

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasía
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160 Chs



Frederick Rudolf is an Alpha to the rogues in the southern province, close to the dwelling of humans.

He was originally from a pack called Dark wood pack where his father was the beta to the Alpha.

His pack was attacked by a neighboring pack who destroyed and killed almost every living werewolf in the pack, Frederick together with some other pack members was able to survive and escape alive.

They were forced to live as rogues, constantly fighting for survival. Occasionally they were attacked by some pack wolves and rogues alike.

It didn't take long before Frederick became a strong and powerful rogue who was feared by other rogues. He became an Alpha to the rogues, and he formed a rogue community different from normal packs.

His followers were free to do whatever they wanted, they lived as terror to other packs, invading and stealing whatever they could.

It did not take long for Frederick to gather an army of werewolf warriors who was ready to fight for his course, and together they revenged on the pack that invaded his. He killed Every one of them, including their Alpha.

Frederick went on a hunt with his warriors to the northern area which was very far from his community, like he always did, searching for supplies for his followers.

Just as he raced with his warriors back home, he noticed someone lying on the road, he halted, observing the area for any strange movement, but there was none.

He observed the person laying on the ground and from the appearance he noticed it was a she-wolf not quite older than seventeen.

She looked battered, helpless, and dead, perhaps he thought.

Everyone stood on guard by Frederick's signal, they eye scanned the area searching for any werewolf around.

After 5 minutes of observing the area, they declared it safe. He approached the helpless figure laying on the ground only to discover a small but eye-catching little lady with bruises all over her face and arms. He got close and discovered the distinct smell of wolfs bane all over her body.

"What in the world!, who could have been this heartless beast to have done such a thing to a she-wolf this small?"

"She must have offended the higher ups or maybe a sex slave thrown out by her master", said one of his followers.

Frederick checked Maya's pulse and discovered she still had a little breath left.

"Strange, she's still alive.

She's a tough one for being able to survive wolfs bane with all that bruises".

Frederick knew she must not be that simple, as she smelled like pack, but what pack she must have been from he did not know.

His wolf felt sad when he saw her bruises.

"We must protect her, she needs our help, said his wolf.

Frederick felt pity for this lady as he was reminded of how helpless he was when his pack was attacked. He barely escaped back then.

"Whoever did this must be a bit better than me in brutality, I admire that.

Cedric? Take her on your back, she's coming with us".

"Are you serious, Alpha?, she looks as if she wouldn't be able to make it back with us. What if we are attacked by those responsible for her death?"

"Then we give them peaceful death,, no matter how many they might be".

They all raced back home with Maya on Cedric's back.

When they arrived at their community, Frederick immediately summoned the pack's healer.


Maya woke up with a banging head. Her whole body felt numb and her throat very dry.

She opened her eyes only to find herself in a strange-looking room beautifully decorated with fresh scented Roses.

She tried getting up only to fall back down as she felt a stabbing pain on her chest.

Maya wondered if she was perhaps dead and in the afterlife.

The door opened slowly and a beautiful old lady appeared. Her long white hair flowed freely down her back. She smiled brightly upon seeing Maya awake.

Maya shifted backwards a little, scared of whom the lady might be and if she was going to attack her.

"You are finally awake, I told Alpha Frederick you are a strong little lady, and you will be awake sooner than he thinks and thanks the goddess I was right?".

Maya was still trying to process what the lady was talking about.

"Who are you?, and where am I?".

"Oh sorry for the late introduction, I'm Meredith, the healer of our community, and you are in the southern province and in our rogue community called "Pack For The Freeborn".

"Well the name might sound weird but just as the name implies we all here are rogues though we are originally from a pack, but we escaped from our various packs due to war rampage.

Alpha Frederick was kind enough to take us in, and he's known as the Alpha around here"

Maya was more confused as she never heard of an Alpha rogue before, was she in another danger?

She thought about how she was going to escape from the hands of this Rogue community and Alpha.

She thought he might be as dangerous as rogues she heard about at her pack.

Maya was yet again taken out of her thoughts when the door swung open for a second time. She saw the appearance of a man she described as dangerous only from his aura. His face looked very innocent with a long black hair that covered a part of his face.

Frederick was surprised to see her awake, he studied her face and her every expression.

Never has he seen such beautiful eyes that looked so dangerously tempting. She had a small frame but beautiful features fitting for a woman.

Frederick loved beauties, since he never had an opportunity to find his mate.

His handsomeness attracted all the young she wolves at his community.

"It's nice to see you are finally awake".

"Thank you, who is he?, Maya directed the question to Meredith who was about saying her greetings to the Alpha.

"Oh, he's Alpha Frederick, the one I was just telling you about".

"Really, Meredith, you are already talking about me the moment she woke up?

Maya felt shy at the introduction.

"So he was the Alpha of the rogues they talked about".

"Thank you for saving my life".

Maya said between sobs.

"It's okay. I have a question for you, though, can you tell me what pack you are from and why were you so badly tortured?".

Maya's head was a mess as she tried to recall what really happened to her and how she had thought she had already died.

"It's okay if you want to avoid talking about it for now, but can I at least know your name?

"It's Maya".

Maya decided to exclude her last name since she still didn't trust them, and she was also afraid she might just have walked into another trap and this time she might never be able to survive.

"Okay, Maya you should rest now and when you feel better, we can talk more, but you should not be scared anymore because no one will hurt you ever again.

Frederick left the room, still wondering where she was from and what exactly she was hiding


Alpha Frederick brought Maya to the pack's healer for healing. When Meredith saw the state Maya was in, she was shocked beyond measure as to how a little girl could endure such brutal abuse where wolfs bane was used on her skin. She should have been burnt beyond recognition, but this young girl was still looking unscathed, though only a hair's breath left.

"Where did you find her?"

"In the woods at the northern province. Can she be saved?", Frederick asked Meredith.

"Well, I'm not so sure, but I will have to observe and try to extract the Wolfs bane liquid inside her.

She's very frail now, and it's worse because she doesn't seem to be of age yet for her wolf to help her heal better.

"Whoever did this must have really wanted to suppress her wolf from awakening" Frederick said.

"Alpha I'm not so sure it's that simple, nobody will pay attention to a girl this small without a wolf unless….

"Unless what?, let me hear it".

" I want to avoid jumping to conclusions yet. Let's call for witch Vina, she might have a clue".

Witch Vina was summoned to the room where Maya was being laid.

"Vina can you tell us what you see about her?".

Vina got closer to Maya and observed her for a while. She suddenly tensed up.

"What did you find?" Frederick asked impatiently.

"She's no ordinary girl Alpha, the powers emitting from her is beyond anything I've ever seen."

"Just as I thought, she must be special, that's the only way someone would want her dead."

The pack's healer said.

Frederick became rather confused at this revelation.

"If she was as powerful as you said, then why would anyone want dead?, I mean she should have been treasured and well protected from prying eyes."

"Don't worry Alpha, I will watch her closely, and be sure to find out whom she really is."

A month and Maya was still not awake. Frederick began to panic, but Meredith told him she was healing gradually, and she would wake up sooner. Frederick wanted to know who she really was and who was after her life.

If there was anything Frederick loved most was fighting, he loved to fight for what he thinks was right.

Seeing Maya still laying helplessly only further made him angry. He just could not wait to attack whatever pack was responsible for Maya's predicament.