
The Eye Of Truth[DROPPED]

In the busy metropolis where the line between reality and the supernatural is thin like a paper, Detective Jameson is the investigator for cases that involve the otherworldly elements. With his sharp intellect and keen intuition, he has successfully solved numerous paranormal crimes that have stumped his colleagues. However, when a series of eerie incidents begin to occur throughout the city, Detective Jameson finds himself struggling to make sense of the clues. That is until he is paired with a new partner, a mysterious figure known as "The Oracle". Read to find more.....

Doraemon1232 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Robbery

The bodega's front door chimed as Detective Jamie Callahan stepped across the threshold, scanning the cramped space. One lingering beat cop nodded in deference to the famed investigator before ducking out to his squad car, leaving Jamie alone amidst the disarray. Shelves sagged at odd angles, ransacked merchandise and foodstuffs strewn across dingy linoleum. At the counter, a pair of eyewitnesses consoled each other in hushed Spanish, dabbing at lingering tears. 

Approaching the shaken pair, Jamie flipped open his notebook, steeling his trademark analytical gaze. "I'm Detective Callahan with the 14th Precinct. You reported a robbery?"

The older gentleman looked up, continuing to console his sobbing wife. "Sí, señor. A thief came in, he took everything!" His voice dropped to an awed whisper. "But how he came in, how he left - ay yi yi! Like a ghost!"

Jamie nodded, scribbling quick notes. Same baffling M.O...this made five convenience stores in as many weeks hit by an ingenious burglar who seemed to bypass physical barriers with ease. Various witnesses described a lithe, androgynous figure clad head-to-toe in black tactical gear wreathing their face in obscuring scarves. Even the most advanced security systems proved useless against the perp's inexplicable methods.

Yet despite the takeover robbery tactics, no one had yet been seriously harmed. It didn't track with typical punks motivated by hard cash or hardcore gang initiations. No, Jamie sensed something more here...his gut said this case would crack open into something deeper.

Crouching beside the shaken husband and wife, Jamie adopted a reassuring tone. "I understand this must have been an...unusual situation. We'll find who did this. But I need you both to really think - did you notice any small details about the robber that might help ID them?"

The woman lifted her head, wiping gingerly at reddened eyes as her husband replied. "It happened very fast, señor. When we saw him, the thief wore all black with mask...very thin, I think. Moves like whip crack!" His fingers jerked in sharp motions. "Quickly in and out before we can see face. Too fast!"

Nodding, Jamie stood. So the thin build and uncanny agility matched earlier accounts. And still zero surveillance footage capturing the perp. He'd pore over the scene once CSU finished, trusting his keen eye would discern something everyone else missed. But all signs pointed to a dead end...unless the perpetrator slipped up soon.

Just then, Jamie's cell phone chirped. Caller ID registered an encrypted line he didn't recognize. Odd...very few had this number. Flashing an apologetic look to the witnesses, Jamie answered briskly. 

"Detective Callahan speaking." 

A moment passed before a low, raspy voice replied. "I understand you seek...specialized guidance regarding a thief skilled in subtle arts beyond most mortals' ken."

Jamie tensed. What cryptic nonsense was this? "I think you have the wrong number, sir. Please don't call this line again."

He moved to hang up when the voice interjected. "Perhaps you dismiss my offer too readily...Detective Callahan. But when one seeks quarry in realms unseen, one often requires equally unseen escorts, no?"

Jamie hesitated at the use of his name. An unauthorized leak on a concealed number? Or was this "tipster" as informed as they sounded? Perhaps an intelligence asset? His curiosity won out.

"Alright, you made your point," Jamie allowed, stepping into a secluded corner. "If you know anything about my current case unofficially, I can assure your discretion..." 

Hanging up the call, Jamie tucked away his cell, thoughts swirling with more questions than answers. Another eccentric "consultant" off the streets? Some crackpot fortune teller diverting his focus? Still...the tipster's timing unsettled him. And their insights matched clues in a series of bizarre robberies defying rational explanation.

Steeling his signature analytical gaze, Jamie surveyed the bodega, determined to derive order from apparent chaos. The witness statements suggested this robbery occurred just after 1 AM, while a lone employee prepared to close down. Impossible to overpower, the thief moved with blinding speed, sweeping the register's content and vanishing into thin air. No alarms tripped despite dismantled security cameras and sensors. Jamie's sharp eyes traced likely entry and escape routes, trusting subtle evidence over paranormal theories...

