
The Fallen Flames

Two ladies find themselves in trouble after they declare revenge on a powerful family but things take a drastic turn as one gets killed mysteriously. A search for who killed her commences. Will they find out who killed her?

Wanjiru_Writes · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Eduard sat next to the glass window in deep thought. Even though he had been sick, the police department still retained his small office. Looking from afar, one would think he was admiring the sunrise, but he wasn't. He had been calling his brother all night but the calls were going unanswered. He must have been at the political rallies since the campaigns had started or so he thought.

He felt the need to talk to him as there were things that needed to be addressed. Among them, was the mystery regarding Angie's death. Something inside didn't feel right after their last encounter. He had also gone through the camera recordings, which made it even more confusing. Eduard remembered that fateful night when they left Angie's apartment together with his brother. Even though they had disagreed and even fought, they would never hurt Angie. She was special to both of them. Angie was a spark that attracted people who engaged with her. She was always so full of life and didn't look depressed. According to them, she would never commit suicide, not the Angie they both knew.

But there was another problem too. The evidence collected at the scene was also pointing out many hidden things including Jennie's new affair. As a result, Eduard also left a hundred voice messages for Jennie who had not been picking up the phone as well.

"Ugh, birds of a feather flock together!" He grinned his teeth. He lit up the cigarette and left the office. He needed to rearrange his thoughts. He then tried to call Jennie one last time, and alas she answered!

"Hello, brother-in-law!" She started but Eduard was angry. He had called her so many times!

"Jennie, where the hell are you? I have been looking for you!" He said.

"Who died?' She was being sarcastic. Eduard couldn't take it. He hit her with the truth.

"How long have you been cheating on my brother?" He cut her short. He was breathing hard and so was Jennie.

"Wait, what?" She asked. Slowly losing her voice. She went into whispers and then suddenly gained back her voice.

"No, I'm not!' She defended herself. Eduard could tell a lie from afar. Little did she know that Eduard had all the evidence for the case in his office and was helping the unit to follow leads. On realization that she would never accept, he asked her for a meet-up.

"I would like to see you now...please. I'm at the police department. And I would love to have a lengthy conversation with you before Andrew returns hmm…" it was more of a command than a request.

Jennie felt fear creeping up in her. She shook uncontrollably as she put her phone back on the pillow. There were questions regarding Eduard, just what exactly he knew about her and Joe. She wondered if Eduard had been spying on her the whole time.

As she got carried away in thoughts, Joe moved closer to her and kissed her forehead. She wanted to leave immediately but Joe was still on her case. The more she tried to fight it, the more Joe desired her. She tried to let out words in order to stop him but Joe's passionate kisses blocked her voice. She remained calm listening to her body's sensitive parts responding to the prince charming's magical touch. She wanted to go but still wanted to stay with Joe. The sweet kisses she was getting from Joe were so addictive.

He kept kissing her neck as he caressed her nipples. Jennie couldn't help but kiss him back in pleasure. She finally lost it and gave in to him. Joe was wild and always got to her weakest point. The two days she had been with him, felt like a small haven. She kept yearning for more caresses and kisses.

Joe was also young and strong. He pumped her for a few minutes and made her forget about Andrew. She called his name, amidst the moans as Andrew pumped harder. Then suddenly he stopped and looked at her keenly for a few seconds and asked…

"How are you feeling Jennie or is it, Rosetta," he said. The name Rosetta made Jennie open her eyes in shock. Nobody knew that name apart from her family. She wondered if Joe knew her or if maybe she was imagining things. She had to confirm if indeed he called her Rosetta.

"Wait what did you call me?" She wanted to leave immediately but Joe held her tightly and continued to pump her. It was so slow and sweet that she began moaning in pleasure and excitement. Ten minutes later he pulled out. She couldn't think straight and instead clung to him like a baby. She had forgotten all about Rosetta. Well, maybe she heard her own things, probably.

Joe then looked at her with remorse. He wanted to console her but didn't want to remind her of her misery and pain. He knew Angie meant the world to her and so he chose his words carefully, while still holding her.

"Sorry about your friend," he broke the silence that was growing in the room as he pulled her closer to his chest. She listened to his heartbeats as the chest hairs caressed her skin. It was a great feeling. For a moment, she had forgotten all about Angie. Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Eduard again. She had been in Joe's arms the whole time and she didn't hear her phone vibrate twice. She had to go!

"Hello Eduard, I'm on my way," she answered.

"Where are you? You are taking forever to get here. We need to talk. It's urgent!" He said and hung up. Jennie rushed to the bathroom. There was no room for excuses. She just had to end her honeymoon with Joe abruptly but would sure plan for another get-together. A few minutes later, she was ready to go.

When Jennie got out, she found Joe ready to drive her to Eduard's office but she declined the offer and instead, requested an Uber. Fifteen minutes later, she was at the police department. The receptionist guided her to Eduard's office. When she got there, Eduard sat across the table holding a pen. His fingers were shaking and were all sweaty. It was like he had committed a crime. Jennie offered herself a seat and looked at the newly painted walls. They looked beautiful and fully complimented by the green curtains. She admired the office for a while and then spoke.

"You are full of surprises brother-in-law. I didn't know you still work here, I thought you quit after the diagnosis?" Wondered Jennie.

Well, Eduard had been a cop for a long time. Everyone thought he quit but he was too useful to be dismissed. He was always called in whenever they wanted to solve puzzles, like the one that was just before them. Angie's death. Eduard had always been very committed and ready to serve people till his last breath.

