
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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"I mean, it's just my theory. I'm not really certain if what I just said are true or not." Philip shrugged his shoulders in a joking manner

"Then how did you come up with those things when you just learned about the Mystical Age?" The Headmaster asked with seriousness and wariness because it was strange how Philip could come up with those things right on the spot, especially since it's the first time he heard about the Mystical Age and a normal person will need time process everything that they learned

"I have a wide and limitless imagination! I'm a daydreamer and I see things and concepts in a different way. What I just said are figments of imagination and I easily pieced it together since all of the clues are laid down in front of me" Philip said with a smug on his face while covering his face with his right hand as his right eye is peeking through between the index finger and thumb

The Headmaster and Yuze stared at Philip with empty eyes and unmoving faces

'He really is a Chuunibyou'

'Is he a Chuuni?'

The Headmaster and Yuze could only shake their heads at the sight of Philip

Little did they know, Philip only used his imaginationa and daydreaming as an excuse to cover up what he actually did

Of course he wasn't that quite surprised or overwhelmed that Mana and Magic has been found in the world because he believes that he was the cause of this change when he used Fate Control and Future Vision back in the year 2020

When he heard about the Three Laws of Mysticism, he immediately knew the correlation between then. It's simply input, medium, and output. Although he wasn't one hundred percent sure if his theory was correct, he proceeded to tell the Headmaster and Yuze about his thoughts about these Laws of Mysticism even if they will become suspicious of him

Since he wasn't sure enough, he began using his power of Fate Control and an ounce of his Future Vision

With Future Vision, he could see the possible futures from the pieces that he obtained. Of course, since he was dealing with the future, there hundred or thousand, even infinite branches of futures that he can see. But since he only used an ounce of it, he could only see the near future and the far futures

Regarding Mana, he saw four futures according to the information that he received about it; Mana that cannot be harnessed; Mana that can generate a mysterious kind of disease to human body; Mana that can be controlled and harnessed; and Mana that breaks apart molecules and matter

With this four futures he saw, each of it has an undetermined end or the path ahead of it are foggy. Seeing these, he was certain about one thing for sure, it is the fact that Mana is a type of energy since the Mana in these futures demonstrate it's property of being an energy

When he learned about Spirit, his Future Vision saw two futures; Spirit as the concentrated Mana formed from a soul of an entity; or Spirit as the essence of a matter capable for being a medium for Mana

The paths he see in front of him number in six as several paths occasionally cross his vision and eventually disappearing since it's close to impossible from happening. Upon those six paths, there were four paths that connected into two paths, particularly Spirit as a soul of an entity that can break apart matter and Spirit as a medium that can harness Mana

Philip gulped upon seeing these two possible futures of the Laws of Mysticism

Finally, when he learned about Mystical Energy, he only saw one future from the little information that he learned and that future split into and connected to the two possible futures

Philip was in a predicament when he saw that there are still two possible futures

The first one is clearly the destructive type of Mysticism where there will be new species or entities alien to the human world that can use Mana and Magic to destroy the world, like Magical Beasts or monsters. The second one is the peaceful one where ordinary people can harness Mana from magic items into Magic, much like wizards, magicians, espers, or psychics

Surely he didn't want for Magical Beasts to come into fruition. He then used Fate Control to shift the timeline towards the other where people that can harness Mana and become someone greater is possible

The first timeline was then covered by fog and the second timeline extended. With this extended timeline, he can only see the true worth and potential of the Three Laws of Mysticism and since "time" is unstable and events in the future can change and become unpredictable, Philip used his Fate Control once again to "lock" the absolute future that he saw

Philip raised his left hand and snapped his fingers. An audible sound reverberated throughout the Headmaster's Room

Yuze heard this sound and ignored it since they came to a conclusion that it was just a mannerism and it's harmless

But the Headmaster, the highest position and most powerful person especially inside the Core Academy, felt a wave or surge of energy run past him through the Core Academy into the area of the Mystical Academy and throughout the world

'What was that?!' The headmaster looked around the room only to find nothing. He closed his eyes and concentrated. This is one of the only times that he will see and hear the entirety of the Core Academy

The Genesis Class 1 is quiet with their homeroom instructor, Chihaya-sensei, telling them instructions about the Mystical test. The Student Council room is the same as before with Aoyuki writing amd stamping papers for the academy. Akayuki is in a meeting with the other nine Guardians of the academy and the empty clasrooms and hallways are silent and empty, nothing out of the ordinary

