
The Fallen Flames

Two ladies find themselves in trouble after they declare revenge on a powerful family but things take a drastic turn as one gets killed mysteriously. A search for who killed her commences. Will they find out who killed her?

Wanjiru_Writes · Ciudad
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8 Chs

The Fallen Flames

Chapter 1

"Hey, handsome!" started Angie as she made her presence felt throughout the office. She had long earned her title as a flirt and seemed to embrace it perfectly. She preferred younger to older men. Angie believed that they had energy in most things…physically yes. Angie's insatiable desire for sex was untamed, unchained, and uncontrollable.

Angie was in her early forties but she had maintained her body perfectly. She always dressed up as if she was going to parties even when at work. Her life was simply a thriller, full of energy and flavor. Her colleagues called her a cougar. She brushed it all off by ignoring them.

"Hello ma'am," answered the intern. He had just joined the company a week ago. Angie spent most of her days admiring his masculine body. He had strong hands that would make her feel like a woman. Angie pictured herself in a pool with him making out, sometimes on her bed rubbing her nipples against his hairy chest and on her work desk where she would sigh in pleasure allowing him to do his magic on her. Just the thought of it made her feel like he was already in her pants rubbing her.

"Drop the formalities, handsome. Can you make me scream your name later in the day?" She went on getting naughty with him. The intern was scared as he tried to pass a message across to his senior; he wasn't interested. Angie's older male colleagues noticed the uneasiness on the young man's face and intervened. He finally left.

"This is inappropriate!" Said one of them. But before she could respond, she remembered she was supposed to check on her friend, Jennie.

Jennie was her childhood friend. They had left their homes to accomplish way bigger projects in the city but somehow got distracted. Jennie had not been okay lately. She had been emotionally drained. Indeed, she was going through a difficult time. She needed to talk to someone about it as she felt that her marriage was headed south. It was on the verge of collapsing! She took out her phone and dialed the first person that appeared on her contact list. It was Angie, her best friend.

"Hello sunshine, how is my sexiest bitch doing?" Angie said. Just when Angie was thinking of calling, Jennie called instead, how nice!

Angie never had a boring day. She was always wild and full of spirit. Unlike Jennie, Angie had divorced years ago from her then-husband. Her ex-husband was a brother to Jennie's husband. How they ended up together the four of them huh, was a puzzle!

Unlike Jennie, Angie joked about marriage vows and love. To her it was just fiction. After her divorce, she maintained a close relationship with her ex-husband. The friendship came along with sexual benefits as they would often sleep together but it was an open relationship. Angie had several other men at her disposal and whenever she got tired of any of them, she would drop and pick and drop again. She was always ready to move on after every breakup. Angie was never attached to anyone emotionally. She wasn't even planning on being anyone's pet...or wife. Well, she referred to married women as pets.

"Hey bitch…you good?" Jennie tried to keep up with her friend. One could tell she was forcing the words out of her mouth. She would never let such words slip from her lips easily like Angie. But she was her best friend. And that's just how their friendship was.

"Yes honey, I'm great…hey sexy," She continued but Jennie could tell that there was someone else Angie was addressing.

"Hey, Angie!" Jennie shouted as if trying to get her friend's already divided attention. She wasn't in the mood that day.

"Oh sorry sugar, about that, there is this new guy in my office and he looks so hot. I want to undress him, sweetheart….he looks flexible, I bet he can do me real good, oh my gosh," Angie kept going and going until Jennie became impatient.

"Angie, stop! We need to talk...Now!" She said and then hung up the phone and started crying. She felt a grip of pain running down her stomach. She had just discovered a despicable act by her husband after checking his phone earlier that morning when he was taking a shower. A text message had popped on his screen and it was from his secretary at work.

Jennie looked through her windows, up to the sky. She could see the dark heavy clouds gathering. It was going to rain heavily that night. As usual, her husband would be late in the office signing contracts and proposals huh? And a bonus of cuddles from the sexy secretary. What a package!

Emmy was young and beautiful. She wore the most fitting and sexy outfits at work. She looked like a model. She always traveled together with Andrew to every part of the world, well, she had his diary!

Andrew was a renowned politician. Even though Emma claimed to be a lesbian, she did provide comfort and warmth to Jennie's husband one too many times until Jennie raised suspicion. Jennie picked up her phone amidst tears and phoned Andrew.

"What time will you be home Andrew?" Asked Jennie. But instead, Emmy answered her husband's phone.

"Hey Mrs. Andrew, Mr. Andrew is on another call. Would you like to leave a message?" Asked the secretary.

