
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · Ciudad
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6 Chs


Hi I really didn't want to write about this subject, I kinda always held a special place in my heart,This was my something I hated to bare anyone to hear my words or know I have these kind of thoughts in my mind.

This is a stories of a girl named Stella Lindsay Airos.She suffers from something I know all to well CHEROPHOBIA, it's something most of our minds dwell on at moments and we feel like we're not good enough or partner is going to leave us.

I always had the feeling something bad is going to happen whenever I'm in any way happy.It's not a shame nor isn't your faults and their is nothing with thinking like that we all know how this world treats kind-hearted people.

It just is, be honest with yourself that kills most of our youth today ... suicide. These kind thoughts plagued my mind most of nights making me like I not strong enough and I should call it quiets now rather now then later.

Psst ... yes you, remember to treat everyone equally and nice.

Do keep a open mind