'That was weird... I need to ask about this once I go to the association' The Headmaster let it slide but he took a note of this anomaly in his head

"Well, even though if you're not certain about what you just said, the correlation between the Laws of Mysticism and the evidences that you stated makes sense after I examined it! I just have to show this to the association later" The Headmaster said professionally as if he was currently doing his work like a businessman

"Alright! Also, if you're going to show that to the 'association' I would like for you to not mention my name." Philip proposed a condition to the Headmaster

The Headmaster raised his eyebrow from the proposition, "Oh? Why?"

"I predict that it will become troublesome and an annoyance to me if they pestered me and not let me do what I want... If I assume that association is higher than you or they are a bunch of greedy people." Philip spoke with some sort of authority and faced the Headmaster seriously

"Mhm, understandable. I'll do what you want." The Headmaster nodded as he doesn't see anything wrong about the proposition. He understands that if a person is someone special, people will take advantahe of that person and use them as they see fit

"Alright then, I have a few more questions..."

"Go ahead!" The Headmaster gave Philip freedom to ask

"What is the Mystical Academy?"


The Mystical Academy is built when the Laws of Mysticism were discovered

At first, the higher ups, the Mystical Masters decided that they should build an academy that can house and nurture people around the world that develop some kind of ability or power since Mana is slowly spreading throughout the world

This was their project, Project Mystical Academy, as it was still in the early development and institution

"What are Mystical Masters?" Philip asked with curiosity

"They are individuals who has mastered a certain aspect of martial arts, fighting style, weapons, and equipment. Example of them are Mystical Sword Master, Mystical Taekwondo Master, Mystical Boxing Master, Mystical Light Gun Master, and a lot more. They consist the the association that I am in"

The difference between Mystical Masters and the ordinary Martial Artists are that Mystical Masters are several times more powerful than ordinary Martial Artists since they use Mana to fuel their body or weapon, Spirit to use as medium for the flow of Mana, and Magic when they release Mana from the Spirit

"You can say that they are like full fledge Magic users, if your theory is correct." The Headmaster confirmed based on Philip's words

"I see... So how many Mystical Masters are there in the association?" Philip tried to probe the inner workings on the Mystical Academy

To Philip's surprise, the Headmaster replied without hesitating, "For now, there are twelve members including me. There are Kung Fu, Sword, Spear, Ninjutsu, Venerable, Bow, Cooking, Heavy Gun, Street Fight, Taekwondo, Judo, and me, Mysticla Numb Master"

"Huh? What does that mean??" Philip replied after hearing his ridiculous title

"It is what it is! Numb! Any attack comes towards me, I won't feel any pain nor I won't budge, even sharp or pointy attacks." The Headmaster puffed his chest as he boasts his title

"So, you don't feel the pain or do you deny it even if it hurts?" Philip narrowed his eyes as he asked

"I don't feel the pain." The Headmaster answered with honesty

"Ohh, so you don't feel any pain... Got it." Philip said with a weird tone to which made the Headmaster shiver

"Let me guess, to boot up the Project Mystical Academy, the very first generation of a class was made?" Philip asked as he quickly caught up to it

"Yes. In all honesty, we did not expect for Mystical Energy users, or Magic users, to appear this early and some of them has already developed their abilities and powers to an absurd degree"

"I see... Then, that's where the Genesis Class 1 takes into place? Tell me more about it." Philip crossed his arms as he became interested with this group of individuals that has developed their abilities

The Genesis Class 1 was made for the very first Magic users, found by the association, to attend after they were scouted and transferred

With this, the Mystical Academy will do everything that they can to nurture these students so they can use their mysterious powers for the good and also to educate them

It will also teach them the coming of the Mystical Age since the year 2021 and they will become the pioneers of Mysticism when they graduate. They might also help future Magic users that may appear, or better yet, they might join the Mystical Academy because they feel the responsibility to teach the new Magic users scouted and transferred into the academy

"Currently, the number of students in the Genesis Class 1 is... Let me see..." The Headmaster grabbed another notebook that says "Record" on it with Telekinesis and flipped through the pages

"There are... 35! Including you since you will be transferring there! As well as Yuze here"

"Hm... Alright! I accept, I accept..." Philip nodded his head in acceptance

Yuze, who has been listening this entire time, for some reason became excited when Philip accepted

"Huh? You won't complain or think about it twice??" The Headmaster was in utter confusion since Philip was hesitant to follow them when they first arrived here from America

"After you confirmed the Mystical Age and the existence of the Laws of Mysticism to me, you think I will not accept?" Philip raised his hands and shoulders as if he was stating the obvious

"Confirm?" The Headmaster caught Philip's words and became wary, 'Confirm? Did he know about the Mystical Age beforehand?!'

"Ah! It's because you showed me the floating blue orb above us from afar and the teleportation method that Yuze did." Philup quickly explained himself

"Really?" The Headmaster narrowed his eyes at him, 'An ordinary person would think that they were dreaming at first or it's CGI or a movie being filled... Well, I guess this guy is not ordinary at all!'

"Yep! Really! Haha!" Philip laughed nervously to which the Headmaster decided to let it pass

"Alright then, do you have any more questions?"

"Do you have a list of the abilities of each of the students in Genesis Class 1?"

"Nope! It's up for you to discover them by yourself!" The Headmaster quickly shut down Philip's indirect request

"Can I know your ability, Yuze?" Philip turned towards Yuze to which caught the Headmaster off guard. The Headmaster scoffed at Philip since he knows that Yuze won't tell her power to anyone. No one knows Yuze's power except him and the faculty staff

"It's Shift." Yuze said with embarrassment to which made the Headmaster's jaw drop

"Shift, huh? Interesting power. Can I know more about it?" Philip tried to learn more about Yuze, specifically her power

"I can move or shift myself from one point to another as you saw earlier when we arrived in front of the Core Academy. I can also point at objects and effortlessly shift them around in the area in a three dimensional plane." Yuze explained her power in the simplest terms

"Whoa! I see! That's so cool!" Philip was amazed at Yuze's power to which she blushed

The Headmaster was staring at the two incredulously and he feels that he is being erased from their world

Yuze then spoke and returned the question to Philip,

"How about you? Do you have any powers? Surely you have one since you were scouted and transferred here?" Yuze asked with eyes full of curiosity and interest

Upon hearing this, the Headmaster pumped his fist in his mind and he was proud at Yuze, 'Way to go, Yuze! Asking the right questions!'

Philip was taken aback at the sudden question and he quickly processed his mind if he'll become honest or not. He then looked towards the Headmaster and saw him also looking at him with curiosity

In the end, Philip answered the question honestly,

"Yes, I have two. But I don't know if you can call those powers derived from Mana." Philip went around with his words

"What is it?" Yuze's curiosity just keep on rising

"It's Pain Denial and Emotion Manipulation. I deny pain so I won't suffer and return back the pain from where it came from which is more painful than what I received. I can also manipulate my feelings and emotions so I won't be controlled by these worthless aspect of a human being"

As Philip stated his powers and it's function, the atmosphere in the room dropped and they all feel depressed

The Headmaster already knew about his power of Pain Denial and that was the only thing that was recorded and the only reason he was scouted and transferred. He planned to take him in and train him since he is the Mystical Numb Master, which is some sort of denying pain. He felt guilty when he was trying to take advantage of him after he heard about the his second power

There was no record about him manipulating emotions to others, only to himself. The Headmaster didn't know about this and it's the first time he's hearing about it. That also explains why his aura changes depending on the mood that he feels like when he was kneeling on the ground in front of the Door of Recognition and before entering the Mystical Academy

There was an undetermined amount of emotions and feelings that was manipulated and stored inside of him instead of releasing it. Those positive and negative emotions mixed together and condensed itself. So if Philip was feeling something, that feeling or emotions will overflow and becomes an aura that can affect people around him

He has been doing this for several years and he became good at manipulating his emotions that the energy inside of him became incredibly dense to the point that he can't release it all at once. Perhaps the only emotions that he still hasn't manipulated is sleepiness, hunger, and pleasure

Little did the Headmaster and Yuze know, what Philip stated is not a power or a mystical power, it's just his normal abilities or skills that he can use regularly

Of course he wouldn't tell about his power of Fate Control and Future Vision because that would bring chaos if it was spread, especially to higher powers or evil people, if those powers were actually proven to work

His life would become worse as people with power will try to use him for their own desires and he wouldn't want that. He chose to hide these powers and only Eduardo knows about it

"I'm sorry." Yuze broke the dropping atmosphere and apologized to Philip as she realized what he has been through to develop this kind of power

"Oh no no no! It's fine! In fact! I'm happy that I got this power. As I have said, I can freely remove emotions that aren't needed in certain situations!"

