
Winter - Part. III

"This was before he and your mother be properly together. Admittedly, I mean. She and your mother even fight about it, but it was clear to us who was the owner of your father's heart."

"Thank you for telling me this, Winter. It means a lot to me. To discover more about them from people that met them, I mean."

"No problem, honey. I was surprised they had you cuz when they run away from the Witch's Forest, all kingdoms were warned by the queen to not welcome them because that would be a certificate of war against the witches' territory. And none of us wanted a new war..." she didn't even finish, cuz I Kai appear on my door.

"Mom? What are you doing here so soon? And in Avain's room? Please tell you asked before entering," he was shirtless and barefoot, just with black jeans and covered in sweat. By the gods.

"What are you doing here, you narcissist bastard? And like this? What the..."

"Calm down, sweetheart," he said with that wicked smile I hate so much. "I was training, just look at my body and you will see the proof."

"Why do you even train?"

"I want to get stronger, isn't obvious?" I can see that, idiot.

"Stronger? Why? Didn't you say that you were the most powerful fae and all that crap?" he smiles again and took a black lock of hair from the front of his eyes. Son of a bitch, why is he doing this.

"Yeah, sweetheart, I'm indeed the most powerful fae of all my race. But we're not going to fight faes! So I need to get stronger, and so do you. Now, mom, please, answer me."

"Oh baby, I came here to met this beautiful creature here," creature? It was impossible not to laugh, and I think he thought the same cuz we laugh at the same second, I hated it. "And no, I was here before she was awake."

"Mom... by the gods. I'm sorry, Avain. Did she scare you?" did he even care?

"Just a little bit. But it's okay."

"You didn't seem okay when I opened the door. What were you talking about, mom?"

"Calm down, baby. I was just remembering when her parents run away from the Witch's Forest and the queen made a statement saying that if any kingdom welcomes them, she would start another war and-"

"Mother, this isn't something you should tell her. It's cruel," he said with a firm voice.