
The Farm Girl's Charismatic Fortune

By Xishui River, there lived a family with the surname Ruo, whose luck was so disastrously poor that it was as if misfortune was possessed by their very souls. When other families had bountiful harvests, the Ruo Family harvested not a single grain. Their planted vegetables were devoured by insects, their chickens got chicken plague, their pigs got swine fever… Despite the household being full of strong men, they were either mad, crippled, or blind… What would have been a family of great prospects became the poorest within ten miles. The only thing that others envied about the Ruo Family was its thriving male members! The old lady of the Ruo Family had given birth to six sons, who then gave her four grandsons. She dreamt day and night of having a granddaughter. When she finally got a grandchild, to her dismay, the child was mentally disabled: at over three years old, she still couldn’t speak or walk, couldn’t even eat or relieve herself without help. Everyone thought the Ruo Family would never turn their fortunes around in this lifetime! That was until the half-old three-year-old mentally disabled child suddenly called out, “Mom…” The heavens began to change. The world began to turn mysterious. In the Ruo Family’s courtyard, the persimmons ripened overnight. The vegetables in the fields, nearly nibbled bare by insects, turned lush and green. The old hen that had never laid eggs suddenly started laying… While others faced famine, the Ruo Family’s granary was full. The eldest son was no longer mad, the second son was no longer crippled, the third son was no longer blind… The old lady of the Ruo Family, with her hands on her hips, laughed heartily to the sky, “Who says my Xuanbao is a dimwit? She’s clearly a treasure of blessings!” (This is a farming novel with a hint of fairy charm, where the female protagonist in a previous life was a just-awakened daylily that has reincarnated as a human.)

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283 Chs

Chapter 10: Xuanbao Dispenses Justice on Heaven's Behalf

Fang's Medical Clinic was a rather famous small clinic in Shengping Town, and the afternoon was the time when the clinic was most idle; there was no one in the clinic as all the doctors had gone back to the rear courtyard to rest.

As an attendant, Ruo Shan took the opportunity during the downtime to replenish the herbs in the medicine cabinet.

At that moment, Mrs. Zhuang brought out several packages of herbs and said to Ruo Shan, "You've been busy for most of the day. Go take a rest! I'll take care of organizing the medicine cabinet."

Organizing the medicine cabinet and timely restocking herbs were part of an attendant's responsibilities—how could Ruo Shan dare to let Mrs. Zhuang do it?

Mrs. Zhuang was the eldest daughter-in-law from the main branch of the family that owned the clinic, born into a family of renowned medics responsible for purchasing herbs.

Mrs. Zhuang has always thought that she was an informant implanted by the wife of the second branch of the Fang Family, acting all high and mighty without giving her due respect.

He respectfully said, "Thank you for your kindness, eldest daughter-in-law, but Ruo Shan is not tired. Organizing the medicine cabinet is Ruo Shan's duty, and I dare not neglect it."

Mrs. Zhuang pursed her lips and left him alone, opening a package of Euryale seeds. She found the corresponding cabinet, pulled it open with her back to him, and added them in.

Ruo Shan, not at ease, glanced over and confirmed that they were indeed Euryale seeds before returning his gaze.

Seeing him look over, Mrs. Zhuang said in a sarcastic tone, "Rest assured, after all, I was born into a family of renowned medics—I recognize these herbs. Unlike those country bumpkins, who can distinguish grains but not necessarily herbs! Oh, but I'm not talking about you, don't get me wrong!"

Ruo Shan did not speak.

Mrs. Zhuang, after adding the Euryale seeds, opened another package of Jobs Tears and added them to the corresponding cabinet.

These were all fairly common herbs that one could identify at a glance, and Ruo Shan knew at a glance that they were correct.

Just then, Ruo Shui walked in carrying Ruo Xuan and, seeing Mrs. Zhuang, greeted her out of courtesy, "Eldest daughter-in-law."

Hearing a familiar voice, Ruo Shan turned his head and saw his fourth brother and Xuanbao, and joyfully said, "Fourth brother, Xuanbao, you've come!"

