
work in progress could use help working on it email is kirshe0082@ncpschools.org

Lucy is a stripper and works at Night Beasts. The reason why is because her mother and father died so she had to take care of her sister and brother so the only job she could get at sixteen was as a stripper. Lucy and her family are white. She gets paid 50 dollars every thirty minutes. She wears red and black leather lingerie the night she meets Owen. Owen (me) is a total bad guy; he rides a motorcycle, always wears a leather jacket, and is black. He works as a bouncer every other week he gets paid forty dollars every thirty minutes, the reason he started going to the club was his wife was cheating on him and they got divorced. I walk in the door and the first striper he sees is lucy. our Eyes meet and lock for thirty seconds and she looks away. She dances on the pole in front of me and I get a super hard dick just from watching her dance on a pole. She sees that. She walks backstage and comes out from behind a door and walks up to me and whispers in my ear "come with me" and so I get up and follow her. We walked behind the door she came out of and took me to a curtained area. She pushes me into the chair that's against the wall. She starts to do an exotic lap dance on me and it makes me even harder. I ask Lucy "when do you get off work?". She says " in an hour or so but I got to get back on the pole we have limited strippers tonight so come watch" and so we walk out of the curtained area and she leads him to the door "you must leave alone I have to go down the hall and get on stage" "ok, I said. So I left and sat down on the stage and started watching Lucy pole dance. After her shift ended Lucy and I went to The Greek "So why did you become a stripper?" I asked "because my mom and dad died when I was sixteen and I had to take care of my younger sister and brother," she says. "What do you like to do in your free time?" I say. "I like to clean, read, watch romantic movies, and I like hanging out with my friends," says Lucy. "Ok well what're your favorite possessions at your house?" I ask. "I have a picture of my family when my mom and dad were alive and I was fifteen which makes my sister four and my brother three. My journal and my mom's journal from when she was fifteen." says Lucy. "Ok interesting," I say. "What is something wrong with my answers?" Lucy asked. " no just not what I expected. I thought you were going to say something like my money, my television, or something of that sort, ``I say. "Well I'm not like most people. I have lost loved ones and material things don't bother me, it's what I have of my whole family or my mom owned," Lucy says. They talk until midnight "well I liked getting to know you but I have a question, would you date me?" I say. Lucy in return says" I liked getting to know you too and yes I would". The next day they go on a lunch date to the Alpha. They meet up and when they see each other they say at the same time "hey how are you". Lucy says "jinx" she laughs and then says "I'm good how are you". I say "I'm good thanks for asking" while laughing. They sit down and order food, Lucy gets Pesto and aubergine pizza and Owen gets Cauliflower salad with pesto dressing. They start to talk "have there ever been any weirdos when you work?" asks Owen. "Yeah he was old and rich, he wanted a lap dance and I wouldn't give him one, so he started yelling at me and the manager came and kicked him out and any weirdos at your job," Lucy says. "Yeah, there was one the person was a girl they wanted to fuck me because they were drunk and a virgin I said no and she threw up on me and her friends came to the rescue," he said laughing. Lucy says "wow just wow". " I know right anyway that was the weirdest thing that happened," says Owen. Lucy says "hey question" Owen answers with "yes?". Lucy says "why do you like me?" Owen answers with "because you're beautiful, caring, and you're not like most people with their possessions," says Owen. "I need to use the bathroom, wanna come?" asked Lucy. Owen answers with "hell yeah", they walk into the bathroom, Owen pushes Lucy into the wall, they start kissing and then he moves toward the neck. He takes his shirt off and starts to take hers off and when it's off he sees a gorgeous pair of tits. They start to make out, she unbuttons and unzips his pants, she pulls his pants and underwear down and sees his huge hard black dick. She starts to lick it then sucks it. Owen grabs the hair on the back of her head and makes her deep throat his dick. He removes his hand and she stops and starts to give him a hand job while asking "do you like that?", he answers "yes a lot". She stands up, unbuttons, and unzips her pants and he pulls them down along with her underwear. He picks her up and puts her on his shoulders and starts to suck and tongue her pussy. Lucy moans