
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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Various thoughts

POV Voldemort

At last, after taking possession of the Ministry of Magic and once Hogwarts falls into my hands, I will only have to finish off that Potter boy before preparing the new generations following the path of power to form an army big enough to dominate all of Britain and its pathetic muggles.

And then, taking advantage of my immortality, the world will submit to me!

-My lord, the takeover of Hogwarts has failed!

-Avada Kedavra!

Without bothering to look at the corpse that fell sonorously at my feet, I tried to consider what might have gone wrong as I rested my face in my hand.

Did Dumbledore leave some protection that I don't know about or was it down to heir Galegold and the renovations he made to the thousand year old castle?

My Death Eater's children couldn't give too accurate information, they are as stupid as their parents.

Driven by force of habit, I unconsciously tried to tap my nose rhythmically with my index finger as I did whenever I was thinking deeply about something, but suddenly, reality reminded me that my new body had no nose.


-Somebody come here!

-Yes, my lord?

-Avada Kedavra!

Another body fell right on top of the previous one, forming a Y.

-It's so hard to find capable minions these days -I couldn't help but bring my hand to my head, hoping that the touch with my silky hair would calm me down and allow me to focus again.


-Somebody come here!

POV Nagini

-All is well, I have received a notice that everything is over and there were no problems at Hogwarts," I announced to those gathered in the living room.

Hermione, Silvia and company let out a sigh of relief, while Snape, once he knew everything was in order, returned without a word to the potions lab with the same apparent indifference with which he arrived when he found out about the unexpected situation.

He really is an easy man to misunderstand, if it wasn't for the explanation my master gave me, even I would raise an eyebrow in dissatisfaction.

It wasn't easy to convince Hermione and the young lady-to-be to stay, but there are always circumstances where certain words can put people in their place.

These almost adult witches, though not hothouse flowers like most of their generation thanks to their close contact with the master and my training, still lack the determination or courage to take definitive action against their enemies.

Hermione especially, with her high-mindedness and lofty ideals, is simply not suited for the battlefield and should stay in the rear.

Silvia on the other hand, shows a much greater potential in that sense, with an open mind to take the necessary measures to protect her loved ones. But since she has not yet taken any lives and everyone needs some time to cushion the shock they receive from doing so, she is not mentally prepared to jump straight into a place that is sure to have dozens, if not hundreds of enemies coming after her life.

I cannot allow them to go and become a burden to the master in this state, so I kept them busy to distract their minds until it was all over and their presence was no longer needed.

After knowing that all was over and well, they approached me asking me to intensify their training, with a look that promised a world of pain for the master for leaving them behind.

I readily agreed, it was a good opportunity to separate them and prepare them individually. Hermione would learn various modes of defense and escape tactics while Silvia would receive the same training Master went through.

If she's going to stay by the master's side for the rest of her life, I need to make her into a witch outstanding enough to keep her from being uncomfortable with the difference in power, despite being impossible to match.

Who knows, maybe I'll manage to make a strong enough impression on him that he won't think it's a bad idea to share the master....

POV Hagrid

I watch the surroundings carefully as little Fang sniffs around, looking for traces of more people or creatures in the vicinity. The crossbow is loaded and I keep it pointed skyward just in case, but I have enough command with it to fire in less than two seconds at the slightest disturbance.

It was a pity that Fluffy ate that toad and had a stomach ache, otherwise I'm sure it would have been a great help. I'm surprised Firenze and her herd didn't come to the school's aid, though.

Soisen has been very good to me. He would come to visit for a chat when he was a freshman and look at him now, he became my new boss after Dumbledore died.

Now I have a bigger cabin and a better salary!

Maybe when this whole dark lord thing is over, I should seek out Madame Maxime and try to deepen our friendship.


(depressing sigh)

I'd better forget it, it seems that Maxime's tastes don't suit me too much no matter how much it pains me to accept it. She's not that attractive either if I think about it carefully. Maybe I should visit magical pet stores and see if I can get a date with some lady who has a great love for creatures like me.

Wait, the vet who is taking care of Fluffy seems to be quite cute and it's clear she likes magical creatures because of her job.

Maybe those winks she gave me meant something and weren't a nervous twitch like I thought?

I'll ask Headmistress McGonagall later, she's also a woman and might be able to give me some tips....