
The everlasting encounter

Coming to terms with the possibility of something good happening in your life, trying not to sabotage yourself when that happens and staying committed

DiaConstant · Real
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6 Chs

2. Death by a thousand cuts

A truly beautiful day

sunny and warm.

Not a roll in the hay

nothing special, just the norm.


Light everywhere

flooding it all.

The sickening ochre

of a nasty fall.


Time appeared to had disappeared

and all the problems practically gone.

A pretty picture completely smeared

a fatally wounded fragile, black swan.


Vast and plentiful offerings

laughs and smiles and happiness.

Locked-away secret things

nails in a coffin and crappiness.


The deepest blue and the whitest white

showered her body and her heart.

Someone grabbed her plate and took a bite

memories past and present doing their part.


Hard to hide his joy and his pleasure

he twisted and turned in excitement.

He'd never manage to find the treasure

there was nothing left there but a fragment.


She was transfixed by the site

every single one of her pores filled with smiles.

Everything and everyone else was a blight

she distanced herself, gone now by miles.


He went further than before

took happy step after happy step.

He wasn't allowing anyone to enter any more

no one new permitted on his doorstep.


For the first time in a while

she was free from truly everything.

Hurting and drowning in the Nile

a wasp threatening to really sting.


This time was not going to be the same

there was really something there.

He realized he was never going to be in the frame

there was nothing to clear the air.


They had managed to be together

their hearts finally able to take a needed rest.

Their feelings precarious as a feather

a bitter taste, they were again stressed.


She hesitantly made a small step

more obliged than compelled.

He watched out not to misstep

his emotion in check he tried and held .


Yet another goodbye

yet another set of wishes spoken.

Nothing but darkness in the sky

no real feelings just a token.


They touched each other helplessly

trying to make the moment last a little more.

They needed to behave selflessly

open the doors to each other's core.


He held back her hand tightly

and didn't want to let her go.

She looked at him and smiled lightly

they were now both in the know.


She jumped out a little flushed

there should have been more.

She was hit but not crushed

hope or not, she knew the score.


He looked at the empty back seat

she looked at the empty train station.

Maybe this time they weren't going to be beat

perhaps there was to be another elation.


There was a massive need

for help from the outside.

This time they weren't going to bleed

they wouldn't let things slide.


Of course

they still hadn't realized.

It would take a lot of skill

they'd need to no longer be disguised.


They both feared that.

They both secretly wished for that.