A glint caught Jamie's focus near the back emergency exit - a tiny metallic shard protruding beneath a battered shelf. Crouching close, Jamie produced an evidence bag and tweezers, gently working the sliver free. Closer inspection revealed a minuscule circuit board fragment, unlike anything commercially available. Jamie's pulse quickened at the first solid lead from these unfathomable break-ins.

Bagging the component, Jamie completed another full sweep, searching for any remaining anomalies that might illuminate the thief's mystifying methods. But aside from the high-tech fragment, no clear tracks existed. After confirming the employee's safety and snapping exterior shots, Jamie headed out to officially log evidence and take stock of this bizarre new case.

Back at the precinct, Jamie tacked a sixth crime scene photo beside the others on his office corkboard. Stepping back, he traced connections between the string web linking details from the previous unsolved break-ins. There had to be a common thread - some hidden pattern explaining how a singular thief could penetrate impregnable sites in mere minutes without leaving a trace...

A brisk knock at his door broke Jamie's concentration. He turned to find Captain Anders filling the doorway, trademark scowl creasing his craggy features. "Callahan - my office, now," the captain grunted. Before Jamie could respond, Anders pivoted on his heel, expecting prompt obedience.

Settling into Anders' stark, well-ordered office, Jamie met his superior's flinty stare. Anders leaned forward, knitting his meaty hands. "Five weeks tracking this phantom perp, and CSU keeps coming up empty. Our labs can't ID trace evidence, witnesses spot nothing on cameras. No prints, fibers, nada! But footage and coherency checks out. If I didn't know better..." Anders trailed off, shaking his head.

Jamie cleared his throat. "Sir, the break-in methods defy logic, but I recovered a component today unlike anything I've seen-"

Anders cut him off. "You'll keep digging, no doubt. But perhaps certain angles should be...deprioritized, if you follow me." His gaze drilled into Jamie. "Stick to chasing leads grounded in reality, Callahan. No wild goose chases down occult rabbit-holes, clear?"

Jamie bristled but held Anders' stare levelly. "Crystal clear, sir." He stood calmly. "Will there be anything else?"

Anders huffed, waving dismissal. Jamie retreated to his own office, mind already leaping to his next moves. Captain's orders or no, Jamie Callahan relied on evidence above all else. And the facts now pointed down shadowy paths far stranger than Anders cared to admit...

Back in the privacy of his office, Jamie reviewed case notes, thoughts churning. Something about the store clerk's account nagged at him...the description of the thief's preternatural speed and vanishing act. His scientific mind rebelled at taking such claims at face value. Yet Jamie's eyes kept tracing back to that inexplicable tech fragment...

A sharp rap at his door broke Jamie's reverie. He glanced up to see his longtime colleague, Detective Rasheed, leaning against the frame. Though they'd joined the force together, Rasheed's affinity for supernatural phenomena meant their careers diverged - Rasheed now headed a shadowy division dubbed the "Occult Crimes Unit."

"Got a minute, Jamie?" Rasheed asked. At Jamie's wave, he entered, closing the door.

"Rough one today?" Jamie guessed, noting the fatigue lingering in Rasheed's face.

Rasheed huffed humorlessly, scrubbing a hand down his face. "You could say that. Had a witness swear she saw some perp levitate boxes out a warehouse skylight. Claims he had glowing eyes, fangs, the works. But of course, surveillance is scrambled."

Jamie nodded. "Magic thief again?"

"Allegedly." Rasheed grinned ruefully. "I know how it sounds. My team gets all the tinfoil cases Gonzales would rather sweep under the rug. But this has me thinking..."

Rasheed trailed off. When he resumed, his tone shifted, hesitant. "Look, between us - your burglary cases. The lack of evidence, witness accounts..." He raised his eyebrows meaningfully. "I think our divisions should compare notes. Might shine more light on both."

Jamie chewed his lip, thoughts churning as he met Rasheed's heavy stare. Every logical fiber rebelled at the unspoken implication - synching efforts implied buying into irrational notions Captain Anders strictly forbade. But how many dead ends could Jamie hit before considering extreme possibilities? Perhaps Rasheed's division held insight Jamie lacked...

Just then, his cell phone trilled. Caller ID read "Encrypted Number" again. The mystery tipster, impeccable timing...Jamie motioned apology to Rasheed, stepping aside to take the call. But when he answered, only empty air filled his ear. Then a burst of static - followed by an unfamiliar raspy voice.

