
Chapter one.


The honks of cars and the conversations of passerbys and tourists fills and flows through the air as I maneuvere my way through the busy streets of Washington DC.

My phone was ringing non-stop in my pants but I make no attempt to even check who it was.

It's the same routine everyday. Wake up, exercise or if possible go to the gym, bathe, drive to work then come back to meet Eve at home. The same thing happens over and over again and I think I'm fine with it– no –I know I'm fine with it.

But today's just different. I could feel it in my bones and I don't like it. The difference is just that I've been all over the place since morning. Woke up late, couldn't even lift a fucking weight, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and now I'm having endless calls from people from my workplace I guess.

Groaning and glaring at anyone who comes my way, I walk up to the elevator ignoring the stares people gave me as I punch in the number of the floor I'm going to.

Stepping into the floor, my whole facial expression changes, as I try to be the jovial man they all know not a grumpy grinch I changed to, and I smile at anybody who greets me along the way. Immediately I set foot into my department, different people erupt in cheers. Howls and different sounds were made from various angles in the office and I just smile, like I said- I'm used to it.

This is the way my partners congratulate someone on solving a case. And I happen to have solved two cases in just a week.

Yes. I know I'm good at what I do.

"Rodriguez!" The chief bellows with laughter making his big stomach shake as he walks over to me.

"Yes chief?" I greet, trying my best to keep a smile on my face.

"You've done it again! Another case worked on and solved. We'd be throwing a party to celebrate this later this week." He praises slapping my back in happiness.

Get your hands off me you......

I just smile at him till he walks away to his office. I was already tired without doing anything and I hate it, like c'mon it's fucking nine in the morning.

I need to get checkedc cause going to bed early and waking up after eight hours of fucking sleep just to wake up tired isn't normal.

Dropping my bag, I walk over to the coffee machine when I heard someone call my name.

"Mr Mateo! Mr Mateo!" He screams running towards me.

"Just talk John!" I snap, adding a cube of sugar to my coffee.

"We have another case for you." He announced breathing heavily.


"I'm meant to be given a week off!" I raised my voice slightly while he trembles.

"It's a Mafia case! Your specialty." He snaps back earning a scrowl from me.

"Even though...." I trail off running my fingers through my hair in annoyance.

I can't even get some rest?!

I needed a fucking vacation!

"I'm sure you'd like this case. It involves the famous Mafia Queen." He pressed on and my ears perk up at the sentence.

"You mean Arianna?"


Arianna Romano. The deadliest and the most terrifying woman in the whole of America. She's so mysterious no one has ever seen her face. Be it covering up with a veil or wearing a mask, she makes sure her identity is hidden whenever she's out killing people.

I haven't worked on her case before but I know what she does to people who try to bring her down. Most of the officers who work on her case either end up dead or they miss few of their limbs. And that's what excites and intrigues me to take on the case.

"I'd do it. Show me the case." I order, walking to my office while he followed timidly.

"Mateo!!" A familiar voice yells and my face lit up immediately.

"Thomas!!" We did our bro hug and handshake before throwing our heads back in laughter.

"A case solved huh?" He asks walking into my office like he owns it, not like I mind though.

"Yeah. And now chief's sent another one my way." I mumbled glaring at John like he's the cause of my problem.

"Keep taking all the works while I sit back and enjoy but still get paid." He mocks and I punch him playfully.

"So now, the case." I directed the statement to John who rushed to my table hurriedly.

"There are photos of her we could get." He gestures to the left folder. "And these are the pictures of people she killed and how she killed them." He gestures to the right one.

When I opened the right folder, my mouth dropped in shock.

She kills like an animal. From using guns to knives and even farming tools like rake, hoe and the rest. There was a particular picture she tore open the face of a man and I gag with how disgusting it looks.

How can a human be like this? Kill your fellow human like this? How in the world would the families of these people feel?

I felt myself boil in anger as my blood grew hot in my being ready to explode at any minute. If she can kill and torture someone like this, I'd surely do the same to her.

"These are everything we could find sir."

"No problem Johnny. Leave the rest to me." I was thinking of different scenarios where I'd get ahold of her that I didn't notice what Thomas did.

"Wow. Be careful with this one Mateo. If she knows you're working on her case, and everywhere is silent. Just know that she was coming for you!" He advice with his voice thick with accent.

"Yeah I will." Oh you bet I will.

I'd find you Arianna Romano and I'd put you in jail.


there goes the first chapter<3

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