Mrs. Zhuang was displeased to see Ruo Shui, thinking he was here again to take advantage!

Every time someone from the Ruo Family came for medicine, the old master wouldn't charge consultation fees, and the price of the herbs was calculated at cost, which Mrs. Zhuang found very disagreeable.

Their Fang Family ran a medical clinic, not a charity!

Ruo Shui smiled and nodded, "Xuanbao, quickly greet the eldest daughter-in-law and your fifth uncle."

Ruo Xuan was about to call out when Mrs. Zhuang suddenly let out a snort in a mocking and sarcastic tone, "Isn't this the fool who couldn't speak or walk at the age of three? I've heard all about it from the old master of our family, no need to be courteous! I'm aware of her condition and won't take offense for her rudeness. Are you here for my father-in-law to take a look at her? Unfortunately, he is resting at this time."

She looked quite adorable with her snowy white skin, pretending to be like a normal child.

Ruo Xuan obediently called out, "Fifth Uncle, Eldest Daughter-in-Law."

Ruo Shan's eyes widened, unable to hide his surprise: did Xuanbao just call him 'Fifth Uncle'???

He was so excited that he momentarily couldn't speak.

Had his Xuanbao learned to speak?

After Ruo Xuan spoke, she looked solemnly at Mrs. Zhuang, "Eldest Daughter-In-Law, Xuanbao can speak now. And I am not a fool, I can talk and walk now. Dad, put me down, I want to walk and show Fifth Uncle."

She knew everyone thought she was a fool, the first time she let it slide, but she'd get angry if it happened again!

Ruo Shui quickly set his daughter down, and although he disliked Mrs. Zhuang's words, considering the kindness Doctor Fang had shown their Ruo Family, he couldn't be bothered to argue with her.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Ruo Xuan pounced on Ruo Shan and hugged his leg, "Fifth Uncle, hug!"

Ruo Shan lifted Ruo Xuan excitedly, raising her high, "Fifth Uncle will hug! Fifth Uncle will lift Xuanbao high! Xuanbao, call me 'Fifth Uncle' again!"

"Fifth Uncle, hehehe..., Fifth Uncle, put me down quickly, it tickles, hehe…" Ruo Xuan laughed out loud as she was lifted high.

Fearing Ruo Shan might drop his precious daughter, Ruo Shui quickly said, "Alright, put Xuanbao down now."

Ruo Shan then put her down, switching to holding her with one arm.

Mrs. Zhuang's eyes were wide with shock and with an irresistibly curious tone, she asked, "Has she been cured? Wasn't it said that such congenital foolishness is incurable? Fool, make a courteous bow for me!"

Her father-in-law had actually cured this fool? If this news were to get out, the clinic's business would definitely boom!

It could also garner them a good reputation for the medical competition hosted by the Imperial Court next year.

Ruo Xuan frowned slightly, "I've told you I'm not a fool, apologize, or else don't blame me for being rude!"

The Divine Monarch had said that one must not harm others with Immortal Technique, for evil people will have their karma, and Heavenly Dao handles such matters. If she used Immortal Technique to harm people at will, she would be punished by the Heavenly Dao.

Ruo Xuan understood then; she couldn't use Immortal Technique to teach someone a lesson. Since Heavenly Dao was in charge of this matter, she could use Immortal Technique to remind the heavens to act in place of the Heavenly Dao!

Mrs. Zhuang laughed as if she had heard the funniest joke, "You want me to apologize to you? Do you know who I am? How do you plan to be rude to me? You've turned the world upside down! Ask your father if he dares to ask me for an apology!"

If they dared make her apologize, she would immediately have Ruo Shan roll up his bedding and leave—which was exactly what she wanted!

Ruo Xuan stopped talking; what did it matter to her who Mrs. Zhuang was?


Why not be rude? Of course, it's about acting for justice, telling the heavens to let the Almighty deal with her!