'That doesn't make it better at all!' The Headmaster shouted in his head as he felt pity towards him

"Well, I guess that's all of my questions for now!" Philip stood up and stretched his body as he had been sitting for almost an hour now. Yuze also stood up as she deemed it perfect timing to return to the Genesis Classroom

"Alright then!" The Headmaster also stood up and ordered Philip and Yuze, "You two now go ahead and return to your classroom"

He then turned towards Philip, "I'll be reporting your theories to the association, I'll contact or get to you to give you what they think about it"

"Alright." Philip nodded as he left the room first

"Yuze, be sure to guide Philip okay? Don't lose him!" The Headmaster sneered and teased Yuze. Yuze could only nod

She then walked toward the door to go outside when the Headmaster said, "Enjoy yourself out there! My lovely daughter!"

Yuze turned her head and bowed at the Headmaster,

"Thank you, Headmaster Yozu!" Yuze then exited the Headmaster's Office and will catch up to Philip

The Headmaster, who's apparently named Yozu, shook his head in disbelief, "Why is she so formal when it's just the two of us? You'll break your old man's heart!" Yozu almost teared up when Yuze didn't call him Dad or Father

Yozu then pondered unto something, "I feel like I'm forgetting something... But I don't know what it is? Oh well, they can handle it themselves!" Yozu then disappeared in thin air as he teleported to somewhere secret


As Yuze went out of the Headmaster's Office, she can se Philip facing the display screen of the Floor Transporter as if he's contemplating which floor to use since he doesn't know where to go

She came closer to Philip so she can teach him how to use it

"Do you know how to use the Floor Transporter?" Yuze asked with a small smile on her face

"Kinda, Aoyuki taught me the basics at how to use it. I just don't know where to go or the location of the Genesis Classroom." Philip held his chin as he looked at the names of ten floors

Starting from the first floor up to the tenth floor, the names are [Grand Hall], [Armory], [Chemical Industry], [Physical Research], [Club Factions], [Mana Harness], [Spirit Containment], [Mystical Manifestation], [Trifecta Organization], and their current floor [Headmaster's Office]

Yuze's eyes widened from what Philip said, "You met Aoyuki-senpai?"

"Huh? Yeah! I met him when I got lost and he showed me the Floor Transporter"

"Hm, I see." Yuze pouted but she did not let it show to Philip. She then taught Philip at what the floor names mean and where the Genesis Classroom is located

The Headmaster's Office, as stated, is the floor where the Headmaster's Office is located. The only room that can be seen in this floor is the office

The Trifecta Organization is the floor where the three main clubs or factions are located. They are considered to be the pillars of the academy as they are considered to be the foundation that hold the academy together. The Faculty Room is also located in this floor

In this floor, the Student Council Room is located, along with the Morals Committee Headquarters and News Broadcast Studio

The Mystical Manifestation is the floor where the supposed Mystical Energy, which shall be called or known as Magic from now on, are being observed. This floor detects the Magic that happens around the academy and will send an alarm to indicate a dangerous manifestation of Magic, even around the world. Of course, in this floor, their are a few rooms which are empty

The Spirit Containment is the floor where the Spirit Stones are being experimented upon. This is also the place where Spirits are being studied and examination of geographical features that Spirit Mines can be located. Spirit Mines are caves and caverns that contain the Spirit Stones that can be gathered

The Mana Harness is the floor where Mana is being practiced in order to find the limits and purpose of it. This is the place where tests are being conducted to identify the possible application of Mana to everyday objects such as alloying, material compositions, electronics, or appliances

"They're testing Mana if they can somehow change something to particular materials?" Philip asked Yuze for confirmation with an incredulous look

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Yuze tilted her head with question. She seems to notice that Philip has an insight

"Yes, well, in regards to alloying, material composition, or infusion, they could somehow produce results... But regarding electronics and appliances? They're looking at the wrong direction. They should look for Spirits if they want to see results on electronics and appliances!" Philip said with irritation as he questions why the researchers are not broadening their minds and imagination

