
Loss Pt. 1

Domino Effect (Noun). 

A domino effect is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar or other events. 

In life, there are certain times where we face a series of unfortunate events that follow each other sometimes one after the other.

Upon taking a moment to reflect, one can usually trace the beginning of these events back to one particular decision or moment where everything started to go wrong. 

The confrontation of this truth can cause a great sense of despair and internal ridicule. 

'I could have done this, and avoided that.'

'If I had only changed this a little, I could have prevailed.'

'If I hadn't left, my loved ones would still be here.'

Whether in the world of Tayar or the Earth, it is always difficult to come to grips with the fact that you can occasionally bear some responsibility for a hardship that has unfolded within your life.