Ruo Xuan's little hand tucked into her sleeve, she secretly pinched a magic seal and sent her a "Immortal Technique" for her offensive remarks.

Now, just wait for the Almighty to sort her out!

Ruo Shui frowned and clenched her fists, "Madam Fang, Xuanbao said, apologize!"

Xuanbao is so young; she can't be allowed to suffer the indignities of the powerful from such a young age. What if she grows up only knowing to endure and appease?

A person must have a baseline; wealth should not corrupt, nor strength bow to force!

Ruo Shan also said firmly, "Apologize!"

Zhuang could insult him, and he could tolerate it, but insulting Xuanbao, he could not!

He would rather not be an attendant than let Xuanbao be wronged.

Zhuang sneered, "Apologize to a foolish child? Ruo Shan, do you no longer wish to be an attendant?"

At that moment, an older elder stepped out from behind the curtain, his voice authoritative, "Zhuang, apologize!"

Zhuang's face stiffened, and with an unwilling expression, she looked at the elder, "Father, I didn't do anything wrong, it was them..."

Doctor Fang said displeased, "The way you talk is utterly wrong! Apologize, or go kneel in the ancestral hall."

As the Fang Family's senior daughter-in-law and the one in charge of purchasing medicinal materials, being punished to kneel in the ancestral hall would leave her with no face to meet others.

Zhuang said reluctantly, "I'm sorry."

Ruo Xuan turned away; too late! She certainly wouldn't accept it.

Only then did Ruo Shui and Ruo Shan let it go. Doctor Fang owed a debt of gratitude to the Ruo Family and was Ruo Shan's master, so they had to accept the outcome.

It was impossible for Zhuang to apologize sincerely.

They were willing to let it go, but Zhuang, forced to apologize, felt she lost face in front of them, and her hatred for Ruo Shan deepened!

"Father, I will go back to the rear courtyard!"

She dropped those words and left straight away!

Zhuang couldn't help but curse after returning to the rear courtyard, "A whole family of thankless wretches, no wonder the mad are mad, the crippled are crippled, the foolish are foolish! An apology to a foolish child? And not fear being struck by lightning? Does she have that kind of luck? Pah!"


A bolt of lightning struck down on a clear day!

Zhuang was charred inside and out!


Inside the clinic, after Zhuang had left, Doctor Fang said to Ruo Shui and the others, "I'm really sorry for just now, Ruo brothers, Ruo Shan, don't take it to heart, it was my poor household management."

The two hurriedly said it was too much, and then Ruo Shui asked Doctor Fang to take a look at Xuanbao.

"Now that Xuanbao can speak and walk, is she alright?"

Doctor Fang took Ruo Xuan's pulse, asked her a few questions, had her walk a few steps, and complete a few actions. Seeing her speech clear and logic strong, and her movements agile, he smiled and said, "This is more than just being fine. Ruo brothers, you are lucky! Xuanbao is smarter than most children. I assume she didn't talk before not because she couldn't, but because she didn't want to."

Doctor Fang had also met some introverted children who were very smart but simply chose not to speak much.

Xuanbao's case seemed more severe before, not even able to walk, probably because the adults spoiled her.

Moreover, the Ruo Family had had only one girl for several generations, and everyone treated her like a treasure, reluctant to let her touch the ground, so naturally, she didn't learn to walk.

Ruo Shui and Ruo Shan both showed big smiles.

Doctor Fang then asked, "How is Ruo Hai doing recently?"

Ruo Shui replied, "He hasn't had any episodes lately; I came today to get some medicine."

"That's good, it proves that the prescription is effective. Ruo Shan, continue to prepare two more doses for your elder brother according to the prescription."

"Yes," Ruo Shan said, and went to prepare the medicine for his brother.

Ruo Xuan looked at the several packets of medicinal materials on the counter and asked, "Uncle Five, some of those medicinal materials have worms, and some are moldy, are they still usable?"

At that moment, a shadow burst in, and upon hearing this, staggered, falling with a thud.

The crowd heard a "puff" sound, and a cloud of black smoke rose from the ground.

