

  His tongue roamed her mouth and kissed every corner of it, while her hands went directly to his hair unknowingly giving him a massage with her fingers, thereby making the feelings more intense, his hands slowly moved up from her waist to her back as he touched every part of her skin with his hands slowly cupping her midium size bbs in his hands and giving them both equal and hard squeeze.


  She moanded into hisouth while he groaned, her hands moved from his gaidt downwards towards his pants pulling them down as she finally set his little man free, he had being pricking her belly bottun for a while and he was as hard as a rock, this the moment she pulled down his trousers his little man came bouncing out and slapped her tummy gently.

  Gagé broke the kiss at once as he let go of her bbs grabbing her hair like his life depend on it.

  His eyes pointed againts hers as he attacked their forwards.