

  Alice followed her and sat down besides her shyly, Gagé also followed the two ladies.

  "I never said you were invited young man. Why are you following her around?"

  The queen asked Gagé.

  "She needs to be in bed early, I will bring her over to you chambers tomorrow."

  Gagé said and the queen rolled her eyes.

  "Get lost young man."

  She ordered and Gagé calmly leaves, but waited at the entrance to the hall.

  "So my dear, how are you? I heard you've being locked up for eight years, must be very hard for you, what type of father will do that to his own daughter? Well thank goodness Gagé brought you here at once, your father doesn't know the rare gem he just lost. Your a very pretty fairy, and a powerful one at that, you and Gagé will do alot of great things in the future, finally looking at the bride my son has choosed to marry I am very proud and happy, and I'll gladly retire and leave my position in your guidance."

  The queen said and Alice smiled.