"I thought you heard my question Emmy. When is our husband coming home to his loving wife?" She was sarcastic.

"Right, he will be home in two hours," replied naive Emmy. She could tell Jennie was angry. Jennie heard a knock on the door and put back her phone. It was Angie…. finally, she made it.

Angie stood at the door for five minutes admiring her friend. Jennie wondered if her friend had suddenly developed a physical attraction towards her judging by the way she rubbed her chest against hers. She then wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged her again this time tighter and touched her hair pulling it down her neck. At first, Jennie felt a weird caress but was too depressed to focus on such. She remained on her friend's shoulders for a while then asked her friend to follow her to the balcony. Her favorite spot.

Angie was an outdoors person. She loved the balcony view and always preferred sitting there whenever she visited. She saw her friend as lucky to have a beautiful home, a husband, and a son. But she didn't like a few things about her. One is that Jennie was in love with her husband and couldn't live without him. Two, the fact that she had forgotten about what brought them to the city in the first place. To Angie, love was overrated. There was nothing like love or feelings. Everyone was just a substitute; a 'convenient convenience' she called it.

"I think Andrew is cheating on me," Jennie started upon realizing that the silence erupting between them was becoming louder.

"Seriously girl...you can do better than this. Stop whining, get yourself a substitute also…case closed." Advised Angie. Jennie looked at her with disbelief. Angie knew she sounded insensitive. She then lit up a cigarette and after the first puff, she continued this time more carefully observing her words.

"Is the bitch younger? Well, older men want to try younger bitches these days, sweetie. Soon, no man will even look at us. But you know what? I have no problem dating younger men too. Tit for tat sister huh," she explained amidst smoke that had filled the balcony. Jennie joined in with a cigarette. Her stepson walked in on them and greeted them.

"Ooh, I didn't know it was you two. I thought the house was burning down ha-ha," he joked but Angie asked him to go to his room. They were in a serious conversation. Jerome did as asked and left the ladies.

Jennie wasn't sure she did the right thing by inviting her friend over. But in the end, it gave her a better feeling. She felt relieved sharing her predicaments with Angie.

"About that, she is…very young actually. She was an intern and I just learned today, Andrew offered her a job as his secretary." She explained bitterly.

"Ooh, you are talking about Emmy, no offense but well, she is very beautiful you know." Explained Angie.

"Are you saying I'm not beautiful? Angie, you think I am not beautiful enough for my husband, right?" She roared and hit the grills of her balcony. Angie had to save the situation.

"No sweetie, just dress up sexy tonight and apply some makeup. Maybe that's what he wants to see...okay sorry sweetie. That slipped…

"Whatever the case, it doesn't give him the right to mess around. He should not cheat on you baby girl, I'm on your side," Angie was slowly coming back to her senses.

"What are you even saying? Andrew would never notice me. He has been cheating since we got married but I have never known those women. It hurts Angie because I know Emmy," she was in sobs again. Angie reached out to her and hugged her again then spoke.

"Let him be darling, you are beautiful. Get yourself a side pie and bang anytime you feel like it. You can't tie wild dog honey...sorry if I sound crazy but that's just what I would do if I was in your shoes," she hugged her.

Jennie and Andrew had been married for ten years. Like any marriage, they had their ups and downs but the worst of them all was unfaithfulness. Andrew was the most loving in public mostly during his campaigns. He was also the most unfaithful man behind the camera. On the other hand, Jennie was faithful and loyal to her husband all through.

At first, Angie disagreed with her friend and wanted to walk away but she chose to stick around as they had made a promise to one another on being together forever. Angie always reminded her friend that nothing was real. That at some point, people lie even to those they claim to care about. And for that reason, she sinned wildly and trusted no man.

Angie finally gave a better proposal to Jennie. A girls' night out on the coming Friday. Dress up well and be ready to mingle was all Angie asked of her friend. Jennie agreed and well, her friend's visit was worth it after all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Friday came, and as usual, Andrew suggested he would be late again! Jennie was hurt but chose not to frown just as advised by Angie. The two beautiful women wore matching red dresses with red lipsticks. They were ready to have fun! Then Jerome walked in…

"My sexy mama," said Jerome. He was sixteen and was beginning to notice his stepmother's beauty.

"That's inappropriate Jero! You should replace sexy with beautiful hmm," suggested Jennie. Jerome apologized and left.

Jennie got married to Andrew after the death of his first wife who died tragically in a road accident. She had been the only mother to Jerome all through. He was only six when Jennie got married to his daddy.

