
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasía
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59 Chs

chapter 40

Vincent was in a dark place. he heard creaks and crackles from his surroundings. Before he knew it he was surrounded by darkness. It engulfed him completly.

He walked on some bumpy ground, that his eyes could not see. Than around him he saw multiple glowing bares with black holes as eyes. those empty voides for eyes as if the bears were long dead and the eyes rotted away amongst thier skin. It was so strange Vincent didn not understand how he knew this but he did. the brears were now going to attack him.

Yet ash they charged at him one by one he effortlessly them in half one by one. it was as if there were made of cloth. After defeating the bears he found a giant egg that was no smaller than the avrage pig. just as he leend down to pick it up hid suddenly cracked in a loud nouse.

within the egg was a large eye, it looked at strait back at him. Vincent felt a primal fear from the eye yet somehow he did truly fear it would harm him. before Vincent could contemplate the matter his eyes opened!

Vincent: "What in the world was that dream!?"

At the end it was but a dream.