

The last thing I could remember was the sweet metallic smell of blood. The warm red liquid running down my chest, puddling around me, thick, rich, and glimmering like a jewel. A sharp pain jamming into me, piercing my heart, threatening to consume me. And those hands that were so warm losing their life, a voice losing its strength calling to me, begging me to live, reassuring me that it would all be fine.

Then I could remember nothing. I felt no pain anymore, smelled no more blood, and could no longer feel the warmth of those strong reliable hand. And that sweet kind voice that reassured me faded into nothingness.

The world around me was dark, quiet, it made me wanna sleep. And so I did, though I had no dreams I knew I was sleeping. Then I heard them, the voices calling me, trying to wake me. I didn't want to wake up.

Then I heard a small voice calling me it reminded me of the voice I heard so long ago. I wanted to go to that small helpless voice, I wanted to protect it as I failed to so long ago.

The voice talked to me while I was asleep, telling me stories, telling me about the world around me. Soon I became attached to the voice that was so close to me yet so far outta my grasp. I wanted to hold the person who the voice belonged to, to see their face, and talk more with them. I wanted nothing more than to be with this person who was always with me.

Soon though that voice began to fade and leave me to my dark lonely sleep, this person came less and less, until they eventually stopped coming altogether, it made sad, but soon that pain began to fade and I slept even deeper not hearing anything for a very long time.

Then the voice returned it was deeper and more horse than it was before but I knew it was the voice from the past, of the one who I care so deeply for, but something was wrong, this person was out of breath as if they'd been running, and in pain. I heard other voices as well, angry voices.

I promised myself I'd protect the person who owned the voice now. So I knew I had no choice but to wake up. i couldn't just let the voice die, not again. I swore I'd protect it, and so I will.