
- The Fall -

I opened my eyes and was blinded by a piercing light blurring my eyesight. The freezing cold wind bit my skin and made my breathing become harder. My body felt weightless like the sensation of one falling through the air and the surrounding pressure made my body go numb. My vision became clearer and I saw white puffy clouds, the blue sky, birds fluttering in a bright sunlight and—the Earth's surface rapidly nearing me. Why am I falling? I didn't remember anything except my name, Rosari Matthew. But who was I? I felt the pressure painfully surround my body while the wind whipped my hair against my face. The thin air made me feel dizzy. "Am I going to die now, like this?" That one question lingered in my mind as the world swirled around me. Before the darkness could swipe its veil over me, a pair of arms embraced me, halting me from falling toward my death. His touch made my cold body flare, the feeling of security and peace surrounded me like a blanket while I drifted into the welcoming darkness. --- Rosari Matthew, an 18-year-old girl who doesn't remember anything except that she fell from the sky. Follow Rose when she gets thrown into the supernatural world with no clue of who she is or where she comes from. Rosari struggles to rediscover her past and to uncover its mystery but that is not easy. At the same time she has to fight the problems that any teenager goes through. Not to forget the fancy meeting with the royal group that will rule the supernatural world or fighting with a soon-to-be King, all the time. Will she ever get her memory back and find the reason for why she lost it in the first place? Who is the guy who rescued her and why can't she just forget it instead of looking for him so desperately? And can she really trust all the royal members in the group? They seem helpful but something is just not quite right, she can't deny noticing the obsession some have for her and the urge to get rid of her. Follow Rose on her journey and find out in THE FALL.

CrimsonMoonLover · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Where am I and who am I?!?

~Rosari POV~

I woke up with the panic flowing through my veins. My eyes did a quick scan of the room for any threat, but found none, I was alone in an unfamiliar room and bed. I tried to sit up, but my body protested making me fall back to the bed.

"I wouldn't move that body if I were you", I heard a voice say.

My head turned to the direction of the voice. Who was a woman sitting on a couch in the corner, watching me really carefully, like a predictor watching its prey. My mouth became dry like I had swallowed a ton of sand and a shiver ran down my spine.

'Who is she and how come I didn't see her before!'

She started to approach me slowly, like I was a scared kid until she had reached the front of the bed. Her face softened a bit when she saw the fear creeping up my face.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" She asked me. The only thing I could do was stare at her, unable to answer.

'Who am I and where did I come from... I, too, want to know.'

She realized that I wouldn't answer, so she changed the topic.

"I should introduce myself, my name is Skye and it was me who found you after the...what to call it... the fall-incident. I and my friend brought you to our hang out place, where we treated your wound and all. You have been out for quite a while now... making me wonder if you are hungry?"

The woman Skye asked me, but before I could even say anything my stomach replied with a really loud growl. I could feel my face turn red as a tomato. The girl just burst out laughing.

"I think that is a yes, wait here, so I can get you something to eat… annd I forgot that you couldn't even move... eh sorry… I… I think that I will just go now" She said really awkwardly, looking embarrassed of her mistake.

Now alone in the room, I tried yet again to move my body, so I would sit upright. It took all my energy and strength to only move myself, so I was resting my back against the headboard. I felt a bit more safe now that I had a better view of my surrounding.

'How come I can't remember anything but my name?'

I started to ponder, about what could have made me forget everything. Only coming up with one reason. My memory loss must have something to do with the fall-incident.

'Of course it has a connection with that fall! Everything started with me falling from the sky like a damsel in distress oh but waiiiit, where is my prince in shining armor that should rescue me.'

Right then a guy slamming the door open, walked in.

'Really? What's the odd in that!'

I could feel my face turn pale and my eyes wide open at the sudden timing. The guy stared at me with shock, while his face too became pale, like he had seen a ghost.

I tried to open my mouth, but he beat me to it, letting out an ear-piercing scream. I shrieked and shielded my ears with my hands and just looked at the freak in front of me.

'What is his problem and why is he screaming like an afraid little school girl, when that should be me!!!'



I am new here and this is my first work, please feel free to comment and share your thoughts about my work and dont be afraid to point out any misspelling or grammar. :)

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