quietly and he puts her down. He picks her back up just a little bit above his dick, he backs her up to where her back was on the wall and he slowly drops her on his large fat dick, slowly he goes deeper and deeper. She was biting her lip to keep from screaming until she bites his neck, "AAAAHHHHH", she finally screams. Owen stops "are you ok?". She answers with a head nod. So Owen continues going deeper in her tight pink pussy. A worker walks in and tells them they need to leave. So they leave and go their separate ways. That night Lucy did not work. She was at home when she heard a knock on the door. She goes to open the door and sees Owen, Lucy says "how did you get my address?". Owen says " one of the girls that work with you gave it to me", from behind his back he pulls flowers and says "I'm sorry that our first time was in a disgusting restaurant bathroom and I was hoping we could start over,?". She answers by pulling him in the door, closing it behind him, places the flowers on the table, and leads him upstairs to her room. In lucy's room, there are red led lights, there are sex toys on the shelves, handcuffs, and gags hanging from the wall. He says "wow you're a kinky bitch aren't you?" she answers by pushing him on the bed and sitting on his huge hard dick "yes I am," she says with confidence. They start to kiss, he puts his hands on her ass. He gets up with her still on him, he throws her on the bed and starts to slowly take his clothes off, first the shirt, all you see are abbs, next the pants, all you see is a huge hard black dick. She's on her hands and knees and he moves closer to the bed, she crawls to him and she stares, then she grabs it hard, licks the tip barely, and starts to suck and deep throat it. Then she stops, gets off the bed, and shoves him onto it, she starts to slowly take her clothes off to give him a little show. She pulls him off the bed and gets on her hands and knees, her pussy already wet " put it in my pussy slowly but deep" she says. So he gets on his knees on the bed and starts to put his dick in her pussy slowly but going deeper and deeper. She bites her lips wanting to scream but she doesn't. He keeps going deeper and she finally screams "ahhh" "yes daddy," she says. So he goes deeper and a little faster. Finally, he's balls deep, he pulls and pushes his dick in her pussy, "oh ya, fuck me harder, yes daddy", so he goes faster and harder, so hard the entire neighborhood could probably hear her scream. So he pulls his huge dick out of her now super stretched pussy and asks "did you like that baby" she answers with " mhm I loved it but do it again plz". "No I have to go to work," Owen says, she answers with "but daddy plz I'll make you cum". Owen thinks about it then forces her on her back and spends her legs, he goes to put it in and she screams loudly. He stops "are you ok?" he asks. "No you put it in my assshole it hurts but keep going" and so he grabs a gag and puts it on her and continues to push his huge dick in her asshole. When he's balls deep in her ass he takes off the gag and asks "are you ready?", she nods. So he pulls and pushes his dick in her asshole, her screaming the entire time, so he stops "we will work on that a different time ok baby" says Owen "ok daddy fuck my pussy, fuck it hard" so he lays down on the bed and tells her "get on it do it yourself you said you would make me cum so do it". So she gets on her hands and knees and starts to suck his huge dick, he grabs her hair and forces her to deep throat his dick many times, and then he stops and says " get on my dick now I'm about to cum and I want to cum in you tight ass pussy" so she does and as soon as she does he starts to cum. He pushes her all the way down on his dick she moans loudly and she starts to bounce on his dick, moaning witch is making him cum more inside her. He says "oh om lord your sound damn good I would fuck you all day if we could" he moans a little and puts his hands on her waist to force her to bounce faster. "Yess daddy I would love that but sadly we can't" she looks at the clock "oh my god I have to go to work and so do you" she get off his dick and she goes to get off the bed but Owen pulls her back and says "suck it one last time?", "yes gladly," she says. She gets back on the bed, on her hands and knees and spits on his dick, and starts with a hand and mouth job. Then she removes her hand and Owen grabs her hair and forces her to deep throat his huge dick she gags and gags and finally, she tastes cum in her mouth. He removes his hand and she stops she takes her tit and starts to rub them on his dick the cum continues to flow and goes all over her tits. When the cum stops flowing lucy starts to lick her tits to get the cum off. Then Owen leaves and lucy takes a shower to clean her body off from the sticky cum. Then Lucy goes to work in purple lingerie.


