrassed for his action. Just because of a glimpse of bravery and anger caused him to do all of these. He burrowed his face within his palm and sighed, followed up by another longer and deeper sigh. He took out his phone and stare at the time, before letting out another deep sigh, it was already seven past five, he is already five minutes late. He decided to just leg it, but found someone tugging the edge of his coat. He turn his head around and found it was the girl.

"T-thank you." She stammered, pointing her fingers together and looking at the side. "Y-your welcome." He was a bit taken back at first, but nodded. "I need to go, I had a, job interview." He waved the phone at his hand before dashing out of the alley. "Hey!" The girl called out again, causing him to press the brake, almost losing his balance. "What is your name?" "Fei Kosu!" Fei yelled back. "You can call me Fei!" "M-my name is Miku!" The girl introduced back. "Nice to meet you Fei!" "Nice to meet you then." He turn back and darted, he is late, so goddamn late. He didn't care about her anymore; all he know is that he couldn't waste any time.

"Goodbye…" The girl waved her hands, her sound fades until it was like a mosquito hum after seeing that he didn't even listen to her. "That boy!" She pouted, taking out her phone and dialled. "Hello? Mom? Where are we supposed to meet up? Yeah, I got some problem here. You got the address? Cake N Coffee, the one operated by dad? They got the private room set up for us, right? Alright then, meet you there."

If you all want, you ask me for the link for the music in the comment section. Dont forget to vote and support me. Happy reading!

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