
Chapter II:A Beaten Smile

Itsuki provoke the two who shock by the moment they feel ashame and angry and as a result of provoking they rush to Itsuki

"you bastard! a scream of anger from the two"

"you idiot you will die here now!"

but Itsuki stay calm and he return a question

"really?, are you able to kill me? then he smile"

"you basssstarrrrrd!" and release a straight punch from the two direct to Itsuki face but Itsuki block it with his two hand but unfortunately the two use there other hand to punch Itsuki face and Itsuki throw away a little.

"how about that bastard!!"

"want to go home now? but it never happen"

the two continue to walk where Itsuki landed and they think he is unconscious before they go all they strength and about to kick Itsuki body and head Itsuki suddenly stood up and the two step back as a shock reaction

"thats was a good shot." Itsuki praise the two who shock on itsuki stand up they can't believe because Itsuki have a thin body and doesn't look athletic and have a looking pale

"you damm it!, this time we finish you"

"huh finish me? are you kidding right? anyway don't be mad at me because you guyz start this and last you can't finish me with a lame punch."

the two got furious on Itsuki teasing they about to charge Itsuki again but they surprise Itsuki run toward to them!

"Itsuki time for a pay back" Itsuki already on front of them and the two notice him but they couldn't react and Itsuki release a one blow to the one of his enemy

(baaaam) a single blow by Itsuki result of a knock down of one his enemy but Itsuki not finish his about to release another punch but this time the enemy on guard and block it

"unbelievable this boy is not ordinary, he's punch, i barely blocked it! .I can't fight this monster maybe i need more backup or this is a change for me to being a boss, boss already fainted because of this man if i bring him down and bring his head to our hideout im sure i gonna be boss the problem is this man is crazy"

while the last man thinking what he's gonna do if run or fight a heard a cold voice with a humalititing word.

" you not going to run right? because even you want it never gonna happen and it will be shameless a gang with a scary reputation run into just one student"

the man look at Itsuki who is spoke those word, "like hell if i run to you, you just a kid and i never run for a kid like you, you dammit bastard!!"

"so your'e not going to run huh? you make me laugh, anyway i adore you , you like a puppy willing to fight for his owner and sadly i pity you too because a puppy like you will be beaten like your owner."

Itsuki release those word with a grin and wierd smile, the man can't take it and he charge into Itsuki for an attack but Itsuki is ready for that and he end it with a single blow to the right face of the man.

"i told you you will end up like your owner you shitty things.., and....hey you, you're not going? it's pretty late now."

Itsuki asking the girl who hiding on the trees near the front gate of school

"yeah I'm going now but how about you, you need to go hospital you injured too"

"i don't need too and just go an don't mind me and my business"

"what? what's wrong with your attitude I'm just worry about you"

"sorry but you can just go?I'm not used to being worry by the someone i don't know"

the girl after looking Itsuki cold reaction and lonely face the girl straight to enter the school without any words she keep quiet while passing to Itsuki front but before she completely passing by Itsuki collapse

"hey! hey! hey! are you okay? hey! someone us! a boy collapse here help! help! help!"

this is real? Itsuki ask himself while he seeing the girl crying for help, is she crying for me?

Itsuki about to close his eyes but before that he speak to the girl with a pleasant smile

"hey girl you don't need call a help im just beaten okay?"

after seeing Itsuki smile the girl stop to cry and answer Itsuki with a smile on her face

"okay now you can sleep now"

"thank you i will sleep now"

and Itsuki finally fall asleep with a smile on his face .

sorry for being lazy im having a hard time for writing i can only write when my place is quiet and relaxing


don't live on the past also don't predict the future because the mort important time is now (present)

have a nice day from your a.i and thank you so much for reading this and im sorry to if i have a wrong spelling or grammar but i hope you will understand this my novel again thank you

Itsukikuncreators' thoughts