
A New Challenger Approaches


POV: Astaros


Oadry and Nikky were extremely happy to finally just act as maids again within a household and put on their maid outfits as soon as they took their room (They decided to share one and I helped them move a bed frame in there). I was probably going to go back to town with Dryis, Katia and Christine. Christine would grab some stuff and head back with the help of Val Systin who would carry it all. Actually perhaps we could ask Raven for help.

"Thanks for the help guys!" {Astaros}

I turned to the exhausted group behind me.

"You're welcome now I'm going to use one of those blankets and sleep on the floor today. Using the blanket on the bed frame alone will give me a crick in my neck." {Christine}

She had done the entirety of the heavy lifting because spellcasting is one of the few things I can't and likely will never be able to do. So she has every right to be a little cranky. Everyone else was readying themselves for bed and for today we all slept in different rooms. My room was large and had a large bed frame to match.

However we had no mattresses so this worked against me because there was now not enough floorspace for us to sleep together.

I need to get that mattress soon.

The next day we got up and Katia helped me make a wooden chest I had in the storage room into a fridge with frost mana crystals. While I did this Dryis and Christine came up to us.

"Exactly what are you guys doing?" {Christine}

Katia turned her attention away for a moment and answered as I was too busy concentrating her mana.

"He's using my mana to make a, "Fridge" I believe he called it. It will allow us to keep food cold and prevent mold." {Katia}

Dryis's curiosity now peaked as she watched me work.

"So how long have you been able to use this crystallization ability? I don't remember you using it before. And where did you learn how to make these fridges?" {Dryis}

Finishing my work I got up and closed the chest before turning to Dryis.

"I got the Crystallization ability after I killed the drake, alongside several others. And as for the concept for a fridge I will tell you one day. Now with that all done how about we go get some mattresses and some other items from the city. I would also like to go on a request while we're out."

Dryis sighed and held her head at my ridiculous growth while Christine displayed her usual positive and supportive attitude.

"Wait, what about Fillia?" {Dryis}

I scratched my chin and began to deploy my armor as I answered her question.

"Fillia's been pushing herself hard for all of our sakes recently. Let her rest. Besides, when Christine comes back she can help with setting up the beds and everything else on this list." {Astaros}

I handed Christine a small list to which she pouted.

"I've been working hard too, you know." {Christine}

I smiled and patted her head as my helm finished coming into place.

"I know, I know but I need you to just push yourself a little more today alright." {Astaros}

"Ehehe" {Christine}

I then explained the plan for today. We would all head back to the city and I, Dryis and Katia would work together to complete a request while Christine secured some household items like blinds, soap and the all important mattresses. She would then either catch a ride home with Raven or have Val Systin carry everything back.

"Alright as long as I don't have to carry everything back on my own."{Christine}

We then moved out and we waved goodbye to Oadry and Nikky who had woken up early to do laundry.

We then began to walk back to town through the forest under the morning light which was carefully filtered by the canopy of greenery above.

We arrived at the town by evening meaning that Christine would need to move quickly. We walked up to the excited town guards who quickly let us through once we paid, saluting as we passed them by.

I drew a lot of eyes as people waved and children came up to talk to us. Christine had already run ahead and had begun entering shops and buying items.

I had given her a list of items and upon reaching the town a bag of both silver and copper coins. There were three gold coins in there as well but she shouldn't have to use them for such a simple errand like this.

We walked through the bustling streets and arrived at the heart of Elden. The town square. Traveling merchants and groups of people both bought and sold as others simply enjoyed the atmosphere and scenery.

But as usual the most hubbub was at the adventurers guild. I swung open the door and walked in with Katia and Dryis while others began to look attentively. We walked up to the quest board and was surprised by what I saw.

Loads of high level requests were put up on the board from all over the southeastern border. There were even some requests with platinum rewards.

"That's actually you're doing Astaros. Because of you business is booming!' {???}

Well there goes my hope I wouldn't have to deal with her today. I then sighed and turned around to face the music.

It was Kali.