"2341 Cypress, apartment 4C. One hour."

Before Jamie could respond, the call went dead. He lowered his phone, pulse quickening. The caller was clearly the first unknown tipster, the self-proclaimed occult expert. But how had they bypassed his encryption? And why the sudden rendezvous demand?

Across the office, Rasheed watched Jamie expectantly. Reading his colleague's conflicted expression, Rasheed stepped closer. "Everything okay, Jamie? You look spooked." His eyes narrowed. "This connected to our case?"

Jamie hesitated. He trusted Rasheed completely, but some instinct warned against total disclosure of this bizarre caller. At least not yet...

"Maybe," Jamie hedged. "I've been fielding some...unusual tips lately. Could it be a legit lead. Or a dead end." He met Rasheed's eyes resolutely. "But either way, I won't waste time chasing ghosts without cause."

Rasheed studied Jamie a long moment before nodding. "Well, you know where I stand. But look - wherever your leads take you...watch your six," he urged somberly. Clapping Jamie's shoulder, Rasheed took his leave.

Alone again, Jamie considered his caller's cryptic instructions. He didn't relish some off-book meetup with a shady informant. But ignoring possible insight into his inexplicable case felt equally risky given how badly he needed a break...

Resolved, Jamie grabbed his coat and keys. Captain's orders echoed in his mind, but Jamie's gut said answers waited at 4C Cypress Avenue. He had one hour to discover if this "occult expert" was crackpot or critical ally. With no backup.

Detective Jamie Callahan stepped under the yellow crime scene tape and into the ransacked antique shop, scanning the chaos. Shattered glass and torn books littered the hardwood floor. An elderly man in a tweed coat stood behind the antique cash register rattling off details to a uniformed officer taking notes.

"Mr. Kaufman?" Jamie interjected, flashing his badge. "I'm Detective Callahan. I'd like to ask you a few questions about what happened here."

The shop owner pushed his wire rimmed glasses up his nose. "Ah yes, I already told the officers everything. But you are most welcome to hear it again if it helps catch the fiend who did this!"

Jamie nodded, pulling out a small notebook. "Why don't you start from the beginning?"

"Very well," Kaufman sighed. "I was preparing to close up shop when that villain appeared out of thin air! One second I was alone and the next - bam! - they materialized right before my eyes dressed head to toe in black like a ninja."

Jamie's brow furrowed but he remained silent, letting the man continue.

"Well they didn't utter a word, but the intruder raised their hands towards the ceiling and all my lights shattered, cloaking us in darkness! I fumbled to turn on my flashlight as glass rained down. By the time I could see again, the thief had busted open the antique chest in the back and was stuffing jewelry, coins and other valuables inside their bag."

"And you didn't confront this...masked thief at all during this encounter?" Jamie asked. Kaufman shook his head fervently. "Certainly not! As I shouted for help they turned towards me and made a strange gesture. Next thing I knew, I was frozen in place, unable to move a muscle as they finished emptying my safe!"

Jamie's eyes narrowed but he kept his voice even. "I see. Then what happened?"

"After packing up their haul, the robber sprinted towards the front door. But instead of running through it, they vanished into thin air again! A few moments later I regained control of my limbs. That's when I called the police straight away."

Jamie surveyed the room again, deep in thought. He walked over to the ravaged wall safe and crouched down examining the perfectly round hole sliced cleanly through three inches of steel. No signs of explosives, yet somehow blown open as if by...magic? Impossible.

Just then Jamie's partner, Detective Nguyen, emerged from the shop's back office clutching several transparent evidence bags. "No prints or strands of fabric so far. Our perp was extremely careful not even to brush against anything. But I did grab the security camera footage. Maybe Tech can analyze it for clues."

Jamie rose slowly, staring at the warped safe door. "Perhaps..." he murmured. "Though I have a hunch this case may be beyond our Crime Lab's capabilities."

His analytical mind raced as he pieced together the mystifying modus operandi - teleportation in and out, power over light, mass paralysis? His scientific instincts rebelled against the mere notion of "magic" yet how else to explain these outlandish feats?

Detective Nguyen gave him a strange look then turned back to Mr. Kaufman. "Did you notice anything else unusual about the perpetrator? Even small details might help."

