
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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164 Chs

(Title at the end)

Soisen felt something was out of place when Nagini and his mothers came to pick him up at the station, once he separated from his friends and waited for them to arrive.

Ann and Ingta acted the same, laughed the same, and joked with him the same.

But, oddly enough, he really felt there was something wrong with their behavior.

Even Nagini seemed to be trying to act like herself.

Soisen immediately tried to think what it could be.

Were they being threatened or remotely controlled by someone?

Did they adopt another baby in her absence and fear her reaction to finding out?

If this were a cartoon, steam would have started coming out of Soisen's ears at the number of possibilities he was shuffling through as possibilities.

Ingta and Ann didn't notice his change, but Nagini knew they had failed in trying to hide something from their master when she saw him begin to examine everything around him out of the corner of his eye, as if looking for any enemies or clues as to what was going on.

Holding back a sigh, she helped carry the things to her master's room and just as she expected, the moment they were alone in the room....

-Nagini, what happened? -Soisen asked as he closed the door behind him.

He hadn't been able to locate the problem the entire trip and seeing that there was no other newborn in the house when he arrived, he was beginning to question if what he was feeling was real.

-Some... complications have arisen over the last month," Nagini answered him.

-What kind of "complications" could cause you to behave this way? And I mean all three of you.

-In my case, it was because your mothers asked me not to tell you yet. You know how we are connected, hiding something like this from you is very uncomfortable for me.

-Did they quit their jobs or get fired?

-It's not about their job.

-Was there any bad news after visiting the doctor or are there financial problems?

Nagini shook her head to Soisen's dismay.

-What is it about then? -he asked, beginning to lose patience.

It's not health or work.

There are no new members in the family.

They are not facing any kind of financial ruin.

He didn't know what else he was missing!

-I suggest you wait until tomorrow, when we go for our training session in an isolated place -Nagini did not answer him directly, but gave him a suggestion.

This only unnerved Soisen's nerves more, but he took a deep breath and after calming down a bit, decided to follow Nagini's suggestion despite his bad feeling.

Dinner passed without incident and in the evening Soisen tossed and turned in bed.

...In a deserted place the next morning....

-Can you tell me at once what's going on?

Nagini checked the distance between them and nodded.

-It all started three weeks ago, your mothers received two letters, one for each of them respectively," she began to explain, "The letters were from their families, the same ones that disowned them all those years ago.

-I knew something bad was going on," Soisen thought, but he didn't interrupt Nagini.

-The letters were... unpleasant, very much so, and revolved around a single target -Nagini looked him in the eyes- You.

-Me?" Soisen pointed his finger at himself, not understanding why he was suddenly mentioned.

He never had any contact with those people!

And as Nagini said, his mothers were supposed to have been disowned as Squibs. Why would they suddenly write to them?

They never exchanged a single word since then!

-They wanted to know if it was true that the two of them adopted the heir to the Galegold family," Nagini summarized, trying to explain the contents without repeating the exact words, "And if so, they expected, no, demanded, that the heir would be presented to them so that the family properties would be passed on to them to manage on their behalf until he came of age. Then they would return them when the time came, if they found him worthy in their judgment.

Soisen began to laugh, but it was not a happy laugh at all.

-And then? -he asked, "What did they do?

-They burned the letters," Nagini answered, "They really didn't expect that the first time their families contacted them, it was to "cleanly steal" their son with a tone similar to an order.

-But that wasn't all, was it? -questioned Soisen- Something like that wouldn't have made you so uncomfortable trying to hide it.

Nagini took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the wand.

-Igta went out to the market last Saturday to buy some things for the pantry at the usual place. But that day, the clerk told her there was a delivery error and he couldn't restock, so he redirected her to another store farther away that he knew of. Since it wasn't too far away, she didn't think much of it and went to the given address.

-My mother was ambushed by someone?! -Soisen began to connect dots at the obvious misplaced circumstances, too much like a bad movie.

-"Indeed," Nagini nodded, "When she arrived at the indicated location, there was no market nearby and she was assaulted by several wizards who cast spells at her. Fortunately, she had the protections you gave them with her and was not damaged by the first wave.

-The... first wave?

-When they saw that the common spells didn't work... One of them used the Cruciatus Curse on her and the defenses couldn't protect her. But then I got the alert and ran to the place! -It took me barely ten seconds to get there in a hurry and I was able to take her away. But...

-But what? -Soisen's eyes were bloodshot and turned unconsciously golden as the earth began to show signs of trembling at his feet.

-At the last moment, the same wizard who cast the Cruciatus tried to stop me using the Avada curse. And we couldn't avoid it! -Nagini's voice began to tremble at this point.

Soisen went from anger to confusion.

Ingta and Nagini were alive. Ann was also home safe.

But you just said they couldn't avoid the killing curse.

That left a question mark, whose life was taken then?

An image flashed in Soisen's mind and he looked at Nagini as his eyes widened.

It couldn't be.

-Nagini... why didn't I see Rada yesterday? -Soisen asked with a dry throat.

The witch merely lowered her gaze and that was all she needed to know the answer.

Soisen's breathing quickened and the magic around her condensed and twisted.

The hair on her head grew wildly to cover her back as it turned golden and two triangular ears with white tips emerged on top.

His tightly clenched teeth sharpened and large amounts of steam and silvery mist erupted from his breath.

Several tails shot out from the root of his spine and whipped the ground, causing cracks in the earth.

Nagini knew she couldn't stop what was going to happen next, so she raised wards during the night in this place and now focused all her magic on the shield she was holding so that the overwhelming pressure of the magic Soisen emits during her magical burst wouldn't kill her.



The next morning, the Muggle news reported how due to the movement of tectonic plates, one of the largest mountains in the area came crashing down.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic was going crazy trying to figure out where that spike in magic they recorded in the Department of Mysteries came from.

Chapter 86 Where is Rada?