Eduard heard her question but he ignored her and went directly to the point. He opened the drawer and removed a wrapped plastic bag and placed it on the table. He then put on gloves and removed the phone from the bag. All the while, Jennie looked disturbed. She knew what was in store for her. There was no time to make guesses. It was time to let the truth out. They listened to the voice calls together, including her voice messages regarding a new guy, Joe. And then Eduard asked the hard question that Jennie had been running away from.

"Are you cheating on my brother?" Eduard repeated his question.

"Oh, no, what has gotten into you?" she was defensive.

"Even with all this evidence before us, you still want to deny huh?" Eduard was angry. Jennie didn't want them to fight.

"Look, Eduard, I totally understand where you are coming from but I swear, it's not what it looks like." She said, trying to be composed but still, there was guilt written all over her innocent face.

"That's what they all say. Well, you and I know very well where the truth lies, but I will keep this to myself, Jennie… only if you do one thing for me in return," he said as he stretched his hand reaching out to Jennie's fingers, but she pulled her hand away from his. Eduard smiled and stood up getting ready to air out his demands. He took his walking stick and supported his leg as he moved near Jennie then whispered to her...

"Just one thing, and once you agree to my proposal, your secret will be safe with me. We will both be alright. I will dispose of the phone, it will never be found sweetheart," he assured her. Jennie was becoming impatient.

"Say it, I don't want to lose my husband, you know I love him, Eduard. Whatever happened between me and the new guy was nothing but just a one-time fling," she lied. Deep inside, desires to be with Joe were burning her up. But she had to, as it was the best thing for her to say. Her marriage indeed was a priority.

"Nice, I will make it direct. You were Angie's best friend so the police will soon come knocking at your door. What I ask of you is you be my alibi. Tell the authorities that Angie confessed to you about suicide. That she wasn't ready to face life anymore. Say she kept talking about death with passion," he explained. Jennie was confused.

"She was your ex-wife for crying out loud. What's wrong with you? Did you kill her, tell me, did you kill my friend?" She shouted.

"No I didn't, and you better lower that tone when addressing me. I'm not only your brother-in-law but also a police officer. Now focus on Jennie, Angie is better off dead than alive. I think we should all let it rest or else it will let the waters out. Do you want me to give out the evidence implicating you with your fuck boy huh...Think Jennie think! You can't calm the storm by playing with the tides. No sweetie, it doesn't work like that." He concluded.

Eduard wanted to protect his brother's marriage as the phone had evidence of infidelity for both parties. Elections were approaching and anything scandalous would be used as a weapon to put any politician down.

He played his cards right as he didn't want Jennie to know that Andrew was sleeping with Angie. He made it look like he was covering for her the whole time, little did he know that her best friend was also posing as an enemy.

"Okay we have a deal brother," she said and started to admire the bouquet of flowers that were placed on the table. Eduard went to get her coffee. She made herself comfortable.

Days later, Jennie did as asked and lied about her friend. There wasn't much to talk about and since there was no case, her body was released for burial.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You need to book the trip back home, Emmy. I must attend the burial. We need to go back home immediately. Angie was my wife's best friend. I must be there to give my wife the emotional support she needs at this time." Said, Andrew. It was unbelievable as they had spent great times together with Angie before he left for his trip.

"Done boss, we leave tonight just as you requested. The burial is set for tomorrow so we will get there on time," said Emmy.

Emmy performed her duties with passion and Andrew loved her more for that. Her dedication stood out among all the staff who worked for Andrew. Emmy was ready to go to her room but Andrew had other plans. He wanted to have some time with her before they went back. He knew it was not going to be easy for him to have time with Emmy since Jennie would be around. It was not fair to hurt her when she was mourning her friend, Angie.

'Come here, you see I have never understood why you claim you are a lesbian yet you are so good at this," he flirted as he tickled her. Emmy let out a peal of soft laughter and then started unbuttoning his shirt.

"For you, I can easily switch. I like you and I love this…you just press the right button and there, you get the Emmy you desire," she said, unzipping his trousers.

"I can help you…' he offered to help but Emmy still found her way there. She held his dick and caressed it up and down and then stopped.

"You want this right?" she posed Andrew lay there helplessly.

"Yes I want this," he whispered.

Emmy went to the door and locked it and then put the lights off. She then came back to finish what she had just started. Three hours later they checked out of the hotel. They went straight to the airport and flew back home. They were back on time and managed to attend the burial.

Family and friends gathered to bid Angie farewell. Nobody was moved other than Andrew and Eduard. Jennie seemed distant and kept looking into space. She was not sure she did the right thing but there was no turning back. The damage was beyond her.

Angie's mother was among those who felt the loss but chose to be strong for Schneider. A hundred meters away from the graveyard, there was a black Mazda parked. Inside the car were two gentlemen dressed in black suits. Eduard went near the car to check who the car belonged to or at least find out who the people in the car were, but when they saw him approaching, they drove off.

All the while, Jennie had been observing Eduard. She had even followed him when he went to check the car. Eduard had not seen her.

"What if it was not suicide and that someone wanted to kill Angie for their own selfish reasons?" She told Eduard who was so shocked to hear her words.

"We will find out soon. I will not stop looking. She was my ex-wife remember?" he assured her.

"There you said the keyword, ex. She was your ex…you knew all along she didn't commit suicide, didn't you?"

"It campaigns' time Jennie. Andrew can lose because of this. I will dig deeper, but not now," She couldn't believe it.