"You became so famous the entire eastern border has been putting up requests here in the Elden branch. Not only that, my value as a guildmaster skyrocketed! So before anything else I have to thank you for putting me on the top of the adventurer food chain." {Kali}

I don't know who, but I know I have doomed somebody to servitude with my actions. I hope they find solace in the fact this was not my fault. Please do not curse my name to the high heavens.

"Anyways onto more depressing news." {Kali}

So she didn't just come to ramble at me. Convenient.

"High Priestess Aurora would like to meet you." {Kali}

Now this has my attention.

"Katia you pick out the request, Kali let's go take a seat and let's talk." {Astaros}

She raised an eyebrow and her smile twitched.

"That's guildmaster to you." {Kali}

I laughed at her sorry attempt at a correction and maybe, perhaps some form of intimidation.

"I'll call you that when I'm an adventurer." {Astaros}

I then grabbed a seat at a nearby table while Kali sat down opposite to me. A waitress brought her a fruity looking drink for her and she took a sip before starting to tell me what was going on.

"The priestess of the goddess Ira wants to meet with you. The reason? I honestly don't know. But be warned her bewitching looks are not worth the cold calculating monstrosity behind her facade." {Astaros}

If she could only hear the lever of hypocrisy coming from her right now.

"So basically she is being sent by someone important to seduce me? And you don't want that to happen so you're warning me. Because it's someone of high authority from the church being sent, a neutral entity for the most part, That must mean someone on the level of the duke is pulling the strings. To add on to that the fact he's making a move means that someone of a higher level than him is forcing him too. Is this because I declined to become an adventurer or no?" {Astaros}

A terrifying, greedy was now etched into the face of Kali. She then took a handkerchief and wiped her face of the grin which was now replaced by a sly smirk.

"I'm glad you could glean all that. I knew I was right to set my eyes on you." {Kali}

She stirred her drink with a spoon before tapping it on the cup.

"But isn't there something a little fishy about your hypothesis? Yo-" {Kali}

Before she could say anything else I realized my mistake instantly.

"The timeline of events is skewed. The speed at which this order was carried out is impossible. This was likely planned while I was still in recovery and executed near the time I began to awaken. The news of my refusal has likely just reached the ears of the king." {Astaros}

Kali was not at all angry that she was interrupted. She was almost drooling now, like a child in front of a candy store. The grin was now fully plastered on her face as she spoke to me.

"Good of you to realize that. Well anyways make sure you're not gone too long. She's not the patient type." {Kali}

I nodded at this. It was likely what I did concerning this priestess would affect my standing within Alvaria.

"I'll make sure to come back before the day after tomorrow." {Astaros}

I moved to get up but kali stopped me.

"You're not going to ask me why I told you all of this for free?" {Kali}

I chuckled at this and began to get up again.

"You are far too possessive to simply let me fall for someone else's trap. Besides, you likely let out half the information anyway." {Astaros}

She smiled and waved me away.

"Glad you know that, now go. I wish to know if you're still in prime condition." {Kali}

I laughed and walked off catching up to Katia and Dryis who had already grabbed a request.

"So what did she want to talk about?" {Dryis}

I paid for us to leave the city walls and we walked out into the empty clearing that was the city's surroundings.

"Nothing much. Just some information. Now what exactly are we hunting this time?" {Astaros}

Katia pointed to a nearby mountain.

"Krakoth. Their numbers have gone up a bit too much and merchants who go up the mountains for ice aren't coming back."

We began to walk towards the mountain as Katia explained.

"Sounds simple enough. Let's do it." {Astaros}

I then stopped remembering something.

"Oi Val come out here and wait for Christine. If she doesn't leave the town by nightfall then leave. If she does then listen to her every request." {Astaros}

From out of my shadow came the black wolf and my first and only soul brother Val Systin.

He looked up at me and nodded accepting the mission he was given. We had a general mutual understanding and though he was lazy and sometimes really weird he had never given me a reason to fault him.

With all that sorted out we finally began the extermination request.

Alright a shorter chapter for today and for those who are wondering where the fourth chapter was, turns out the timer I put for it and chapter two was broken so it published on friday instead of three today.

Anyways Im tired of writing dialogue and peaceful discussion so theres gonna be a fight next chapter.

See ya next time!

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts