
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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341 Chs

Martial Monarch - Learning the Technique - Clue of Origin

Philip's vision entered the hyperdrive space and his consciousness went back in time. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a forest, near a calm river and a log cabin

He heard someone cutting down wood around the cabin and he went ahead to check. There, he could see an old man, wearing green tattered clothing and a gray belt around his waist, bringing down the axe on logs to cut them in half vertically

The old man had spiky gray hair and spiky beard. His skin is already wrinkly but his muscles are full of vitality. Even if he looked old, it seemed like he is a one-man army

Next to the old man is a pile of timber and wood that are prepared as firewood. On the other side, however, are dummies of different kinds. There are dummies made of wood, thatch, hay, and stones. It seemed that they are for training. Of course, there are stone tablets as seats just a few meters from the dummies

"Phew! That should be all the wood"

The old man placed the axe on the ground and held the base of the handle. He wiped off the sweat on his forehead with the towel hanging on his right shoulder using his left hand

"Samchon Huying-nim!"

It was then that a bright voice echoed in the forest coming from the right side of the cabin, where Philip couldn't see


The old man smiled widely after he heard thr voice and turned towards the source. Philip also looked at the direction that the old man was looking

The person that came out was definitely Celine, maroon hair and maroon eyes. But, she is so small, probably about five to seven years old. She came from a military jeep, to which an agent hid under a tree to keep surveillance on Celine

Celine was wearing a camouflage military pants, a white tank top as her chest is bandaged around inside, and her camouflage jacket tied on her waist. She is also wearing a black fingerless gloves and her hair is tied into a mess. She looks like she is ready to go to war or training with her outfit

Celine ran across the backyard and towards the old man. The old man let go of the axe and let it fall on the ground and kneeled to receive Celine with open arms. They hugged each other and they seemed very happy

"It's good to see you again, Celine!"

"It's also good to see you, master!!"

Celine was beaming, bright, and innocent. Her usual stoic and uncaring expression in the future is absent on her younger self

"Hey, what did I tell you about calling me master? Call me by my name"

The old man jokingly said

"No can do master! I have to respect you"


"Just joking! Samchon Young-Jin Tae"

The old man is named as Young-Jin, a korean and a martial artist. The fact that Celine called him samchon earlier means she is her master and the honorifics of Huying-nim means the Young-Jin is a master of an organization or group

"Are you ready to train, Celine?"


"Hehehe! That's the spirit! Let's go to the training grounds"


Young-Jin and Celine started walking to the variety of dummies. Young-Jin made Celine sit down on the stone tablets so that she could watch and learn

"Alright Celine, since you already have learned the basics and ethics of martial arts, I shall teach you how to control your martial aura better"

Philip was surprised by what he heard. Apparently, Celine could already harness her martial aura at such a young age. This could only mean that at the age of five, she is already a Martial Master

Philip was already out in the open and he decided to watch the training routine. He was not afraid that they would see his presence since no one should be able to, umless they are divine beings like Fotia, Tenebris, Lux, the Sword God, and the gods in that alchemy and forge from Mark's origin

'There must be a reason why I came back to this specific period in time'

Philip hasn't figured out yet as to why he's here. He wanted to see Celine's origin, but this seems like her prime days of training under the military between different instructors and masters and Young-Jin might be one of the most important instructor

"For you to control your aura--"

Young-Jin suddenly stopped talking as his eyes widened. He then turned his head towards Philip, to which he was shocked and stunned

Philip doesn't know what to do. He considered talking to Young-Jin but that might change the course of the future. Instead, Young-Jin was the first one to act. He smile and returned his warm gaze back on Celine

"On another thought, Celine, I will instead teach you an Ultimate Technique that I invented. It's a martial arts technique that will increase your strength and power"


Young-Jin seemed to be talking towards Celine, but Philip knew, he was talking at him. He was also shocked that he mentioned ultimate technique because this means that Young-Jin is a Martial Monarch on Earth

Philip couldn't believe it because there shouldn't be anyone who has a mastery of a monarch or higher on Earth because he knows for a fact, by logic, that beings who have reached Emperor Stage will ascend into a higher world, unless they chose to stay which will hinder their growth

Besides the fact that Young-Jin is a Martial Monarch, Philip is surprised that Young-Jin plans to teach him his Ultimate Technique, which Celine will also be able to learn since Young-Jin will be demonstrating it

"Celine, when you swing your arms, your legs, or your body, do you feel as if the power in your strikes are wasted?"

"Hm... I don't think so?"

"What if I tell you that you can increase the power of your single punch?"

"Is that possible?"

"Absolutely, that's why it's my ultimate technique!"

"What's it called?"

"Recoiless Technique"


"Yes! It means that there will be no wasted power and energy on an object that is recoiless. With that, the full potential or maximum limitation of a force is achieved"


Philip listened closely to Young-Jin but he was confused as to how a five year old Celine could understand anything that he say

"Alright, I'll show you the difference between a normal punch and a recoiless punch, okay?"


"See this wooden dummy?"

"Uh huh!"


Young-Jin swung his right arm from his waist and punched the wooden dummy. The dummy shook, but that's about it

"What did you observe, Celine?"

