
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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341 Chs

Uniqueness of World Deities - Arrival and Surprise - Resonance - Spearmanship and Spearplay

「 World Deities are separate from any other deities, gods, or divine beings. They are born only for the sole purpose of managing a world with mortal civilization 」

"I get that... But how are they unique?"

「 You know that Sai is the World Goddess of Disaster and Terra is the World God of Earth? They are a different entity from the the gods in a way that they only has power within their world. You know this... Sai gets her power from the World of Saykrandae and her people, also from you 」

"Yeah, I forgot..."

「 The only difference is that the World Deities doesn't need desire, wish, faith, stories, or mastery to gain their divinity and power. Take Sai for example... She's a World Goddess, but she has mastery on spear, so she has the possibility to become a Spear God 」

"Basically, World Deities are kinda like the jack of all trades within the ranks of a god?

「 Kinda? Their potential is very high and they depend on the development and power of their people and their world 」

"World Deities are not too many, right?"

「 Correct. World Deities are rarely being born. They can only be birthed exclusively in the Divine Realm and they are born when a planet in the universe has formed with the potential of civilization and life forming 」

"We're lucky to have Sai and Terra then"

「 Yes and no 」

"What do you mean?"

「 Sai, yes, because you can nurture her and empower her... Terra, no, because he is no longer the this planet's World God. His power won't be passively increased anymore because Earth has become Earthenmana 」

"Oh yeah, I remember that... Since Terra has passed the responsibility to protect Earthenmana to me, I have gained the qualifications to be the World God of Earthenmana..."

「 Correct 」

"How does that work? I'm a mortal and I wasn't born as a god? Wouldn't I be breaking the rules of Divinity?"

「 First of all, a lot of beings and existences are confused about the concept of mortals. I'll ask you this, what does being a mortal mean to you? 」

"Uh... Being a mortal is being vulnerable to death. They are a mortal if they can die in any way shape or form? Wait..."

「 Exactly, mortals can die... Immortals can't die, duh? 」


Philip was silent and had expressionless face

「 So, god, dieties, divine beings are still mortals since they can die one way or another. There are no recorded immortals in the universe and it breaks the laws of this universe... If there are beings who are truly immortal, then something is really wrong with this universe... 」

"Well, I should be immortal, right? Since I can resurrect indefinitely?"

「 Uh... Ehhh... You're a different in some ways... When you were killed, did you die? 」


「 When you were resurrected or awaken, were you dead? 」


「 Then that's it! You're semi-immortal? Nigh-immortal? 」

"But, after I died... Was my body dying or just asleep? If it's asleep, is it still alive? I'm conscious in my own world, but I'm unconscious to others?"

「 Hm... Philosophy... I'm still not too fond of this concept nor I understand it the most. Schrödinger's Cat? Plato's Philosophy? Is this a concept that needs to be learned by myself without the help of the system? 」

"Hmmm... I'm pretty sure the system has a lot of information to that, but it may be too big that it might overwhelm you or me... But, I don't really let philosophy affect me nor mind too much of it... It's way too troublesome ans I don't want to study what other people believes! I just believe what I have to or need to believe, of course with facts and logic... But this time, mysticism filled with mysteries and imagination"

「 Alright, understood... Secondly, yes, you're a mortal and yes, you're not born as a god... But, you are now a god 」

"I get that... But how about the rules of Divinity?!"

「 Rules are meant to be broken... You've already broken a causality and reasoning a few times already and I guess you're about to break another one 」

"Alright... Do I need to become Earthemana's World God now?"

「 That would be a must since Earthenmana is not being protected as of now 」

"How do I do it then?"

「 First of all, are you sure you want to become the World God of Earthenmana 」

『 Yes/No 』


「 Alright, first step done. Second, let's wait till we get back on Earthenmana and we'll begin the process 」


Philip closed his eyes and prepared to fully come back in the present


Sai closed her eyes and tears flowed out from the corner of her eyes and flowed down her cheeks when Philip held her head and placed two fingers above his forehead

She became scared at what Philip might do in the Divine Realm. She was also scared that he might have been imprisoned or executed by the gods and goddesses. She had complete faith on Philip's power, but she knows the Divine Realm and he shouldn't be able to match them. She has lost hope

At this point, her heart dropped and she became sorrowful for a loss of an important person in her life

It was then that suddenly, she felt butterflies in her stomach. She felt that the restricting force on herself was released and she can finally move

She pulled herself away from Philip's grasp and jumped forwards. She immediately turned around, grabbed the True Solaris Spear, and activated her True World Goddess of Disaster Transformation

'He's already back?! That fast?! It can't be! Has he been possessed? Did the higher gods decided to trace him back here?! This is bad... I have to do something! I can't let the mansion be in danger! Do I have to destroy his body?!'

Sai was felt worry, sadness, fear, and dread. She was hesitating whether to destroy Philip for the good of the mansion or not. In front of her is Philip, she couldn't just destroy his body and what remains of him. She tightly gripped her spear and patiently waited for what's to come

'If he shows any hostility or weirdness, I will strike him with everything! I'm still in my exclusive domain... My power is amplified here'

Just then, Philip's hands moved and light shone brighter and brighter that it almost covered his entire body and face and it slightly blinded Sai. The light is mixed with violet, white, and a little bit of black and red colors

Energy condensed around his hands and the air trembled, generating a rumbling noise. Sai subconsciously took a step back and squeezed her hand holding her spear

A few seconds later, the light flashed and Chibi Sai manifested into the present. Philip held her by her waist and held her in front of him

Sai opened her eyes and lowered her arm that blocked the flash of light. Her eyes then widened after seeing Chibi Sai in front of her


Sai felt a deep thump in her heart after looking at Chibi Sai and Chibi Sai felt the same as she cutely tilted her head to side. If this was a cartoon, a question mark would appear above Chibi Sai and teeter

"I'm back... I have liberated you fate in the past from the Divine Realm"

Philip spoke

"P-philip? You're okay?"

