Reboot to the Fan fiction Life of Kai...
Kai felt weightlessness as his fall through a tunnel surrounded by golden light.
He remembers his death in the cold white snow which was followed by a flash of memories that weren't his, in fact they belong to a super powered Kryptonian teenager named Clark Kent ,also known as Super Boy Prime.
He was a focused villain that caused a reign of chaos across multiply universes, a reign that end with him trapped in the source wall.
But through unknown means, Kai took possession of his body and is now falling through a tunnel made of golden light that seemed to have no end.
"How long will the tunnel go for?" he asked.
Seconds later, the tunnel came to an end and throw him out with great force causing him to land with a big bang.
Even though Kai landed with enough force to cause a Tsunami had he landed in an ocean, he didn't feel a single ache of pain.
"Finally" Kai said. He waited for his eyes to adjust from the bright gold tunnel to the new lighting where he landed.
When his eyes finally adjusted, he released he had fallen thrown some ones roof and landed on what could only be described as the largest table with the most food he had ever seen surrounded by the most angry people he had ever seen.
"Shit" he said when he realized he had landed in there food.
He quickly stood up and began apologizing, "so sorry, I had no idea I were I would be landing"
But his apologies fell on deaf ears, everyone was looking at him with furious looks bringing to mind the saying, "if looks could kill"
Suddenly, Kai was hit with a blast of energy that sent him flying and crashing in to a wall.
"I said I was sorry" Kai said as he slowly came down to the ground. He shook off the dizziness that the blast had brought him to find a man with sliver grey hair in all gold clothing and wearing an eye patch holding a long gold spear looking down at him.
"How dare you ruin my palace?...Intruder"
On seeing this man standing over him, Kai laughed nervous before he said, "You wouldn't happen to be Odin All father, Protector of the Nine Realms and King of Asgard"
"That I am" he replied
Hearing the man confirm he was Odin, Kai knew where he was, the Realm Eternal, Asgard located at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy.
Kai stood up and dusted himself off before saying, "So sorry I ruined you feast. There was this tunnel made of golden light and I was falling when I landed here"
Odin looked at Kai with a bored look on his face.
"Arrest him, I will deal with him later" Odin said.
With Odin's word being law, Kai was immediately surrounded by soldiers in gold armour carrying either spears or swords with shields.
"Guys there is no need to pull out weapons, I will come quietly" he said.
With the strength of Super Boy Prime, he could rip Asgard in to pieces before even Hela could get her chance, but he choose to take the path of least resistance and see where it would take him.
He made a promise to himself that should 'shit hit the fan', he would go ape shit and get the hell out of Asgard at take his chances in the void of space.
An Asgardian solider placed handcuffs on his hand which made him remember Man of Steel when the U.S government 'arrested Superman', this caused him to chuckle.
"Take him away" Odin ordered.
Kai didn't put up any resistance as they dragged him away, in fact he cooperated with them the whole way from the great hall to the prison cells.
Taking a seat on the white stone chair in the cell Kai had to admit, the interior of this prison cell looked a lot more expensive than some people's houses.
After admiring the cell Kai got bored and decide to test out his new powers so used his supervision to see through the walls and he began to survey the great Asgardian Realm.
He saw that the feast continued like Kai's touch down never happened as a new table filled with food and drink was set up.
"Asgardians love their food and alcohol" he whispered.
Kai moved his sight away from the Hall and began looking at the other sights Asgard had to offer when he spotted a man with long blonde hair with a hammer strapped to his waist standing at the edge of a rainbow bridge looking off in the void.
Next to him stood and tall black man in gold armour holding a huge sword also looking off in to the void.
"Thor and Heimdall…and it appears the Bifrost has already been destroyed, then I must have arrived in the period between Thor and Avengers" Kai whispered.
He then focused his super hearing on Thor and Heimdall…
"How is she?" Thor asked Heimdall
"She is fine, she looks for a way to reunite with you" Heimdall answered.
Thor smiled and his response, he was happy to hear that Jane was still thinking of him, he too was thinking of her and missed her greatly but there was no way for him to return to earth with the Bifrost gone.
"But it had to been done" He said as he flashed back to when he destroyed the Bifrost to stop the destruction of Jotunheimr by Loki.
"It would appear we have an eavesdropper" Heimdall suddenly said as he looked directly at Kai.
Kai smiled and waved.
Heimdall with Thor next to him began to walk towards Kai's location.