The shopkeeper thought hard before snapping his fingers. "Ah yes! When they made that odd gesture freezing me, I spotted a glowing symbol on their palm. Looked like an eye with a triangular pupil inside a circle."

Nguyen raised her eyebrows. "Are you certain that's what you saw?"

"Positive!" Kaufman insisted. "The image was seared into my vision after they released me from their spell."

Jamie felt the hairs on his neck rise. Kaufman's story was madness, yet every instinct told him the man wasn't lying or mistaken. Which meant...

"I know just the expert to call," Jamie declared aloud, decision suddenly made. His partner looked at him in surprise as he pulled a battered business card for "Arcane Solutions" from his coat pocket.

Jamie strode outside to make the call, questions swirling. If what seemed impossible was actual truth, he would need guidance from unconventional sources. Because this was no ordinary villain. Which meant upholding justice would require extraordinary measures...

Detective Jamie Callahan slid behind the wheel of his sedan, brow furrowed in concentration. His conversation with the occult consultancy kept replaying in his mind. They had directed him to an obscure curio shop in the city's historic district, one specializing in artifacts and lore connected to magic and other paranormal phenomena. As much as it grated against his logical instincts, Jamie had to pursue this lead. The bizarre symbol Mr. Kaufman described seemed too uncanny to be coincidence.

Jamie pulled into a narrow alley lined with eclectic old buildings leaning against one another. Sandwiched between a psychic readings parlor and stained glass workshop was the tiny shop - The Curious Cauldron. Stepping inside, Jamie was assaulted by the cloying perfume of herbs and incense mingling with the must of aging leather tomes and crackling parchments. Every surface overflowed with strange objects - jeweled daggers, skeletal remains of mythical creatures, jars of glowing elixirs.

"Can I help you officer?" rasped a voice. Jamie turned to see a diminutive old woman gazing up at him. Her voluminous skirts and shawls gave the illusion of a colorful moth.

"Yes I-" Jamie paused. He felt foolish for saying those words. "I'm looking for information on a...magic symbol. An eye with a triangular pupil inside a circle."

The woman's cheerful expression evaporated. "You should not speak of such things so lightly," she whispered.

"This is an active investigation," Jamie said, showing his badge. "I need to know if that symbol has any meaning to occult groups in this city."

The woman wrung her hands. "Please officer, pursuing those who brandish the All-Seeing Eye will only invite misfortune. There are realities man was not meant to meddle with."

Jamie set his jaw. "Ma'am I have witnesses in danger. It's my duty to stop whoever committed this crime regardless of...beliefs."

The woman studied him with eyes far too knowing. Then she sighed. "Very well. But do not say I didn't warn you."

She took out a heavy book with strange symbols stitched into the leather cover and began flipping through the pages. "Ah, here..." She turned the volume towards Jamie, tapping a woodcut image of the exact sign Kaufman described. "The All-Seeing Eye - a powerful magical glyph used to form pacts with forces from...beyond. It grants great power yet demands steep sacrifice."

Jamie's pulse quickened. "Sacrifice? Human sacrifice?"

The woman shuddered. "Sometimes. The likes of you and I are but motes of dust under that gaze. To wield it risks losing one's self."

Jamie left the oppressive shop reeling yet resolved. He had concrete confirmation of supernatural elements in this case. The insignia, the ominous pacts and sacrifice - he couldn't ignore the danger now, nor the bizarreness of what he pursued. But lives hung in the balance. With his partner's help perhaps he could protect his city from magical evil.

Settling back into his car, Jamie noticed a slip of parchment the old woman had tucked in his coat pocket. Unfolding it, he read:

If you seek the All-Seeing Eye There is one who can help you spy A certain man who shuns the light Known as the Eye's exiled knight

In the margin an address was scrawled. Jamie quickly plugged it into his GPS then set off through the maze of streets. He ended up outside a dilapidated complex bearing the faded name "Greenwood Asylum" - an institution shuttered long ago after an inferno killed many patients. Shaking off an uneasy feeling, Jamie cautiously picked his way through the crumbling ruins. Rounding a decaying wall, he stumbled upon a hidden courtyard garden. Seated alone on a stone bench amid the wildflowers was a figure in a wheelchair. He slowly raised his head revealing aged yet striking features and milky white eyes - blind, yet seeming to peer directly into Jamie's soul.

"The Eye's exiled knight I presume?" Jamie said quietly.

A thin smile across the man's face. "I've been expecting you Detective Callahan..."