Jennie and Angie walked hand in hand and got to the car. Angie offered to drive since she knew better where they were headed. After all, she was the one who came up with the idea. They drove to a club downtown. It was smoky and dirty. People from all walks of life walked in and out. Young couples kissed anyhow along the pathway. Not Jennie's kind of place. But Angie kept pushing her to blend with people. To dance her sorrow away. To drink alcohol and lose her mind. They were 'sweet forty' Angie laughed it all out!

A few minutes later, Angie got a young man. Angie's new catch was 23. She then left her friend and wished her luck, hoping she would also get laid too before dawn cracked. Well, it had been a long time since Jennie had a romantic encounter. She tried to look around but there was no one her age. She went to the counter and ordered a Martini. Jennie took a sip and left the club. She wanted to smoke as tension was building up in her.

What a waste of time! Why did she even agree to follow her friend? If anyone saw them what would they say about them? Cougars? Hell no! She was going to leave the messed-up place after smoking two cigarettes to calm her itching nerves down.

Jennie watched the smoke from her cigarette up to the sky. It was a sign of growth. She admired how the smoke detached from the main source and found its way into space. Maybe she could also do that someday. Fly away and experience the goodness that came with freedom. It will be a better day in her future. Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder.

"Hey beautiful….why are you standing out here all by yourself?" He said.

Jennie turned around and looked at him for a minute. Then smiled at him.

"This place is not my kind of a place." Answered Jennie shyly.

"Your friend seems to be having fun...so much fun!" He lamented.

True to his words, Angie was having crazy fun. She was even planning to take it a notch higher with her new catch huh? Jennie looked at her friend filled with questions. Her friend was a real freak!

"Hey, I'm Joe, and you are?" Asked the stranger.

"Jennie, I'm Jennie," she answered with clarity. Joe smiled and held her hand against his. He requested if they could go back to the club and do a dance. Jennie declined. She said that she wasn't a good dancer. Joe opted for karaoke. At first, she refused again but later joined him. They did a song together.

After their performance, they joined the crowd but Angie was nowhere to be seen. Jennie asked her new friend to help her trace her. After a ten-minute search, they found her kissing some man in the parking lot. Jennie was worried about her but Angie assured her that she was fine. She threw the car keys to her and advised her to drive home safely.

"And please don't fail me, fuck his mind out. You deserve an orgasm sweetheart!" she shouted as Jennie stretched her hands to get the keys. She missed and Joe caught them for her.

Two minutes later, Angie turned and gave Joe a closer look. She walked towards them staggering. She was drunk. Angie wiped something from her eyes and then spoke to Joe.

"You are Carlos, right?" She asked Joe. Joe just smiled at her like an idiot. Jennie stood up for her new friend.

"You are a drunk sweetheart, can I take you home" suggested Jennie but her friend said she had to be laid. Jennie respected her and then turned to Joe as if trying to explain a point and paint a different picture of her friend, Angie.

"My friend is a…. psycho hmm, ignore her," said Jennie as she stretched her right hand to get the keys from Joe's hands. But he refused to give her and asked if he could drive her home. Jennie refused.

"Fine then you will have to come to get the keys from me," he teased her.

At first, Jennie turned the offer down but the young man was not an easy let go. She got to the car but advised her Joe not to drive her to the vicinity of her home as it will cause problems between her and her husband. He agreed but also had a better suggestion.

"I don't live far from here, Jennie. I can take you there." He said but Jennie maintained that she had to get home. Joe agreed and drove her to her place but stopped a few meters from her home. He parked at the roadside.

Jennie had been trying to focus but the Martini she had taken was impairing her judgment. She remembered how her husband had stopped making love to her a few months ago. Jennie felt that she deserved more than just the wife tag. Her thoughts were interrupted by Joe's lips on hers. She had not seen it coming. She didn't even know that he had parked the car.

Joe was already into her. He rubbed her thighs and kissed her neck gently. Jennie gave in to seduction as Joe kept going for her breast. He tickled her left nipple and Jennie let out a sigh. He was doing it right he could tell. Jennie went for the trouser zip but she couldn't find it. Joe moved closer and opened it for her. He led her hand into his pants. Jennie could feel the urge in him, he was so hard and firm.

She tried to keep up with the caresses but she was so carried away by desires that she let herself go. Joe pulled up her red dress. She had worn red panties. He slid his hands into her panty and rubbed her clit slowly and seductively. Jennie was shaking and moaning in excitement.

"You need that huh?" Joe asked after he put his finger inside her. He looked at Jennie and smiled at her as she closed her eyes and interlocked her beautiful fingers with his, in a moment of pleasure. They kissed each other affectionately for a few seconds then Jennie whispered…

"Let's go to your house Joe," They drove off!