
The Fat Cultivator

There was once a fat man that has no name and does not seek fame and glory and wealth and why does he not want any of these you might ask or "does he instead like beauties" NO all he seek is power and knowledge. And he achieved power and knowledge that none can compare even the unknown, he discovered uncountable races and how did he discover them? because he who have travelled many universe and Omniverse and he who have defeated all gods and stee their memory to attain knowledge. And now that so called being has killed himself because he have nowhere to go and no one to love and no one to care wants to reincarnate to a random word but he does not know that all world's and universe and Omniverse etc have rotten because their protector has died and many other universe and Omniverse have been created because the passage of time and does not need a protector. Note: I will upload this when i have a chance and it's hard for me to remember because I have a brain of a gold fish and I write this for fun and some time to kill and I'm new here so sorry for mistakes and I'm not writing a sex scene or I may, depends on the future and no harem only one I think.........well depends on the future to

Wang_Yong · Acción
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Reincarnation and levels

You can see a big circle ball of light that has a feature of a fat human and his looks are very ordinary the soul is going and travelling on the void searching for something and going universe to universe Omniverse to Omniverse and breaking every laws he came across because his soul is unbreakable and contains infinite amount of power

And there is a fat youth that is getting bullied in the slums but you can see in his eyes that even if he is being beaten and to the brink of death his eyes contains a massive amount of will to survive and one of the man beating him shouted

"WHY CANT YOU FAT F*CKING BALL OF SHIT TELL US WHERE SHE IS!!!" and the youth said "hmph even if you beat to death i will never tell you HAHAHAHAHAHA" he said and laughed manically and the other one said "HMPH he didn't got beaten enough yet maybe we should get master torture him to make him talk" the one who spoke proposed and the youth who heard them shivered from fear

the third one shouted "YOUNG MISS WHERE ARE YOU MASTER WILL BE ANGRY AT YOU IF YOU'R LATE AT HOME" and you can see a pink haired girl smiling while watching the fat youth suffered a beating

and when she heard this she shuddered and she walked from the shadows and said "I'm right here so don't shout at me servant" she said and looked at the youth at the ground and said "i guess the fun is done alright let's go" she said

and while the youth at the ground looked at the pinked haired girl and said "why....WHY DID YOU TRICK ME YOU SAID YOU NEEDED HELP AND SOMEONE IS CHASING YOU AND I HELPED YOU AND I DID NOT EVEN WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU JUST..... WHY" and looked at the pink haired girl with bloodshot eyes while cying

while the girl said "HMPH you think I need protection from you pig i came here to get some amusement and i see you and maybe you can intertain me because I'm bored being cooped up in the mansion" she said arrogantly

and then she said "okay finish him up and get rid of the evidence" she said while clapping

and while they are talking the youth was thinking "I guess I'm dead in sorry mom I'm sorry dad i didn't get youre expectation *sob* even tho we are nobles and don't seek fame and we don't and seek wealth and we treat everybody respectfully even commoners and my mom's once said *remember son treat everybody with respect and help them if you do someday God will help you* I guess mom's words are fake *snort* heh I'm naive and my naive caused my death *blergh pukes blood* I guess I'm close to death HAHAHAHA" and you can see a stream on of tears flowing on his bloodied face

the three people liked at the fat youth and the one in the middle said "kill him and get rid of the corpse" the two nodded and pulled a gun and in the soundless night a gunshot was heared *BANG*

and once every body leaved the heavens almost crumbled and the dao almost breaked and the universe almost got destroyed and that anomaly only lasted several mili second and we can see a blue light going down through the heaven and onto the fat youths body

and amazingly the youths gunshot wound healed instantly like there was nothing there and we can see the youths body shudder for a bit and suddenly the body slowly stand up and he observed his surrounding and the past soul on that body got devoured before it can go to the cycle of reincarnation and the soul that occupied that body's eyebrows twitched for a extremely quick time and a flood of memory flowed in anoyed expression showed in his face and he said "hmmmmmmm" after a long silence he speaks in a calm and unhurried manner " I guess my name is Wei Long and now have parents interesting i who has no parents and only lived in the woods on and my only friend there is nature itself and everywhere I go death is always looming in the surrounding thats why in numb towards death"

he observed again and said "interesting according to this soul I devoured my parents will get angry on me I guess I better go and it seems the last owner of this body loved his parents dearly hmmm what should I do hmmm I guess I will act according to this last host body and love them dearly to"

he looked at himself and said "I need to wash my self before going home or they will get startled and will bring too much nuisance when I get there" and Wei Long looked walked around to see if there is water source so that he can wash himself

and several minutes of looking he found a well and nobody was there because it's dead night and after he washed himself he waved his clothes and casted a level 0 wind spell to dry his clothes and put it back on

(spells ranking is numbers consisting of









each realm consisting of also 10 levels the higher the more powerful)

and he said "hmm his world's ranking is weird and I'm clean time to go home and act like the previous host action and personality *sigh* nuisance if I must say"

and when he got home he saw his parents eating and chatting happily and he said " I'm home mom dad and what's dinner today" he asked and got to the table happily

and his mom said smiling "it's chicken son your favorite"

and I said "WOW its chicken yay i love it thank you Mom Dad and now let's eat" and I dig in like there is no tomorrow and my parents just laughed heartily and I think ' i guess I'm getting affected by familial Bond and is getting stronger and I love it like this because last life I did not have any parents and it's also due to the last host memories I guess it's fine I protect them and and kill whoever hurts them hmmmmm if they dare I will hunt them down throughout the universe ' this promised instead turns to a vow and all the future enemies imidiately shuddered and their faces turns pale and stops on their track and the the people around them asked "is there something wrong master" he asked and the old man regained his focus and said profoundly " i just felt threatened and I just feel that our sect is gonna get destroyed because we angered a unknown powerful being and you know my intuition is never wrong" and the youth that asked what's wrong got shocked and said "yes I too felt it like a unknown powerful being is staring into my soul so master what are gonna do" the youth said and the he addressed as master speaked in a profound tone "do not let somebody of our sect go outside and the ones on a mission recall all of them and lock down the sect and only the ones that can get out needs our permit if anyone doesn't have a permit go out side kill them we will assume them as spies ok now go!!!" but he doesn't know that all other powerful sect felt the same the also did the same as recalling all their disciple and locked down the sect for a 100 years and already told all disciples and they said they felt the same and agreed to lock down the sect

while common folk wondered why they suddenly locked down and many rumors started to flow like ' they angered a powerhouse ' or ' someone important died ' and many other rumors while the cause of that is happily eating chicken

this is my first ever novel so sorry for some mistakes and thank you for reading

Wang_Yongcreators' thoughts