

The Field of The End was only Short story, it was only the Beginning of the Protagonist before the main story, I wrote this first so there's no Confusion on why the protagonist is like this and why his knowledge on this and so on. Shin was a kid in a Abandoned ruined he was adopted by two couples who were unable to have a Childrens themselves. They treat Shin very well and educate him on many things, both in life and Academics, but then he lost everything in just one week. This one is already completed, I will Continue this One in another Novel with A same Characters and add a new for now I will focus on something and continue this Novel. — MIJ

Mijume · Fantasía
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8 Chs

"The New Family"

Joe and Saria sat in a casual room, the bed behind them and a table set for their meal. Across from each other, they exchanged serious gazes.

At 45 years old, Saria, unable to bear a child, broached the idea of adopting the unknown child they had picked up on their recent mission.

Joe, not quite understanding his wife's sudden suggestion to adopt a child, inquired, "So, you want to adopt the kid we just rescued from the ruins?"

"Yes!" Saria replied firmly, her tone conveying the depth of her desire for motherhood.

"I understand it's a noble idea, but... Saria, I need to understand why you're considering adoption so suddenly," Joe said, his concern evident. It seemed out of character for Saria to propose such a significant decision at this time.

Saria reached into her left chest pocket of her military uniform and retrieved a paper, handing it to her husband. It contained Anny's summary letter. Joe carefully read the contents.

"...Seriously? Manaclues..." Joe's gaze returned to Saria, questioning the truthfulness of the situation. His expression conveyed disbelief, prompting Saria to understand his unspoken query: was this really true, or was it some sort of joke?

"I understand what's really Manaclues but can you expplain to me what really is manaclues in eye of thoose higher old farts?" Joe asked Saria.

"Manaclues, in the eyes of those higher-ups, is essentially the theory that the Unknown Monsters, or UM as we call them, are using humans to reproduce and increase their numbers," Saria explained to Joe.

"About 10 years ago, when the UM first appeared, they wreaked havoc worldwide, invading countries and causing chaos. These monsters have human bodies with strange heads, each possessing different strengths based on their head type. What baffled humanity the most was their rapid growth in numbers. Initially, there were only a few hundred, but after their first invasion, their numbers skyrocketed into the thousands. This led to the theory that they were using humans to reproduce, much like zombies in some fictional scenarios. At the same time, the discovery of Manaclues revealed it to be a gas element that trailed the movements of oxygen. As a result, humans began to harbor this strange element within their bodies. Remarkably, 7 out of 10 people experienced a sudden surge in strength, rivaling that of the UM themselves. Over time, they began to harness this newfound power to wield what became known as "Magic" – the ability to unleash magical attacks and phenomena.

For a decade, humanity adapted to coexist with Manaclues. However, the most unsettling aspect of this discovery was that Manaclues originated from the flesh of the UM, making it a potential threat to humanity's very existence and so the humanity stopped themselves from acquisition of Manaclues and the People who has a Manaclues started to fade and vanished.

"I understand the significance of Manaclues to humanity, but what does adopting that child have to do with it?" Joe questioned Saria once more.

"Indeed, Manaclues is invaluable, and it's rare for humans to possess something like it. But have you considered what those old bastards might do to a child with Manaclues?" Saria countered, answering her husband's question with another question.

Joe sighed, realizing his wife's determination to adopt the child.

"I suppose I can't argue with you. If it makes you happy, then I'm happy too, because I promised to make you happy," Joe said romantically, standing up from his chair and leaving the room.


In the small HQ of Unit 86, housed in an abandoned dormitory serving as their temporary base, 001 sat on a bench, admiring the serene view of the flat land adorned with grass and trees. The peaceful ambiance, accompanied by the gentle whispers of the wind and the nearby lake water, enveloped 001 in a comforting embrace.

Suddenly, someone covered 001's eyes, accompanied by playful giggles. Instinctively, 001 pushed upwards, breaking free from the grasp. Turning around, he met the gaze of the woman who had cared for him all this time - Saria.

"001, would you like me to be your mother?" Saria's unexpected question hung in the air, catching 001 off guard.

001 looked at Saria with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. He understood the concept of a mother, but what puzzled him was why this woman, whom he had known for only a day, was asking him to be her son.

Saria's straightforward question cast a sudden awkwardness over the atmosphere, evident in her flushed cheeks as she realized the audacity of her proposal.

Saria was known for her directness and determination, qualities that defined her as a free spirit. She was someone who would go to great lengths to understand and support those she cared about, even if it meant making unconventional choices or asking difficult questions.

"I... I never had a mother..." 001 replied, tilting his head slightly as he stared steadily at Saria. His response prompted a warm smile from Saria, who then embraced the child once more.

"Don't worry, I've never had a child either, so this is new for both of us. Will you be my son and call me 'mother'?" Saria pleaded with puppy-dog eyes, her expression softening.

Suddenly, Joe appeared behind Saria, playfully closing a can on her nape, startling her.

"Kyaaa!! What was that for?" Saria exclaimed, surprised by her husband's antics.

"You need to stay alert if you want to become a mother," Joe teased, taking a seat next to 001 and offering the child a drink in case he was thirsty.

Saria smiled and settled down on 001's right side, while Joe sat on the left.

"Can you call me Mama?" Saria cheerfully asked the child, despite the fact that he hadn't explicitly agreed to let her be his mother. Her enthusiasm was palpable as she eagerly awaited his response.

Joe gently patted and stroked 001's head, running his fingers through the child's long black hair.

"I hope that when the time comes, you can call us 'MAMA' and 'PAPA.' I'm really looking forward to that, okay? Oh, but wait, you don't have a name yet, do you?" Joe's happiness at seeing his wife in high spirits reflected in his tone as he spoke.

From now on, if his wife found happiness in this child, Joe was willing to place his trust in him to be the source of her joy.

"What about 'SHIN'? It means belief, faith, or trust, and in other words, true or genuine," Joe suggested.

Both Saria and 001 looked at him, considering the suggestion.

(To be continued)

Joe Martasio, also known as "Blo" for his piercing blue eyes and clean blonde hair, possessed a muscular physique that reflected his dedication to his duties. He was a straightforward man who prioritized his wife, Saria, above all else. With no other relatives or distractions, his sole focus was creating a world where Saria could find happiness.

As the Captain of Unit Camp 86's patrol/frontline team, Joe led the charge in fighting and investigating their designated area. He was committed to expanding their territory and strengthening their defense and weapons, ensuring the safety of their unit and the success of their missions. Despite facing challenges, Joe remained steadfast in his resolve to protect and support his wife, Saria, above all else.