Sai asked with worry

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I?"

"B-but how?"

"Hm, I don't know what you mean but... Let's just say that I made a change to the Divine Realm"


Sai was taken aback. She was glad but still worried at the same time

"What did you do?"

Sai asked in curiosity

"I declared myself as the new God of Darkness, brought the Council down to the ground, met the Goddess of Destruction, and took this little lad right here"

Philip lifted Chibi Sai with one hand as she held on to his wrist and playfully dangled around


Sai was flabbergasted by the second part

"Why'd you brought the Council down??"

"Well, it's because of several reasons... One of them is this little lad here"

Philip took the time to tell everything what happened in the Divine Realm from the past. He didn't left any information, except for what the system and Emily told him

"Basically, this Council broke your very being the moment you're born. I tried to change your fate... I was successful, but it wouldn't have that much effect here in the present because your fate has already changed too much. Therefore, I brought the newborn you in the present! Her name is Sai... But for consistency's sake, we'll call her Chibi Sai"


"Since the Sai from the past didn't exist and travelled to the future, that past didn't have Sai... Valkarrie took care of the planet you're supposed to be governing and I don't know anything what comes after that. I hope Valkarrie has done something to the Divine Realm and made a sturdy foundation for herself there"

"I don't understand..."

"What's that?"

"If I wasn't present in the past, how come I'm still here?"


Philip looked at Sai with a calm and serene expression. Sai had a troubled face like she was experiencing existential crisis. Philip went ahead and put Chibi Sai down on the floor and knelt in front of Sai. Chibi Sai curiously looked up and switched her gaze from Philip and Sai

"Sai... Our timeline has skewed and branched off to a degree that we are already a separate timeline from the actual timeline. The timeline that we're currently in is what the ultimate flow of things are the most stable for some reason. The other timeline is in chaos, full of uncertainty that even I couldn't control it with my power. All I'm doing is fixing it by causing more destruction in the other timeline. What I do in the other timeline will have a minimum or significant change to our timeline, like the effect of Valkarrie's work and Chibi Sai's existence in our timeline... It's extremely complicated, but I expect you to understand it slowly as time goes by because you'll have to"


Sai looked down and her lips quivered

"I still don't understand..."

"I don't expect you to, but if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask"

"Why are you doing this to me? I tried to hurt and take advantage of you the moment we met and yet... You're doing all of this just for me?"


Philip took a pause

"Well, to be honest... I was a mortal... Seeing a divine being in front of me excited me. Not to mention, I was mesmerized by your show of power and the existence of magic made me excited... You'll understand"


"But really... The reason is that I saw massive potential within you. I can treat you as a person or I can treat you as an object or tool"


"You're a great asset of mine and I need you to achieve my ultimate goal. Whether you want to help or not is up to you, I won't force you or anything like thay. Just know that I will keep nurturing and empowering you unconditionally. You're still a person capable of feeling and thought, I won't be as heartless to not consider your feelings... This is why I'm doing all of this for you... Also, I'm pretty sure you're free now! You're unbound from the Divine Realm and no one can control you anymore. You choose what hou want to do and you're welcome here in the mansion"



Philip stood up and walked towards the window. All he could see is the violet void. Chibi Sai, on the other hand, sat down on the floor with cuteness. She maintaned her innocent smile and gaze

"Now that I've explained everything to you... Did you think I'm done empowering you for the day?"


Philip stretched his right arm to the side and opened his hand. The True Solaris Spear then flew in his hand and he gripped it

"Watch and understand my intent"

Sai's violet eye trembled and something awakened inside of her

Meanwhile, the True Solaris Spear ignited and bursted into violet flames. Sai was surprised because the change in the spear was new to her

The spear then transformed into a more sleek design. The appearance of the spear became even more majestic and divine that it can make anyone love it or bow to it

「 A condition requirement has been unlocked. The True Solaris Spear has unlocked a form... ⟨⟨ Pure Solaris Spear ⟩⟩ 」

The Pure Solaris Spear ignited once more and the violet flames and aura majestically swirled around Philip

「 Form of Godliness: Spear Concept: Spearmanship: Unmatched Heart Spear 」

Philip then thrusted the spear to his left. He swung the spear around and struck the air around him. His concentration was deep and his sweat drips in the air. He was demonstrating a form of spearmanship to show Sai

The form of spearmanship that he showed her is the ⟨⟨ Unmatched Heart Spear ⟩⟩. The technique means that as long as her heart is strong, her Spear Potential is strong and umatched

「 Null of Magnificence: Spear Concept: Spearplay: Burst Motion Combat 」

Philip then made his strikes harder and heavier to the point that burst of air and space blasted inside Sai's domain. His movements are erratic and constantly changing from one strikes, to combos, to manipulating the spear, and to conjuring spears

Philip took in consideration Sai's fighting style. He observed from when Sai was fighting, Sai chose to strike her targets heavily with force and in quick succession. Because of that, he showed the ⟨⟨ Burst Motion Combat ⟩⟩ spearplay and she should be able to master her movements when using the spear

Sai watched Philip perform spearmanship and spearplay from several minutes. Her violet eyes glowed and shook as her full focus and concentration was only on Philop the entire time. Meanwhile, Chibi Sai was patiently waiting, but she occasionally gaze towards Sai like she's interested or curious


Just then, Sai felt another deep thump in her chest and her heart blazed, including her aura

「 Sai has underwent several breakthroughs! 」