"The dummy shook and almost broke! Samchon is so strong!"

The reason why Celine says that is because a mark of a fist has caved into the dummy's stomach. Young-Jin didn't mean to do that

"Nevermind that, but do you see the power of that punch?"


"That can become even stronger!"


"Allow me to demonstrate"

Young-Jin faced the same wooden dummy again, but this time, his expression is very serious and he took a stance. He extended his left arm and hand at the dummy as he stepped his right foot behind him. He twisted his body with his foot and clenched his right fist next to his waist

Young-Jin's breathing was non-existent. Wind blew around the forest and leaves flew around the area


Young-Jin twisted his body forwards alomg with his right fist and struck the wooden dummy. Philip's eyes widened from the show because he was overwhelmed

This is the True Recoiless Technique

Young-Jin's muscled contracted and it didn't waste any energy. Young-Jin himself also didn't waste any movements and directly struck the wooden dummy. The energy transfer didn't flow through his body, it was contained on his fist and it was released on the wooden dummy

The wooden dummy didn't shatter nor split apart, it literally exploded into splinters and sawdust. The space around the wooden dummy warped and twisted in extreme degrees that it obliterated the dummy


Celine exclaimed in amazement

"In using Recoiless Techniques, you are able to contain your power and strength into one point. When you swing, you need to try your best and disallow the transfer of energy to your body. The energy will flow through your body and into the Earth, then back to your body and into the target. You need to eliminate this flow and the energy must start from you, not the rebound from the Earth nor the reaction of the target. Do you understand, Celine?"

"Uh huh"


Celine became a little bit lost but she seemed to understand the gist of it. Philip nodded in response because Young-Jin is also talking to him

"If you will be able to master this technique yourself, you will be able strike anything with absolute power and strength to obliterate any targets to you have"

{𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥... 𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘪𝘵}

Young-Jin took a stance again but aimed for the sky. He swung his right arm in the sky and struck air

This time, there was no warp in space, the air was distrubed and a vacuum formed in front of him towards the sky. The wind blasted and the trees rustled violently. The strike went towards space and split the clouds apart, then dissipating after. Young-Jin almost created a hurricane and tore the atmosphere apart


Celine wasn't able to say anything because she was stunned as the wind also blasted on her face. Her hair was swept back and stayed that way for several minutes

"That's the Recoiless Technique, my ultimate technique, do you think you can learn it?"

"I will try, samchon!"


Celine answered optimistically. Meanwhile, Philip's eyes were flickering gold and the Pure Mana inside his body became restless and rushed like a flood. The Pureblood was confused and didn't react in any way


*Beep beep beep*

It was then that the military jeep started blowing its horn. The agent that was just under the shade of a tree is beside the jeep

"Oh, looks like they're calling for you already"

Young-Jin told Celine

"What?! But it's too early!"

"I think it's fine!"

Young-Jin kneeled in front of Celine

"We'll meet again one day, okay?"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

Celine then hugged Young-Jin and he hugged her back

"I love you samchon!"

"I love you too, Celine"

Celine then released her arms and ran towards the military jeep since it's very urgent. There is no time to lose. She didn't bother looking back at Young-Jin because he promised her that they will meet again someday

"Unfortunately, that is the last I will be seeing her"

Philip couldn't move because his muscles were constantly contrancting and expanding and he doesn't know why. Though, he was surprised and curious as to why Young-Jin said those words

"As you may have known, from your reaction earlier, I am a Martial Monarch. When I was a Martial King, I instantly became a Martial Monarch the moment I invented the Recoiless Technique. I skipped the Lord and Emperor Stages and I didn't have my personal item and martial manipulation"


Philip was having a hard time staying conscious. His head started to hurt from the information of the Recoiless Technique flowing through his mind

"I think I'm one of the rarest beings in the universe who has skipped two stages that easily. Because of that, I am being forced to ascend into a higher world because Earth can't handle an Emperor Stage and above. I will be leaving this world in a few days"


"To be honest, I think I'll have a hard time and suffer in the higher world because I didn't cultivate a firm foundation on Lord and Emperor Stages"


"So, before I depart or you disappear, I would like to know your name"


"I actually don't know what you are or how you're here... But there's one thing I know..."


"You're a being that will bring end"


"And if fate and destiny sent you here... Then it's my duty to teach you the Recoiless Technique that can harm the gods. That's the true purpose of this technique"


Philip tried to tell his name after contemplating if he should trust him, but Young-Jin couldn't hear him

"Hm? I can see you but I can't hear you... No matter, I think that's all I have to say and teach you"


Philip refused to leave, but he had no choice because there's nothing to do left

"By the way... Please keep Celine safe from harm if she needs it. That's the only thing I could wish for"


It was then that Philip's consciousness started to fade. He was being pulled out of the past and he's being brought back to the present

Before Philip could go, he used all of his strengthand raised his left hand. He snapped his fingers

An audible sound reverberated throughout the forest followed by the space around his left hand warpinh in an extreme degree

Philip decided to control Young-Jin's fate before leaving. Young-Jin was surprised by the sudden change in the surroundings and turned back around to see Philip

But instead, since the space around his left hand warped, his consciousness was blasted into oblivion and he disappeared from the past