
The devil by my side

I am scared of heights yet i can go the peak of a mountain just to be with you

- Azweena Sheikh

A morning with beautiful wind coming through your broken window and sunlight hitting your face when your loved ones text you a good morning would be an amazing feeling but I don't have such an amazing life to be honest all i got a text from mr. devil to be in his office today. I really don't know should i go or not because i am pretty sure with him nothing goes well. I thought may be mom would deny us meeting before the marriage but i guess now she loves her "son-in-law" more than all the love since the childhood i got from her combined. She agreed the exact moment i asked her. I mean when was the last time i got permission for anything from her? I mean I never even got permitted for the school trip from her. Cursing On my own fate I got ready to meet the satan in the broad day light.

Walking through the concrete pavement i was wondering why did he call me? Is he planning to kill me in his office? That's not even possible as my mom knows i am coming here. But wait she can literally say otherwise if she is paid with good amount. That means if he is planning to kill me he can be successful. Wait why i am thinking the extreme? But with him everything is completely extreme to me. By the time i was figuring out the reason i reached the entrance of the sheikh company. I was reluctant on going inside because I wasn't sure wether they are going to allow me or not. As i was making my way to the door a hand slipped into my waist. I froze. I knew it was him just by the touch. I mean don't take me wrong the only man who ever held my waist was him so obviously i knew it was him. I didn't wanted to look up so I kept my head down. until his husky voice fell into my ears "look up kitten" that was it and i shot my head upto him. I mean how can his voice be so demanding and how can my body react to it so easily. I was shook for a moment. He is so handsome. I never even thought of taking his features into the account. The sunlight attenuated his beautiful blue ice. His jawline so sharp that it can cut anyone into pieces and his full lips plumpy and kissable. "Take a picture it would last long" he interrupted me in my moment of admiration and in the same exact second i took all the praises back i just gave him. I mean this rude man doesn't deserve it. Holding my waist as if I'll run the next moment he took me to the office. When we entered everyone started whispering but stopped the exact moment when they got the look from him. Everyone greeted him a good morning which wasn't good at all. He didn't respond to anyone just walked past all of them. I got stares, a lot of them. Some had envy some had admiration and some were jealous. He was walking with his secretary aman who helped me on that day and one bodyguard whose name I don't know. We walked straight to the elevator and went directly to last floor. The lift ride was filled with silence i wanted to ask him why i am here but i was scared he would ask his bodyguard to kill me and that buffy man would kill me with the snap of his fingers. The ding sound of the lift startled me but he held me tight i don't know why his hold on me became more tighter by the time we reached the office. Before opening the door to office he said aman and his bodyguard whose name is apparently sultan which i came to know because mr. devil called his name to say him and aman to stay outside.

After going inside he let go of my waist as if he will get some contagious decease. He removed his coat and kept on the arm of his chair sitting on it he said just one word "sit". I was shocked for a moment so I didn't react. "I said keep your fucking ass down right now!" He shouted at me which broke the trance. "What?" I asked again though i heard him already. He let a sigh pass through his lips and said "if you don't want to sit then suits yourself. Now listen to me carefully. We are getting married next week and this week is our engagement but before that tomorrow we have a press conference on our relationship. Apparently my lie worked and they all believed what i said but they want a couple interview so i am taking you with me tomorrow. so wear something good if you don't have it's fine I'll send some clothes to your home. But remember you can't ruin anything tomorrow be obedient and be careful with your words. I have prepared whole ppt on how we met to everything other which is made by aman who is an amazing writer too! and yeah even my fevourites are also written in it. Now go home make a ppt on yourself send it to my number so i can know all the information about you so it will be easy for me to answer there. That's all i wanted to tell you. And yes this is your new phone iphone 11 hope you know how to use it. If you don't look up it in the internet. It has mine , amans and sultans number saved. Now you can leave aman will take you back home. Prepare for tomorrow " he dismissed me after finishing his words. I was still in daze. What the hell does he think of me? So he wanted me to tell this so he called me here? I was furious. "What do you think of me?"I asked him pretty sure showing my angry face. "You called me here said what you wanted me do and now you want me to leave? Didn't you do the same thing by announcing our engagement? Can you be little considering about me?". "Look I don't have time for this just do as i said " he said not caring and going to his laptop screen. That's when i lost it i went toward him and held his collar bringing his face close to mine " you think i am going to obey you? You're not my boss. And trust me i will not show up tomorrow you're full of yourself you need to learn how to be polite" i said all these by pressing each and every word. He said nothing as if he was taken a back then suddenly he pulled me into his lap. I was straddling him. And his little brother down there was pressing me. He was hard. I felt that. " you have lots of audacity. First you slapped me then you're now holding my collar do you think i will forgive you?" He said with his lips close to my ears. The voice was husky enough to make anyone melt. Then his lips were on mine. He was forcing it on me i tried to push so he picked me up and slammed me into his desk. And kissed me with more of a force. I tried to push but he held my hands above my head. I was strenghtless. He tried to push his tongue inside my mouth but i didn't allow that's when he held my both the hands in one and took his another hands to my waist and pinched it. It was painful so I opened my mouth which resulted in his tongue inside my mouth. He took my tongue with his and started dominating it. He was being rough i was slowly loosing my breath when i thought I'll be unconscious someone just barged in through the door which startled both of us. His lips left mine and he stood straight yet his hands holding mine and me on his desk. What an akward position to get caught in. I wanted to get up and see who it was but he didn't allow me. The person who came left because i heard the door getting locked with a small sorry. And him turning towards me with his smirk and saying the words which are sinful "let's continue " .....

To be continued....

Hello readers i know i am being irregular i am so sorry because i have just joined the job in hospital and research centre. Yay! It’s my first job and hopefully i do well. Soon I’ll manage all these things and will be regular. Lots of love by your noob writer AS?

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