
Cold feet?

Taira and Aveena passed through the doorway and stepped into the training hall, one after the other.

Taira wore his standard blue gi with a simple belt around his waist. Aveena wore a thick set of bandages around her chest, forearms, knuckles, and feet, with a pair of baggy black pants.

Before he could even close the door behind them, the cultists inside were greeting the pair loudly.


Aveena was known by her family for having a very playful personality and a general unseriousness surrounding life.

So can you imagine Taira's surprise when she suddenly put on a very stoic, no-nonsense personality?

He had but one single thought on his mind at the moment.


Even though he wasn't currently using telepathy, Aveena still could hear Taira's thoughts loud and clear judging by the subtle redness of her ears.