
Chapter 120

"Adam!" she called me.

"Yes," I replied.

There was silence for a while after she called me. She didn’t say anything, she just fixed her gaze on me. I began to wonder what she wanted to tell me.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked, when I couldn’t endure the silence anymore.

"Do you still like Elizabeth?" she asked.

I wasn’t expecting her to ask me a question like that. I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t know how I was going to answer the question. I rested my back on the chair, thinking of a way to reply to her.

"No, we aren’t dating anymore, and I also don’t have feelings for her again," I answered.

"Okay," she said softly.

I guess she was cool with the reply I gave her, but it still seems like she was going to ask another question. I wonder what it was going to be about, but I guess a perfect reply is always the best for every question she was going to ask me.

"Then how do you feel towards me?" she asked.

I asked, "How do I feel towards you? Can you explain more?" I asked, wanting her to explain better. I’m a little bit confused about the question she asked me.

Okay, let me explain. What I’m trying to say is that, do you like me as a friend or... "She explained.

I already knew where she was heading to and she didn’t need to finish her explanation, so I had to interrupt.

"I think I understand what you are trying to say, and my answer to the question is, I like you more than just being a friend to me," I replied, taking a deep breath.

I wonder if that was enough to actually confess my feelings towards her, but I wished I still had the necklace. This would have been the perfect time to give her the necklace, and help her to put it on her neck. It would have been so nice.


 I stood outside a bar, then looked at the address. Ellie told me Connor was going to be waiting for me. I walked into the bar after I had confirmed the address at the bar entrance with the one I had with me.

I guess since it was during the day, just a few people were in the bar, so it was going to be easy for me to find Connor. I walked away from the entrance. After I had spotted Connor sitting at the end of the bar, he was waving at me for easy identification.

I walked up to him at the table he was sitting down on. On the other side of the table was an empty chair, which I could sit down on. I carefully sat down on the chair to begin the discussion with Connor in no time.

"Wassup Connor?" I said.

"Hey Adam," he responded, "And what took so long to get here? I have been waiting for you for about an hour now," he added.

He seems to be a little mad at me. I should try to apologise to calm him so he can become a little calm.