
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Derivados de obras
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164 Chs

Is there any error?

The Beauxbatons students returned to school once the holidays were over and were greeted with a surprise that had been kept hidden from everyone.

They had an exchange student!

This piqued the interest of many, as these things are usually done during the beginning of the school year and not when they are halfway through. He was introduced during the welcome banquet and their beloved principal provided some details to satiate their appetites for gossip.

Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus

Male, second year Hogwarts student.


Unaffiliated with any of the three Beauxbatons houses.

Would be allowed to have a small store to subsidize his expenses during his stay. His products have been reviewed and approved by the headmistress herself, giving some examples as a free promotion in thanks for Soisen's Christmas gift.

After finishing the banquet, Soisen had the feeling that he became the newly arrived animal from the zoo. All the female students were looking at him intently and he had to try to carry on multiple conversations while keeping his manners.

Why don't you have a wand?

Where are you sleeping?

What kind of girl do you like?

When do you open your store?

What conditioner do you use for your hair?

By the time she managed to placate and run away thanks to a distraction, she realized that it wasn't that the school only had a majority of female students, rather there were almost no boys!

Soisen was looking around and counted on the fingers of one hand the number of male students, all of whom seemed to be doing their best not to stand out.

And he didn't even use all the fingers on his hand!

-There you are, Soisen -Cloe approached him with a teasing smile- I saw that you were being very popular and I didn't want to bother you while socializing, now that you're free, here, this is your study schedule.

-Thank you, teacher- Soisen nodded and examined the timetable she took from Chloe's hand, raising an eyebrow when she saw some inconsistencies- Are there any mistakes?

-No, these are your lessons based on your performance," Cloe assured her.

Transformations: Fourth year timetable.

Potions: Fifth year timetable.

Charms: Fourth year schedule:




-But it's not possible - Soisen wasn't criticizing the level of teaching he was assigned, since almost everyone seemed to agree with his own opinion -Teacher, several lessons happen simultaneously in two different places. I can't split myself in two!

-Don't worry, we thought of everything," Chloe reached out and handed him a pendant, "Do you know what this is?

-A Spinning Time? -Soisen was genuinely and completely dumbfounded as he felt the artifact in his hand- Aren't they supposed to be highly regulated?

-Exactly -Cloe nodded and explained the reason he was given one -We could put you in some lower year classes, but that would leave you with half the time with nothing else to learn. So after discussing for a long time in the evening, a consensus was reached that you would be loaned this time-turner until you leave school. Normally we will try to find some alternative, but the results of your tests were... strong enough.

And the fact that you will manage to do everything without a wand was even more spectacular, the headmistress almost didn't believe them when they presented her with the report.

-How exactly does it work? I don't want to make a mistake when it comes to timing - although Soisen remembered a bit of what they explained in the book when Hermione received one, it was better to ask for precise instructions and hear the precautions first hand.

Chloe explained how it worked, what to avoid doing and reminded him that the time limit of this time-turner was only three hours due to its age. He also could not share with anyone its existence, he was not to lose it, etc.

Soisen listened seriously and regretted a little not being able to disassemble the time-turner to study the mechanism of Time magic, but it's not like he was really losing anything either, he had already obtained something that would allow him to have three additional hours of study every day.

-Well, that's all you need to keep in mind," said Cloe, "Remember to find me today when you finish your lessons so I can start helping you with that project of yours. Now go on, your Transformations class is about to start. Even if you can't earn points, it's better not to make a bad impression on the first day.

Soisen said goodbye and took a few seconds to get his bearings, remembering where he took the Transformations test yesterday. Thanks to the directions of a couple of paintings along the way, he made it in time by the skin of his teeth.

-I'm sorry, I still couldn't memorize all the places -although he wasn't late, he felt the urge to put on a buffer when he noticed that everyone else was present and seemed to be waiting for him.

-He's not late, Mr. Galegold," the Transformations teacher, Madame Amelie nodded and waved him through as the students looked at each other, confused by the situation.

Wasn't he a second year student? This was the lesson for fourth years!

Amelie was quick to remove the doubt from their minds.

-Our exchange student was tested upon arrival and has been assigned lessons that are deemed most appropriate to squeeze out his potential," she explained as she swept her gaze around the classroom and pointed to an empty seat at one of the double desks, "Mr. Galegold, please take a seat and we can begin today's lesson. Feel free to raise your hand at the end of the lesson if you have any questions.

-Yes, teacher - Soisen saw the empty seat and walked over to it, sitting down and greeting the student next to her by nodding her head as she turned her attention back to Amelie.

Strange, he had a feeling he had seen the girl sitting next to him somewhere and didn't remember where it was, how was that possible if he didn't know anyone from Beauxbatons?

What Soisen didn't know was that her casual and polite gesture, made everyone present speechless.

That was because the person who had no one by his side, was known to have a powerful charm thanks to the quarter veela blood that ran through his veins, Fleur Delacour!

But the exchange student seemed... immune to veela charm?

If the students and teacher Amelie were open-mouthed, Fleur was in complete shock at the indifference Soisen showed to her.


(I don't remember if it was mentioned what year Fleur was in, so I'll put that this year she's in the fourth year of Beauxbatons so that when she gets to the Goblet of Fire, she'll be in the sixth year).

Remember that you can read the original version on my Pa-treon while you support me.

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