
The Fallen Rise

Ever since the death of her Ex-boyfriend, Lin has been struggling to move past the day that changed her life forever, cursing her to be a Fallen Angel. When a job goes wrong and forces her to call on her old demonic friend Luc, Lin finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and betrayal that could not only change her future, but the future of the entire world.

Yasmina_Iro · Fantasía
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105 Chs

[Bonus chapter] A little Worse for Wear


I sighed as I sat on the couch, unable to help my annoyance with my sister's actions. I knew she didn't have the same amount of patience as me, but a fight with Jinx was so unnecessary. If she had just kept quiet and let me comfort the witch...

"Are you alright, Messi?" I looked up to see Azger giving me a concerned look, and I did my best to smile at my lover. It seemed the pain from their forced entry into Eden had finally faded and relief filled my chest as I stared into those green eyes. 

"I'm fine, if not a bit frustrated with Evangela. There was no reason for that to escalate the way it did."

"Lucien can handle himself." Azger chuckled and my heart pounded with the sound. Oh, how much I had missed hearing it in person!

"I'm not worried about them being hurt, but you know I prefer to do things differently, if possible." I admitted, welcoming them to sit next to me and I frowned as I watched them shake their head. "You have to go back?"