
The Female CEO Who Stole The Male Leads Harem

#harem #yandere #girllove #sliceoflife Trinity Solaris was once a young girl born in a fantasy novel. With the protagonist being Adrian Fury. Trinity was destined to be the cannon fodder villainous. So when the Fury family came to propose marriage to Trinity's parents. Her parents let her decide and she said. "Hell no in this world I'm 100% Yuri all the way. I will have an army of wives." So her parents declined the proposal. Well saying no to the protagonist has its consequences. So one night Trinity's parents were killed and with the help of a friend she survived. Trinity Solaris is now the CEO of the shield group and so much more. Trinity has returned to Everose to steal what belongs to all protagonists his harem. She will bend them to Yuri and pick up a daughter along the way. Join her in her adventure. Advanced chapters available on my patreon join my growing community today. www.patreon.com/everstone

EverStone · LGBT+
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62 Chs

A Scam To Remember

While Sonia was busy learning to control her new powers.

Trinity was sitting in the newly repaired pool area. That cost a bit of money to repair since her fun with Scarlett the other night.

In front of Trinity was the giant forty-foot theater screen that came up out of the ground. Of the pool area so that Trinity can watch movies and TV while enjoying time with Scarlett.

But the most amusing thing on the TV had to be Adrian Fury. Who was found in the local municipal dump?

Covered in all kinds of strange brown substances that made Trinity feel disgusted.

The TV news reporter said.

"Good morning to the citizens of Everose. We have a rather special report for everyone today. As a local business tycoon and avid womanizer. Adrian Fury has been found unconscious and injured in the local municipal dump."

"Celebrations have been springing up all over Everose and the Dawn Empire in general. As a result of this discovery. Since for many women and fathers Adrian Fury while not a noble is seen as a tyrant."

"So many local towns and cities have declared this a national holiday. Although there has been no official announcement from the imperial family about this. We do not expect one either. However, things went from bad to terrible for Adrian Fury when it was discovered that he now has a severe case of erectile dysfunction."

"Due to the severe blunt force trauma that Arian Fury received to his junk. Fathers everywhere have said they can sleep better at night. Knowing that this legendary pervert is not on the streets. Will Adrian Fury recover from his injuries who cares? This report has been sponsored by the Shield Group. Have a good morning everyone."

Trinity laughed to herself as this was the best money she had spent on anything lately.

Without missing a beat Trinity pulled out her phone and made a call. To one of her STORM field agents.

The call was answered.

"Yes, my lady how can I help you today?"

Trinity said to her field agent.

"Make sure that our contacts in the Church Of The Divine Cross do not heal Adrian for the time being. Until we are paid in full for the service."

The agent responded to Trinity.

"Yes, my lady that is easily done if he wants to be healed. Then it will cost him a literal fortune. Which we will forward to you when it's received."

Trinity finished the conversation and then hung up. She was quite pleased about the possibility of making a lot of money off of Adrian.

Trinity never said anything about this to her wives but they cost her a lot of money. Men never realize just how expensive it is to maintain a harem.

Making Trinity think perhaps she could ask Sonia's father for a massive dowry. Trinity remembered that old man Theo had quite a fortune in money and land tucked away.

After Trinity steals Sonia. Then she should also liberate some of Theo's wealth. For Sonia's sake of course.

When Trinity recalled her wives it gave her a headache. Now they are going to start showing up in Everose. When that happens things are going to get expensive.

Trinity figured she might as well start fleecing people for more resources while she had time. Then after watching the news, Sonia moved on to her next order of business.

The Shield Group is not only suffering for those little shits on the board. But also from internal spies that are trying to get there. Hands on the secrets of Fusion Magic technology.

So Trinity thought that she might as well set up a little sting. Trinity already dealt with the spies. But Adrian does not know that.

Adrian is stupid and arrogant so he would never expect to be taken advantage of.

So why not sell him some fake technology to make a massive profit? Say a couple hundred billion dollars. That would go a long way towards various projects. Not to mention Trinity's harem maintenance costs. At least for now.

Join my growing patreon community today to read up to chapter 40 in advance.
