
A Lost Love

"What… is this..?"

"My chest feels… strange."

"Oh my…"

Even before Ayame had finished inscribing the secret phrase into the cavern ice wall, she and the group of outsiders were already feeling a little bit out of the ordinary.

A warmth spread through their chests that was completely out of the ordinary for this cold winter environment.

They hardly even needed their protective cloaks anymore.

Ayame etched the last line of writing onto the wall and the writing glowed bright blue.

With one breath, all enemies tremble with fear. With one step, all opposition sings in terror. And they all trade hoarse whispers of the Divine Black Myth.

At the back of the group, the old monk raised a brow.

Soon the entire group was bathed in a strange light and taken to another destination entirely.

Miles beneath Tatar's surface, the group had appeared on a great some bridge leading to a large, splendrous palace.