
The Evil Queen Who Forgot Her Name

What happens when an Evil Queen who has all that she could ever want gets captured by a dragon and is flown into an unknown land of magic? What happens when said queen hits her head and forgets who she is? Will she remember who she is and remain evil or will she turn over a new leaf and become a hero?

happyhyuga1221 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Between a Rock and a Giant

The next morning the group was jolted awake as the ground begins to tremble. Lily rubs her eyes and glances towards the others who are jumping up and grabbing their various weapons. Lily stands up looking around unsure of what to do. A large cracking noise is heard and she covers her sensitive ears as the ground shakes violently again. She looks over from where the noise sounded and sees a huge giant slowly striking the ground at some poor unfortunate travelers who are scattered running for their lives.

"Lily pick up camp and get the cart ready. Once you do that steer your self and the horses close to the base of the mountain he's less likely to notice you if your not out in the open", Lara orders. Lily nods in confirmation while the other four run towards the giant. She snatches up everything as quickly as possible while still trying to keep an eye on her new friends.

The giant grunts angrily at the small people running from him and raises his massive foot that is easily fifty foot in length and ten foot in width to stump the fleeing travelers. Lara seeing this grabs her staff uttering an incantation and a bright blue beam of magic shoots towards the giants foot preventing him from lowering his foot any further.

Like an angry toddler he begins a horrifying howl. The sound so tortuous that it makes everyone drop to their knees covering their ears from the head splitting sound.

Ezra begins an encantaion and his eyes turn black as he begins to inch off the ground by a few inches. The air seems to cyclone around him as he chants and black swirling magic covers his hands. Pointing both hands towards the still howling giant he shouts the last bit of the encantation "DEDUTEN YEALXIA". the black tinted magic pastes itself over the giants mouth instantly silencing the tantrum throwing monstrosity.

The giant drops his club beginning to panic trying to rip the magic material from his mouth. He grips and pulls to no avail and begins to thrash about wildly bringing trees and rocks tumbling down. The people no longer being tortured by the piercing howl run quickly scattering in every direction. Ezra falls back to the ground his fists covered in the black glow as he begins a different encantation to trap the giant in the one area. Lara noticing what her sibling is doing begins chanting the came encantation making the trapping process speed up.

A large hexagon forms on the ground surrounding the giant, half glowing black and the other half glowing a dark purple. Once both sides connect the the magic trap shoots straight up all the way above the giants head. Ezra looks at his sister who nods. "Use the shrinking spell", she yells to Ezra knowing that he would be able to execute the spell with perfection. Though he is still in training she has never seen someone hold so much promise.

Lily who moved the horse and carts as told stands patiently by watching as Torin and Tarrow help the distressed travelers who had been separated thanks to the giant. She wants to help but is afraid of just getting in the way and causing more trouble.

Ezra and Lara focus all their attention and energy on shrinking the giant which will take at least thirty minutes if they keep at a steady flow. Lily looks over and notices an elderly woman waving her arms for help by a fallen tree. As she gets closer she realizes that part of the woman's leg is caught under the large tree. "Please, please help me", she cries out her eyes slammed shut in pain. Lily puts both hands on the tree and pushes with every pound in her and the tree doesn't even shake.

"Dont worry, I'll get you out of here", Lily promises the old woman waving over to Torin and Tarrow who had begun to walk towards Lara and Ezra. They notice Lily's movements and begin to make their way over when the ground begins to tremble and shake once more.

"Oh no please not again", the woman sobs in complete distress. A slight movement on the side of the hill catches Lily's attention some pebbles and rocks begin to fall from the mountain side and she notices a large boulder break off and tumble toward them at a terrifying speed. She tries to push the tree again it doesn't budge.

"Lily get out of there its suicide", Tarrow screams watching the boulder get closer. Lily looks at the poor old woman and knows she can not abandon her, the guilt she would feel would haunt her for the rest of her life. She continues to shove the tree but her strength isn't enough. She jumps in front of the old woman throwing out hers arms as a useless shield . She closes her eyes and waits for the inevitable crash of rock against skin but nothing happens. She lifts one eyelid to see the rock laying 20 foot away from where it was previously.

"You did it girl you saved our life. I thought we were both going to be crushed to death and you sent that rock flying", the older woman cries throwing her arms around Lily. She pats the woman's shoulder in comfort before being lifted off the ground by Torin and Tarrow.

"You crazy suicidal idiot. I thought we were going to be burying you", Torin shouts before slapping the back of Lily's head playfully and then panicking when he remembered she had a head injury. "Crap I'm sorry", he apologizes. The three of them then manage to lift the tree high enough for the old woman to pull her leg out.

"You just sit right here mam and once the others are through with the spell I'll have them mend your leg", Tarrow tells the woman walking over to Ezra and Lara.

"You know, you just saved your first life. How does it feel ", Torin asks staring at Lily who has a lopsided smile.

"Its the most amazing feeling in the world, and I'd love to do it again", she answers her mouth opening in grin.