

  "No, I just want Cynthia to attend my wedding so I can have the honour to throw it at her face that even if she tries to hurt me I will still be better than her, as for the king I do not want to see him, and the queen is in fact the last person I would want to see now."

  Alice replied and Gagé nodded.

  Soon they reached the palace and came down from the carriage, Alice had forgotten her veil back in the witches place so she had to go out with a bare face.

  But Gagé reassured her that the pimples have began to disappear.

  Immediately Candice came running towards them as if someone was after her, she was panting when she reached them.

  "Goodness Alice, I heard what happened to you from Lara just now and went looking for you but was told you went out with Gagé. I swear I have no idea what happened to the cream, it was tested before I sent it to you, the maids must have done something to it, trust me I wouldn't try to hurt you."

  Candice said in a rush.