Owen went straight to work even though he was one hour late and he thought he was going to get fired, when he finally saw the place we worked and realized it was on fire he just stood there in scaredness. He didn't know what to do. So he drove off. Owen went to the club that lucy worked at and before he got out of his huge dick was super hard. So he got out of the car and went in the door. When he walked in he saw lucy on the pole dancing like never before. She was better than two days ago. When she stopped she walked backstage. Owen went and sat down at the stage. A random girl walks up to Owen and asks "I give you sex, you give me money deal?" Owen says "no I have a girlfriend". The girl says "she ain't gonna know is she?" lucy says "I don't know what?" Owen's face changes to scared and not for him. "Nothing sorry ill leave him alone," says the girl. Owen turns around "Is she scared of you?" lucy nods. "Is your shift over?" lucy says "yeah u ready to fuck all night long?" Owen says "I am I don't know about your ass hole." they laugh and walk out together. They go back to lucy's house, Owen and Lucy enter the house making out. Owen picks up lucy to take her up with one leg on each side of his waist, with his dick pressing against her pussy making her hornier every step he takes. They finally made it to the bedroom and he drops her on the bed takes off his shirt and goes back to kissing her, then he takes off her shirt and purple bra and uses his tongue to play with her nipples. He removes his tongue and twists her nipples, she moans quietly, he then went back to kissing her, and while kissing her, she was taking his pants and underwear off. He stands up "what are you going to do with my dick?" he asks her, she answers by spiting on in and starts with a hand job. Then she moves to a handjob and blowjob, he moans super softly. She removes the dick from her mouth and says "you like that daddy" he in return nods and grabs her hair and his dick and she opened her mouth and he shoved it in and down her throat. She gaged so hard she cried, so he pulled his dick out and said "sorry I forgot you're not used to rough sex" she said, "it's ok just keep going". "Are you sure", she nods, so he shoved his dick back in and kept pushing it down her throat. He finally stopped when she burst out into tears. "It's ok I know what will make you happy though" "w-what," she says. He picks her up off the floor and throws her on the bed. He then picks up her legs and puts them on each of his shoulders and starts to three-finger her and lick her g-spot. She moans so loud that she stops crying. When she cummed in his mouth he smiled and swallowed it. He grabbed a pair of fuzzy cuffs and a gag. He cuffed her hands in front of her and gagged her and led her downstairs to a desk and laid her on it, he put his hands on her waist and squeezed then slowly put his huge black dick in her small tight pink pussy. He the tip in and she moaned, "I'm about to make your pussy raw" he says. He puts his dick in her pussy faster than he did before, lucy moans super loud it almost sounds like a scream. I push my dick further in than ever, "oh ima fuck you like an animal" I say, all she does is nod telling me to do it. So I slid it in all the way super fast, I moved my hips back and forth so fast that she screamed and the next-door neighbor came I running in and it was a hot teenager, maybe eighteen or younger. " are you….." "um I am so sorry I will leave you two alone", she turns to face the door, " no" I said. "Stay and you can get fucked too", she turns "why would i". "Because I can tell your horny and you want my dick and you by so you'd fuck lucy to", "I… .fine'll stay but only because you said it was ok". In my mind I say " hell yes, I get a normal pussy and a teen pussy in one night, sweet" but I say "ok close the door and go get a gag and handcuffs" "ok by the way I'm tina" and she does what I said and she comes back unclothed "stop what the hell go get dressed we take the clothes off" and so she did and came back downstairs. By the time she's back, Lucy is uncuffed and ungauged. I started kissing Tina, she was the same height as me, so I put one hand on Tina's waist and one on Lucy's pussy. Then I take both hands and take tina's shirt off I put my hands on tina's waist. Then I move my hands to her bra. I squeeze her tits and then I take her bra off and I use my tongue to play with her nipples and then I use my hands to squeeze Tina's tits (they're so big) and I suck them. I take my hands and unbutton and unzip her pants. I back up and let lucy take over. She slowly removes tina's pants. Lucy says "lay belly up on the desk". "Why," I ask, lucy says "so I can suck her pussy and she sucks your dick", "oh ok works for me," I say. Tina says "ok" and she does as she's told. I walk up to her head and Tina sucks my dick so I don't want her to stop, I moan a lot when she has to stop to breathe all she can do is moan. "I love this shit lucy can I fuck tina real quick?" lucy and tina both say "HELL YES", so I gag and cuff tina, I barely get the tip in and tina starts to shake her head. I say "too late little one", I push it in slowly and as I do that lucy is sucking and licking tina's tits. Tina's screams are muffled by a gag and a hand, Lucy's hand, I push my dick in further into Tina's pussy. I can't help but let out a moan from how much tighter than Lucy's pussy. I love it. "Your pussy is so fucking wet I just fucking make it wetter will you let me?", lucy says "HELL YEAH SHE WILL IF SHE DONT I WLL". tina shakes her head no, "too bad I'm still gonna", she screams like she is being raped but everyone's asleep. I shove my dick in her pussy so fast I started to cum, so to make the most of it I move my pelvis back and forth fastly to fuck tina's pussy all up. I start to moan a lot, lucy notices but does nothing. I'm so glad she's not jealous. I stop because I'm done cumming in her. Next is lucy its been six-hours, so it should be super tight. I pull out of tina and beckon tina to get on her knees, she does, I take the gag off her and she starts to talk "oh om god your huge dick filled my tight pussy with come, does this mean I can call you daddy I would love that." "good I love filling tight pussy and mouths with cum and yes it does, now shut the fuck up and suck my damn huge ass dick". The next thing I know tina takes off her cuffs and spits on my dick and does both mouth and handjob and I love it a lot, when I say a lot I mean I fucking never had it done better to me. Tina then removes her hand and straight-up doesn't take small bits by bits, she straight up deep throated my deep it was so amazing I cumned and she swallows it right away then she looks up and winks at me. I love tina so much. I grab tina by the neck, I made her stand, I whisper in her ear "now I am going to bend you over the desk and fuck your asshole" I finally stopped talking and all tina does is stand there waiting. So I take her by the neck choking her a little bends her down on the desk and starts to fuck tina's asshole. I love this damn chic. It's like she's never been fucked and I fucking love it. As I'm fucking her asshole I get the sudden urge to grab tina's hair, so I grab her hair, like the rough guy I am and I pull her head back and stand her up and I start to choke to the point she is wheezing instead of moaning. It's so fucking hot, and I love choking girls. I see Lucy moving closer to Tina to suck her pussy and god was it hot. I remove my hand and tina gasps for air. I take the opportunity to make her moan loudly, so I move my hand down to Tina's pussy and fastly rub her g-spot. God the way she moaned was amazing. I finally stop using tina as a sex toy. I cuff Lucy and pick her up. I put her back against the wall. I insert my huge, still hard, dick in Lucy a little bit and she moans so loud I want to cum in Lucy's little, tight, pink, pussy so bad, it hurts. I shoved my dick in her pussy and cum. I loved it so much. I pulled my dick out and put her down I turned her around, shoved her face into the wall, tastes, and start to fuck her ass, it was so hot. We had to stop because I had to go to work. So we all got dressed, Tina went home, and Lucy went to sleep. So I left and went to my new job. My new job at a club as a bouncer. The club is called magical beings. I get to work and I get out of my car and walk in and clock in and then I walk to my position outside the door. I stand there for two hours then I clock out and head home. I walk into my house and go to the bathroom to shower. Once I'm done in the shower I head towards my bedroom and go straight to bed. At ten o'clock in the afternoon, I woke up. The next thing I know there's a knock at the door. So I go to open the door and I see Tina standing there. Tina says "nice body" bc I'm shirtless. "Thanks and how did you find my address?" I say. In return, she says "my dad's a cop so I asked him to find you" I say in return "ok then why are you here?". "Because I want you to fuck me," Tina says. "Ok come on in," I say. Tina walks in and says "what a nice place", "thanks," I say. She pushes me on the couch and starts to kiss me. She kisses my lips and then my neck she takes off my shirt and I move my hands down to her ass, it was firm. Her lips touch mine again, I thought wow she's so amazing. She starts to grind her pussy against my dick, it started getting hard. I tore her shirt off her and took her bra off her. I licked the left nipple then the right. Then I suck on the left for a few seconds then I move to the right