
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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Snape repeatedly confirmed that he didn't want a multi-purpose shapeshifting arm, so back to the potions table.

Besides, why was he looking at him like he was crazy?

He was always a very sensible student, okay?

I was just thinking from a more practical point of view, like Snape likes to do, that's all.....

Soisen had to admit that good work takes time. He spent months studying the improved potion and so far only managed to progress to bone and nerve regeneration, which was already a step forward at the very least.

But regenerating flesh... it was proving complicated.

Not in the strict sense, it was very easy to regenerate flesh, it just didn't manage to form the muscles in the right place or in the right amount.

Don't ask who, or rather what, was the test subject. It seems that this kind of detail can be quite traumatizing for the faint hearted, so let's skip details, shall we?

And while he was busy, everyone was still making progress around him.

Hermione managed after many attempts and acid explosions to prepare functional magical batteries (at last) without blowing up the expensive materials in the process, which gave her an immense sense of accomplishment after so much hardship. After passing the safety and quality test, we were preparing to put them in place, Silvia's constructions.

The PX Project is inspired by the Pacifists from One Piece, more specifically, the plans match the Mark III model.

But apparently Silvia found ridiculous such a big torso and hands for such small legs and head, more considering that the model was male, so in the end under the complaints of his girlfriend, Soisen had no choice but to go back to the drawing board and make something more "normal" that would take advantage of the pieces Silvia already made.

A few sleepless days later, he got a thumbs up when he turned in the plans for the golem, only this time it was inspired by the one from Somali to Mori no Kamisama.

Besides, with the materials that should have been spent on a single PX Mark III, they could make almost three Golem due to the size difference, they just needed some additional limbs and to change the attack method from mouth to eye.

Currently, nine golems named PX1 through PX9 were waiting inertly to receive their "hearts," which were the magical batteries that Soisen designed and Hermione prepared. Each of the trio took three batteries and carefully connected them, closed the compartment to put everything in place and ran behind a prepared wall.

Waiting a minute without hearing an explosion, they peeked out and saw that the golems had straightened up and were running smoothly. Next, they did a voice test.

-PX1, PX3, PX5, PX7 and PX9 one step forward! -Soisen ordered, "Those I haven't mentioned, one pass back.

-Roger, Roger," the golems responded to signify that they understood and carried out the order without question or hesitation. The row in front of them suddenly became two with a space between them as they took up their new positions.

-We did it!

The three of them did a group hug carried away by excitement, they hadn't worked together on such a challenging project since Soisen had to leave for Beauxbatons and they had to prepare the magical protective clothing separately.

-Should we take them outside to do the test run? -Hermione asked, leaving the hug as she looked at the golems. At the strange lack of response, she turned and sighed wearily, "Silvia, can you let him breathe?

-I'm sorry, I was a little too excited," she apologized as she pulled her lips away from Soisen's.

-Oxygen! -Following the joke, Soisen started breathing as if he had been drowning in water, earning a pat on the shoulder from Silvia who had turned red.

Seeing Hermione roll her eyes, Soisen stopped joking and continued the conversation after laughing.

-Since we want to keep these golems as trump cards, it wouldn't be wise to take them out and test them nearby," he explained without thinking too much about it, "I'll ask my house elves to take them to a desolate place to do the test run away from prying eyes, both wizards and Muggles. Like a desert, they can do no harm when all around is pure sand.

Both witches hummed in agreement, they just needed to check if everything set up worked and how well they moved. They were not as rigid as the stone statues they modified earlier and it was necessary to check things like balance or if the consumption was as expected.

-By the way, I never asked you, but how long can the batteries you designed last? -Hermione remembered what had been on her mind for the past few weeks.

Her estimates hovered around... Six months? A year?

No, being optimistic maybe they could make it to two years?

-Under the conditions of: Being in a place where the magic in the air is abundant to replenish their reserves passively and the estimated natural wear of the materials of the current battery model, they can last around three hundred and fifty years -Soisen answered him after a quick calculation- With a variable of twenty years based on the frequency of rains that change the humidity of the air, the fluctuation of temperature due to climate change and that without taking into account possible shocks in case they need to be used and the damage to the magic conduits.

-That's... a bit more than I thought," Hermione sighed in relief that she hadn't tried to guess the battery life out loud.

Soisen could only shrug in response.

The golems consumed quite a bit of magic and if it weren't for the batteries that were already charged when they were put in, they wouldn't even be able to start even if they were cast the same animation spell on them as they were on the stone statues.

Even if the batteries could be eternal, the golems' bodies had a limit due to the materials they used because it was likely that when the castle was attacked in the future, they would all be destroyed.

Soisen was only willing to use the best materials when he made a superior version to protect the bastion and his descendants in the future.

Even if Hogwarts falls apart, as long as he has money and resources, he can rebuild the place as many times as necessary. But if people disappear, there is nothing he can do to bring them back. It didn't even cross his mind to use the Deathly Hallows Stone, knowing full well that it was nothing more than a hoax.

Be that as it may, now the school had one more hidden card for the future.