Yuze did not say anything and just stared at Philip with a small smile while she let Philip talk to himself for a while

"Anyways... Continue, I really want to know what these floors are about." Philip stopped talking and let Yuze continue her explanations

Yuze then pointed at the fifth floor

The Club Factions is a floor where all thinkable and unthinkable clubs are located. This floor boasts a wide array of rooms and classrooms that thousands and thousands of students can occupy at once

The Physical Research is a floor where studies regarding the Laws of Physics are conducted. Engineering, Architecture, Sciences, History, and a lot more studies of sciences are located in this floor, including Blacksmithing, Armor Making, and a lot more

The Chemical Industry is a floor where the mysterious plants are being studied like its composition, chemical properties, and cellular and molecular structure. This floor is almost like an Alchemy floor since the mysterious plants are being tested and nurtured in this floor. This floor is almost as big as the Club Factions floor that also has hundreds of classroom located in this floor

The Armory is it what it is, this floor contains most of the weapons, armor, and items that ate created or found. This is also the floor where students will be given the chance to pick their desired weapons or item. This floor also contain the same of of room from the three floors above it

The Grand Hall is the floor where common amenities are found and students or personnel are usually gathered. Lobbies, canteens, and several more rooms are found in this floor

"I see... Is there no library in this academy?" Philip found a missing feature of the academy. He figured that there should be a library somewhere and he imagined it being large grand libary that is only dedicated on one floor

"Of course there is a library in the academy. The Grand Library is located at the northeast of the Core Academy and it is solely built on a tall tower." Yuze told Philip as if she is proud and excited when he brought up the library

Philip didn't ignore this and realized something, "You like books, don't you?"

"How did you know? I love them!" Yuze's eyes sparkled when they were suddenly talking about books

"It was obvious since you became excited when talking about the library." Philip said as he examines the display screen of the Floor Transporter

"Do you like books? If so, do you have a recommendation??" Yuze blushed when she learned that her emotions were being read but she excitedly asked Philip if he has a liking towards books

"I don't really like books since they are troublesome to handle." Philip said ruthlessly as he shows a little hatred towards books

"But if I were to recommend you some..." Philip placed clutched his chin with his right hand to try and remember the books that he personally liked, "I really liked the books that talks about Astronomy and the universe that we are currently in! I would immediately read them once I see one that I haven't seen before. I'm a sucker for space and beyond it"

Yuze was sad when she learned that Philip hated books but she became happy and excited that there are certain type of books that he likes

"I see... You like space and Astronomy." Yuze tilted her head down with her eyes and mouth smiling as her face has a tinge of red. She then lifted her head and showed Philip a bright beaming smile, "I'm glad that I get to know you more and your likes!"

This was the first time that Yuze has shown intense emotions after for so long. It's unfortunate that the Headmaster couldn't see her daughter's bright smile. Only Philip saw her smile

To others, if they saw Yuze with her smile, they would probably fall in love with him because of her beauty and expressive positive emotions

But to Philip, as he saw Yuze's bright smile, he did not feel anything. His heart was unmoved. He only returned her smile with another smile

But in actuality, he was slightly blushing inside of himself with an emotionless face. He internally said to himself when he saw Yuze's smile, 'Cute'

He didn't know how to love anymore ever since he started manipulating his emotions but he could still feel a short infatuation or endearment towards beauty that is in front of him

He saw Yuze's smile as a scenic beauty, nothing more nothing less, and he appreciated it. There was no feeling of love in terms of romance, sexual, or healthy relationship

Philip returned to reality and broke the silence, "So, where is the Genesis Classroom located?"

"It's in the 8th floor." Yuze pointed at the [Mystical Manifestation] on the display screen and tapped it. The platform glowed and began to intesify ad it began its countdown

Yuze then hurriedly walked on top of the platform. Philip followed and stood on Yuze's left

A few seconds later, the platform became bright and a flash of bright light covered the vicinity and teleported Yuze and Philip. The platform then dimmed as the transport was succesful

Philip has learned more about the Mystical Age regarding the Mystical Academy and the Mystical Masters

He also learned the reason why the Mystical Academy came to fruition and the origin of the Genesis Class 1

For now, he decides to hide his power of Fate Control and Future Vision to avoid troubles

Yuze also seems to be showing emotions towards Philip, yet Philip is too broken for her feelings to reach him. Does she have that kind of feelings towards him?

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