
Chapter four


I shift in the bed when I felt an arm drape around my waist under the covers. The covers was covering all the necessary places since I was naked underneath. The owner of the arm let its fingers roam around my curves and I bit my lips in pleasure.

"Why aren't you asleep baby?" Salvatore asks pulling me to his chest before resting his chin on my head while he tangles our legs beneath the covers.

My back was pressed to his chest making my ass be on his lower abdomen. I stifle a giggle when he continues to shift away from my ass and at the same time have me close to him.

"Nothing. You know my sleeping difficulties." I respond playing with his fingers.

Ever since I had my first kill-more like forced to kill-when I was 8 years old, I couldn't get any sleep without any nightmare for days. My mother thought it would end after weeks but it continued on-days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years-to the extent where I barely get a wink of sleep without having any nightmare. The only time I know I can sleep well was when I was completely wasted and drunk or after a mind-blowing sex which happens rarely.

He sighs and I felt his fingers caress my sides. Salvatore has always been the caring one out of both of us-the affectionate and emotional one, always the one making the best decisions, always the one fixing my mistake, always the one making sure everything is nice and perfect. Ever since we were kids, he's been the one always caring for me and watching out for me because well, I can be clumsy as fuck.

Glancing at the clock, I groan raising the covers over my head already stressed out by what I'd do today. Can't I just have a good time for just a day?

"Get up you lazy ass!" Salvatore snaps, dragging the covers away from my exposed body.

"Leave me alone. I gotta recharge!" I whine as he scoops me off the bed to the bathroom.

"I thought you recharge through eating? Now it's by sleeping?" He teased, placing me in the bath tub and adding some soap while I relax in it, letting the cold water soothe my sore body.

"Yes. I recharge through eating and sleeping." I open one of my eyes and stick my tongue out to him playfully. "Also maybe by killing bad people."

"You know we're also bad people right?" He asks, washing my body and letting his fingers tease my sides.

"Yes, I know. But you have to admit that we- I - barely kill innocent people." I think back to all the people I've killed knowing I was- I am - doing the right thing.

"But we still do bad things apart from just killing, you know."

"What's with all this questions? You're considering leaving?" I ask sitting up and staring at him with a glare I know intimidates everyone, even him.

He looks away nervously, fidgeting with the sponge. "No, I was just asking."

"Good. You know I can't do much without you here right? And I love you for always standing by me."

"What the- don't act all cheesy with me bro." He replies grinning before getting up on his feet leaving me all alone in the bathroom.

I smile to myself at his response knowing fully well the reason behind it. Salvatore and I have always been close since we were both young leaving us inseparable till this day.

I was three, he was five. His family moved to the mansion since his father was my dad's personal bodyguard making us grow fond of each other. We got into a sexual relationship where it's all about sex and no emotions attached six years ago and now, we can't leave each other since we haven't both seen someone we find attractive enough to date.

Well, as everyone says, I'm a monster and I don't deserve love. I guess they're right though. Who'd fall in love with someone like me?


Fixing the mask over my face well, I walk into the hotel making sure no one notice me. Not like anyone knows how I look like though, but I have to be careful.

Scanning the Wailea princess waiting room and making sure that all of the boys were ready for action, I make my way to the elevator ensuring my coat covers the gun I hid in the waist band of my pants well.

I click in the number of floor I want to get down on and watch as the doors close shut ignoring the stares a particular big man was giving me as he walks into the elevator.

I tap my boot on the floor, waiting patiently as time pass by and awaiting the blood that'd shed in a few minutes. I giggle as I subconsciously reach for the gun on my hip, biding the screams he'd make when I cut his balls off.

The elevator dings and I walk out of it to my destination. Noticing my men that were stationed on the floor, I click my teeth and eyed them, giving them the signal to go away. Not like I can't protect myself.

The clicking of heavy boots on the marble floor catch my attention and I hasten my steps. I take a sudden turn and I notice the person behind me take the turn too. I break into a jog, instantly regretting sending my men away.

Reaching for the only door I could see in view, I find myself on the top of the building and I immediately brought out my gun to the person's face but I was surprised to already see him point his gun at me.

Oh my- he's huge.

Everything froze as we both stare at each other waiting for the other to make a move. I click off the safety on my gun making him do the same and I watch the smirk creep up his face as I grow still.

Why am I suddenly scared?

What's happening to me?

Is this how I'm going to die?

Who the fuck is this man and why does he look so familiar?

"I've finally found you Miss Arianna. Nice to meet you." He says, pointing the gun to my head looking down at me.

He really is huge.

His deep voice send shivers down my back and I gulp as we both watch each other intensely.

"I know this is a weird question to ask in a situation like this but, how tall are you?"

Shit, what did I just ask?


okay c'mon who also thinks Arianna is kind crazy and wild lmaoo

don't forget to vote and comment<3