one. I stop long enough to hear her moan. I pick her up, her legs around my waist I slam her back into the wall, I hear another moan. She is wearing a skirt, so I move her panties to the side and I wipe out my dick and shove it up her pussy. She screams so loud that I can't help but moan myself. T want to take her to my bed but she seems to be enjoying herself, so I will let her. She says " oh my god, yes mhm yes, harder" so I go faster and harder. She moans louder and I cum in her pussy. "Oh no," I say, "what did you cum in me?" she asks. " uh yes I did I'm sorry," I say "it's ok just means ill have to keep an eye on it". "Ok well ill buy the pregnancy test and you'll do it here so your dad does not know ok?" I say, "ok thank you, and can you keep going I love it," Tina says. "Hell yeah I will, you want it you got it," I say. So I throw her over my shoulder and take her to my bedroom. When we get to the bed, I slammed her on it and shimmied her skirt off. Then I took off my pants and I shoved my dick in her tiny, tight, pussy and she screamed. God, I love it when she screams. So I go faster and harder, she screams more and more. " please daddy stop it hurts," she says "ok ill stop," I say. So then I take my dick out and start to lick and suck her pussy and she has an orgasm. She moans so loud, I cum and she cleans up the mess. "Well I have to get going my dad is here I just saw him pull in," Tina says, "ok see you in two weeks for the pregnancy test ok?" I say. "ok, " she says back. She puts on her clothing and kisses me goodbye and leaves. My dick is still hard so I head to lucy's house and I pray she is home. I get there and knock on the door. No response. I knock on the door again. I hear footsteps and there she is in a towel, meaning she just got out of the shower, "hey I have a problem want to help" I ask. She looks down and grabs my collar and drags me into the house and drags me upstairs and pushes me on her bed she takes off the towel and climbs on the bed and unbuttons my pants and pulls them down far enough to see my dick. She then starts to lick it like a lollipop and then she sucks it. I put my hand on her head and I push down so she deep throats and I cummed. She cleans up the mess and I grab the handcuffs I pull her arms above her head and cuff them. I pick her up and attach the cuffs to a hook on the wall I just installed yesterday. Lucy says "what are you doing?" "I'm gonna hurt you that's what," I say. I start to lick her pussy then I suck and bite it she screams. I stand back up and I wrap her legs around my waist and I slightly put my dick in, she moans loudly. I push it in hard, she screams louder than before. I start to slide it back and forth. She smiles and says " harder, faster" so I do as she says. Then I feel my cum coming up so I pull it out and it squirts all over her. I take her down, off the hook, and I uncuff her. She hops in the shower again and I leave.

2 weeks later

There's a knock at the door. I answer it and I see tina and I let her in I hand her the pregnancy test and she goes to the bathroom. I eavesdrop on the door and I hear a gasp. I knock on the door "is everything ok?" tina answers back with "no I'm pregnant". Then I gasp I didn't think this would happen. I have to think an=bout what I have to tell lucy. "Ok, are you done using the bathroom," I ask her answer is "yes"? "Ok meet me in the living room I'm going to call lucy we have to explain to her that it has an accident ok?" she answers back with "ok but what about my dad?" "I never caught your age what is it?" she said "I turned nineteen two days ago" "ok so it's not illegal so we can tell him to," I said. So she called her dad and I call lucy and now there both at my house. "Lucy can you come with me please," I ask. Lucy says "sure what's up". I tell her everything. "It was an accident then it's ok". I ask her " can we break up because I have to take care of tina and the baby"? "Yeah it's fin I understand," Lucy says. "Ok I hope you know I'm sorry," I say. Lucy says "its ok no need to be sorry". So we walk back inside and tina's dad looks at me and says "I'm Ronald and welcome to the family". I say "thank you sir" we shake hands. Ronald leaves but before he says "tina do you want to live here or at my house?" tina says "here can you bring me some clothes and the stuff I need" he answers with a nod. Then Ronald walks out the door and then lucy leaves. "So tina when are we going to get all your stuff"?. "I don't know," she says. "Ok well what do you want for lunch?" I ask "pizza," she says. "Um no you have to eat healthily," I say. "Been doing research have you? Fine ill has a salad". "Yes I did do research and ok I have to get it from town wanna come"? I asked. "Ok, I will come". They get in the car and drive